Saturday, December 5, 2009

Obama To Follow In The Foot Steps Of Bush's 2nd Rate Administration

Not only can't Obama keep the White House dinning guest list secure but he is also blind to the Problems Americans like himself are facing today. This man is a drunk! He needs to see his notes! He drinks too much beer..Nuclear cool aid filled beer! This is a second rate administration for sure. Obama is losing major points at the polls. His Numbers are dwindling!

According to CNN, currently Obama has a 48% Approval rating. This is in contrast to his over 70%+ approval rating when he entered the white house. Obama has failed this country and himself. Of course Obama is following the footsteps of the bush Administration. This is because he has no other choice. He might be a free man but he is not a well informed man! They know what he needs but they don't want to give it to him. The President Bush Remnents that is.

This is because they the people in this government are racist! The racists that think this would mean the destabilization of America as we know it. Heaven forbid Obama actually Free's some black people. In America blacks are free to do what they want but no one cares. This is called Isolationism and its still racist! This is America's problem and this is America's new war! Not some stupid war in Iraq!

The Racist Generals in Iraq and Afghanistan are struggling to survive. The only way these generals were able to get support for the war was to use racist propaganda. Including recruiting users in video games with a KKK backing using the "Steam client" to get clan members to join the military. Former Nazi killers and drug dealers! Activision is known for making games that allow users to use discriminating words like the N word. Activision has no comment on this matter. They are also "All That Is Wrong With The Republican Party"!

Currently there is a BBB injunction put into place to stop the steam client from running. This is a breach of contract between the costumers and the company. No where on the front or the back of the box cover does it state that you need the Internet to play single player mode and no where on the front of the box cover does it state that it uses the Steam client! Owned by "Valve" a Racist (Nazi) company. Activision is suffering from lack of sales because of the video game bust. Yet the General See's this as a huge opening to get many young people to go to war. Of course all brainwashed to be racists in the name of America's blinded flag.

OK.. so you say steam has nothing to do with Obama....well what if the people that voted for Obama are STEAMED and they want their MONEY BACK!!! Not the same STEAM is it?

Obama is having problems truly expressing his goals and ambitions to the and I quote "officials" in the oval office. Most of these guys are the ones responsible for the Treason that happened on 9/11. The Sleeper Nazi Cell penetrated the Pentagon and now the white house . Apparently they are still there and given plenty of room to navigate.

Come on, Stop pulling my chain, I know Obama is just there to drive the Bushes Around if he is not going to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm not that blind. Dick Cheney is! Also known as the "church hill" ghost!

Of Course Obama has inherited the bush policy of stupidity. This policy of following the lemmings over a cliff has molded this country into the current state of unrest. This campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan is going to require allies that the US Government does not have. Of course except for some Nazi remnents that are still out there in Berlin. These are the men that are still fighting for the German Capital! They vow to spill their blood if anyone touches that German capital again. Luckily for us we have "Joseph Stalin" to thank for bombing the German capital along with the allied forces when they were fighting Hitler to take back control of Poland and France. Thank God For Stalin! Anyone who Says they are against Stalin is a "Nazi collaborator" and should be arrested! Joseph Stalin was a good man.

Of course the bush Administration made many mistakes like, the bush administration had many wonderful ideas down pact on paper, These ideas then didn't really work out when they tried to complete them in larger scale. My Assumption is that they just didn't care enough. Of course also because of internal forces pulling down on such a huge Nazi scheme. There might not have been enough people actually backing them up!

The proof was when hurricane Katrina hit and no one was there to save the black people on the roof tops! They looked like plucked turkeys sitting there waiting for Gods Slaughter!

What I like to call it is willful Treason, When people in the American Government start to make choices that are based on Nazi Collaboration it really makes things stinky!! Almost as if some buildings Farted! Meaning These Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could lead to a bigger war. One that America would not recover from.

The Gears of war are set! Now its who is going to actually win the battle. Obama has sent an additional 100,000 troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. Its not a question of loss of life. Its more of a question about what our troops are fighting for. Do you really want to have your son or daughter fight for a Nazi Collaborator? I mean the proof is in the pudding here folks, or Obama beer if you will!

We Should be on that boat to Afghanistan.. not those lazy soldiers stealing our Medical Cannabis seeds and selling it to Russia at top dollar! Then coming back and being cops here in America! Pathetic General!! Pathetic. America is Lawless and still in "American Treason" Mode! Even the Real Ann Coulter has died from her own Treason filled Bullet!

Does This Country need Another Nuclear fly over? I hope not! Cause I'm A Free Bitch BABY!!! Not Some blind Dick Cheney. Your messiah was never mine! Maybe They missed a sock Drawer or twenty in the oval office? They Should have seen that one coming a billion miles away!! Racism will bury this country! Gods Mighty Hand has Already given this Country A huge sucker Punch! The Bush administrations response to Katrina was slow because "God Hates The Bush Administration"!! Genocide and all!

Whats funny about "The Obama Administration" is that even though supposedly he is the president.. there is a substantial number of jurystrictions that he doesn't really control. Even though he is supposedly the president of the United states!! There must be Nazi Bush remnents still trying to snuff out the last remaining flames of their own demise. Sounds like Another brewing war from inside!! Like Madera CA a city with no free Consultations from a lawyer for miles!! What a disaster waiting to happen!!!

This all stems from the bush administrations ban on all law suits! looks like its BABABABA BAR FOR OBAMA! Why Should we the people have to contact the BAR , WE HAVE RIGHTS, AND WE CAN USE THEM!!!!!!

Obama's push to Give out Stimulus money has made many people on the Right upset, This Would be free government bail outs from the over $878 billion dollars of stimulus money available in the first round of bail outs. This would go toward creating new green jobs, and helping the environment, also promoting retail sales from all the happy people using the cash that they have. The only problem is that president bush tried the very same thing! The only difference is that we didn't get the stimulus check. At least I didn't get mine in the mail yet. It went to all those rich white people!

Yes Ashton Kutcher wants 2 checks!!

As you can see this war is costing us!! sooner or later these gears of war are going to bring this country to a screeching halt. This stimulus money can all go to waste if we are not careful. This stimulus money Shouldn't be spent in the first place.. its coming out of thin air. If we borrow more money from china and we don't create any new real jobs.. I'm talking about hardcore industrial jobs then we have just shot ourselves in the foot as a nation.

Anyway.. Thanks for reading my blog everyone.

Peace out..

Samuel J Desantos

Sunday, November 22, 2009

All That Is Wrong With The Republican Party: Part 4

After 9/11 the KKK is not being watched with the same micro scope. This is because Americans voted for an unjust war in Iraq and Afghanistan and supported racist Generals! These are the very same men that are now supplying Georgian troops with over 100 Million Dollars in Military Hardware. These abominable devices are being used to commit genocide against innocent Georgian church members. This is a continued disgusting act of treason! In fact right after the Georgian war began there was a media black out and there was no reporting on this matter.

Only Pigs will go to war after 9/11 and leave no one there! Racist pigs! The Republican party's new objective is to stop anyone in their world of propaganda that is not conforming to their standards of being American! That means following the rules of a blinded flag no matter what. Even if it means hurting your friends in the process!

That means that new republicans are actually threatened! With Death threats, Attacks on self, and, you just cant be republican! This is also because of the White Power movement that is growing rapidly in America! After 9/11 if you want something done right you just cant get it. You can't even have a burger done properly. This is very shameful and criminal. My grievances are still not met. The Republican party is currently under investigation for treason. Including active members of the NRA. This is because anyone that wants something done right is now, considered a terrorists! Sounds funny when I'm saying it but its true! This is according to the GOP as of right now.

The Republican party is def, dumb, and blind still. The Republicans in this country want to start another civil war within their own party. This is clear by their acts of treason. Justifying racism, Blocking free speech when it suits white people only, and taking advantage of conservatism for profit. Even after 9/11 when the country was attacked there was still some speech restrictions! This is more then enough proof to lock up most of the Republicans that are white only. This party is starting to sound more like the hypocrite party to me!

Now surely there are extremists that need to be kept at bay. Although, there are better tactics to use then giving in to down right racism and racial profiling. My republican colleagues always want to justify profiling. If they are correct on this matter then does that mean that I should start profiling white bald headed men? Maybe men in the Republican party that are bald? I just don't see how that's justified. Someone else always taking over your tactical position is not going to allow you to win the battle!

This is why America is losing in Iraq, and Afghanistan, because of Racism on the battle Field. According to the U.S. commission on Civil Rights, the Los Angeles Times investigated the Ft. Leavenworth military prison in 1994, it found that 50% of all the inmates and 83% of those under a military death sentence, were people of color. This is proof that there is racist generals in the highest ranks of the United States Military. Skull Cap General? This is a gross oversight!

Ft. Bragg officials also ignored a complaint from a Pennsylvania district attorney and the FBI reporting that they had taped a call from Nazi Murderer Pvts. Jim Burmeister who boasted that he could smuggle grenade launchers and armor-piercing bullets out of Ft. Bragg. He was later Arrested for the Murder of a black Fayetteville couple.

The Pentagon continued to insist that racism within the military is confined to a few sensational incidents, committed by a small number of individuals or an insignificant number of organized neo-Nazi or skinhead cells. Although these incidents of racism are more wide spread then once was believed.

A more recent incident involving U.S. Army Sgt. Troy Scott at Ft Richardson in Anchorage has changed Scott's outlook. Scott, 28, believed his refusal to withdraw a racial complaint against another noncommissioned officer (NCO) led to him being shot in the arm at point-blank range by a White NCO last October. The impact of the "live" round shattered his right forearm and he now has to wear a heavy metal device to hold the fragile bones into place.

This is a real crushing blow for a young black man to have to go through this. It's not right! The republican party is responsible for a type of economic draft that is ruining our country. Its causing under privileged youth to have no wear else to turn but the military. These types of tactics will not win the war. In fact its failing the nation. Of Course there is no excuse for getting shot at point blank. The Pentagon wants blacks to just deal with it? Its just life? Its just another 747? Its just another military base in the Ukraine? Its just another Air show accident? I beg to differ!

Thanks for reading my blog

Samuel J Desantos

Friday, November 6, 2009

All That Is Wrong With The Republican Party: Part 3

The Republican Party is the only Party in the world right now that thinks Africa has no Nuclear Bombs! They Seriously think Africa will not use a Nuclear Bomb if they are pissed off! This Makes me laugh every time I hear it.. and it makes me feel disgusted and discriminated against. As if Africans are all criminals or.. they are too stupid to put together a nuclear bomb!

Of course blacks in America are not free even though we have a black president now, as much as I would like to say that all the blacks in the country are free..they are not.. we want our 50 acres and a mule! Not 40, 50!!!

There is this constant thought inside every republican, that there are no slaves and blacks should just live and forget about the past! Well, My friends, everything is not what it seems! You see.. when blacks start a business its the same old thing now! Products on the back burner for delivery. We get screwed when we try to get what white people get on demand every day! Its called respect! Its called purchasing power! These are basic things that white people take for granted like taking a bath or breathing! The Genocide is still raging on in America!

This is because they seriously think that Africa doesn't have a nuclear bomb! When I said this to my republican colleagues they laughed and said they do not have a nuclear bomb. I replied to them.. you wouldn't be saying that if it dropped on NY city tomorrow! They replied to me you feel like you have so much power when you use these words! I said.. yes.. its called freedom of speech!!

Unfortunately for the US Generals currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, well, they should be fired from my view point! Just for their brainlessness! They have made the US Military one of the weakest militaries in the World! This is why we are in last place! These two wars out in the middle of no where needs to end soon! It was all over who could take a bath and with who, and who builds them!!! That bath can become bigger when Libya Steps into the battle! The battle I'm Afraid is getting bigger!

I really don't want to label all of the Republican party as being racist! Although. There seems to be a great majority of republicans they just have a cold shoulder about them and they are really prideful. Racism is somehow always justified with the republican party!

9/11 was not a communications break down but simple willful treason! This still needs to be delt with today! If anyone has any doubt read my 9/11 Report! Its a serious 9/11 report! Leave me some feedback on my blog!

Now in regard to the broken republican party, well the only way to fix the party right now is to root out the evilness! I still see America dying by its own sinful ways of poisoning, and killing, Genocide, and propaganda!

That's one thing the republican party is extremely good at doing is creating a high level of propaganda! This is because they are sitting on a lot of hard core Cash! This could also be cash acquired by working the slave trade system! A lot of republicans like to bring in Illegal undocumented workers to work here in America at next to nothing!! Then they like to harvest their organs as well! Items like the brain and the liver and heart etc.

The wool has been pulled over my eyes more then once.. Luckily With the party down right now.. we can fix all of these kinks out of the Republican party.. and not those kinks but yes also those kinks!

The imbecility continues with Republicans who don't want to answer questions and don't want to deal with Issues! As you know, in time, things just don't get accomplished with people who just don't like to deal with issues! This is the republican party right now!

The republican party is acting like a girl trying to tackle a huge line backer.. They just have no intent of actually doing it themselves. Get some balls! Sarah Plain was an interesting person, Every one liked her until she was caught trying to ban freedom of speech at her local library.

Although John McCain was just not my choice for the 2008 presidential campaign! Like I said in my previous articles, This man is very sadistic and he likes to put sticks in peoples shoes! If you thought the Nazi party needed a new leader think again! John McCain needs to go somewhere and rott and die!! Think About it, find Gold campaign!!!! Yeah... Not so you can just steal it from the fatherless babies you are making! I swear someone needs to just really put it to these republicans! I'll leave it up to god.

Thanks for reading my blog!


Samuel J Desantos

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All That Is Wrong With The Republican Party: Part 2

My latest affliction with the Republican party is with Republicans that like to take advantage of conservatism for profit! This type of insider trading needs to stop. Now this type of practice has landed many republicans in the big house! This kind of concept will ruin a company from the ground up! Usually its Republicans that are to blame for this kind of insider trading.

Biding on someones money is one thing.. but then trying to devalue that same amount of money is another thing all together! This is why china is dumping the USA dollar. The illegal buying and selling of securities by people acting on information. Reminds me of the time when a little child stole my stuff and never gave it back! That's how I learned about the dangers of insider trading 101. Should We As Americans forgive that little child? I would say yes.. but what if he continues to do it!! This is the Republican Party! God will take care of everything! Or is it Allah?

The ultimate sin is when republicans start taking advantage of conservatism for profit. That means blocking promotions! This is exactly what I'm against! This has started to show up more and more in today's modern companies. Companies like White Westing House, Apetek, Sony, Apple, and Verizon Wireless.

Not only are the products at fault but so are the practices by the Ceo's, Who are apparently non existent. White Westing House has lost major respect with me Recently for selling LCD's that are broken in 1 year. My money is not going to bail them out from China dumping the dollar! Verizon Wireless has lost respect from not answering my questions about my free phone service. In fact they totally disrespected me as a costumer! I hope they know their service can be shut down! I still Don't get why my phone says free on it and neither does Verizon Wireless apparently!

Apetek's name basically says it all and so does their shoddy products that don't work!!! Sony is notorious for shipping thousands of PS2's to America that were rushed out and defective.. lucky I won a case against Sony entertainment of America and got them to fix my item By threatening to contact the BBB. Same with Apple and their new IPhone.. that has a short battery life!

I get frustrated especially with my republican colleagues. They tend to think they are always right. Even when it comes to shooting down my ideals and then stealing it for themselves later! Which usually happens after I write something really smart down on paper! Or when I try to affirm a really good idea out loud!

You can even forget about starting a small business within America now that republicans have started using the patriot act to snoop on small businesses! This type of thing should be considered insider trading and fraud.

Who is to stop some Racist Republican from using the protection of the patriot act to steal someones work for themselves! Like what Edison did to Tesla (This Is Personal)! Ultra American Nationalists are still using this as an excuse for all kinds of things. Well.. two can play at that game! Sony should have "Mod chipped" my Play Station 2!

Some republicans find that even 911 treatment is a privilege and not a right! I wonder what they have learned after the events of 9/11. I bet it was nothing! One real big slave trade case still in the works with no free consultations for miles!! Sounds like the next lynching Capital AKA America!

Another Ache I have with the republican party is that they have become supporters of don't ask don't tell! Does that mean they are the "Rape" Party As well! YES I SAID IT! "Rape" Party! Cause its "Forget About it" with the Republicans! Forget about it.. until you give your last heart to Christ! This is the republican party!

Another complaint I have with Republicans is they just don't like to listen (that is when they are not busy snooping on you)! Name one Republican that will actually sit down and listen to your hardcore nail down points. They wont.. They all just walk away.. This is because they don't have any counter argument. Usually when I nail down my republican colleagues with a really good debate they get mad and walk away. As if I'm some brute who just yelled at them or is not making any sense logically.

Republicans use this tactic called "Wait it Out And Strike" Or "Bait and Switch". Or they like to continue to talk when you have a really good point you want to make. Almost like a really stuck up teacher that needs to be brought down a notch!

That brings me to rapper Eminem, Who is a Racist Republican Rapper, Sexist, and homo phobe. His latest racist rant goes on to talk about world domination and how he will commit genocide on all his enemies. If you don't believe me listen to his rap (foolish pride). He is in fact a racist, I cant believe I was duped all this time! Still duped by his name! I was told by my republican colleagues that this does not sound like the company M&M.. Although it sounds very similar.

The republican party cant help but continue to make oxymoron's like Eminem. Its just a bad habit to break for them. Like trying to block media while at the same time advocating freedom of speech! This is something the republican party does often and its really pissing me off!

Another pang I have with the republican party is that they seem to not really understand the meaning of "Free Love"! My Colleagues especially, automatically assume Free Love is a bunch of gays having promiscuous Anal sex.. and giving each other HIV AIDS! That's not what Free Love means!

Free Love has always been about not letting Government regulate love! Its All about free love! It has nothing to do with multiple sex partners! Relationships entered freely should not be regulated by law! This is the Free Love Movement and I agree with it! The government should not tell us what we can and cant do in our homes!!!

There is no romance in the Christian Conservative Movement today as we know it.

These Christian Conservative Republicans really bother me! Especially the ones that like to clock you when you are trying to be christian, Being christian is not just a job you sign up for! It takes faith and dedication.

Its almost like the vibe I get from most republicans is to just live! Although what comes after that or who is in a superior position god will handle! So what is a young kid to do when he is dealing with these issues.. well.. Just remember that, the republican party right now is pretty much dead! At least that's what the preacher told me about Jesus! There is no real clear leader in the party right now.. Who is a good choice for president in 2012! No one knows!

Thanks for reading my blog guys

Samuel J Desantos

Saturday, October 10, 2009

All That Is Wrong With The Republican Party: Part 1

The Republican party has suffered a major blow and victory at the same time after 9/11. The problem is that blacks, Latinos and people that voted for Obama are seeing republicans for what they are! People that don't want to deal with health care.. even if it means a 911 to happen. No one is there! The next Bid for president is going to have to be a serious contender. Someone that can challenge the strengthened democratic movement. Unfortunately there are too many hostile contrivances in the republican party as of right now.

Here are some examples!

There is a hold on education, and the reason is, none other then Racist Republicans intervening to block education for what they consider to be non-whites or foreigners. We need more enablers not racist disablers! Even home school Republican teachers are disablers in my eyes!

America's international education ranking is diminishing. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development places the United States 18th among the 36 nations examined. It appears we are headed for dead last in the international ranking! South Korea has the highest number of students that graduated high school. 93% graduated high school with a diploma compared to the USA, where only 75% graduated.

Some republicans just feel that real education is only for the select few. If you don't have what it takes then you need to get out of the race according to the top officials at the Republican party! Learning is a privilege and not a right according to Conservative Republicans of today's times.

Education is just one of my biggest concerns for America. Unfortunately some people will never get it!

One of the facets of the republican party that bugs me the most is, I found that in the republican party you cant be a Conservative Christian sometimes! At least from my experiences. Says who? Well apparently sometimes no matter how hard you try you just cant be Christian! So you end up being stuck in the proverbial Isolation box! Just like the Author of Staked, J.F. Lewis who was recently kicked out of his non-denominational church for writing about vampires.

Some Christians just don't like to talk to you if you bring up certain subjects like about vampires, demons, ghosts etc. Also if you don't have money! I thought only in India would I find arranged marriages.. although I'm shocked to find out that a lot of Christian marriages in America are arranged! Its a set up! This is just astonishing, How can it be all about money! Where is the love in this country! Apparently its at the bank!

What are Christians afraid of in America I say? Stop being scared to actually practice what you preach! Jesus didn't die on the cross he was resurrected remember! Tell your people that! Use that as your motto other wise your churches will be run out of the country and I will be joining them with the pitch forks!

Another concern I have about the republican party is the stance on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. These wars are being fought just to promote homosexual marriage! The generals have all clamored together to support Obama's gay dinner for a push to get more troops in Iraq and Afghanistan! These U.S. Generals need to be fired!! Also these wars are doing nothing but stopping Russia's drug trade that is coming from Egypt into Russia. Are we Russia's police now? I'm sure Russian President Medvedev won't mind! Are we trying to change the face of Russia or America?

Speaking of gay marriage!! What do republicans think of gay marriage?? Of course there is the need to stop gays, although what do Conservative Republicans truly think of being gay and about gays? In case someone is confused about their sexuality! Well I tried to ask some people on the Ann Coulter Chat Forum. What does Homosexuality mean to this chat forum.. and.. well I got banned soon after. I guess I will never know what this small group of republicans truly thinks about being gay and how it ties in with faith! Oh and no...not faith my X.

Then I tried to ask other people on Republican and Conservative Christian forums all over the Internet just normal questions about Jesus, Education, Relationships and Gays.. and I got banned as well. Christian Conservative Republicans are really starting to show their colors! One thing I noticed is Conservatives really don't like to answer questions! This moment of presumptive prejudice started to take shape everywhere I turned to get my deep questions answered! So.. I thought.. wow.. What a country. Isolated answers of free silence. This must be the republican party!

Unfortunately this type of presumptive prejudice is not favored by most Americans right now, It's all that is wrong with America!! Maybe when another 9/11 happens they will start answering my questions about Jesus, Education, Relationships and Gays! It's as if just mentioning homosexuality made me automatically someone who had aids or someone that needed to be banned. Or someone that was looking for a one night stand! This type of thing is not tolerated in America any more! This kind of discrimination is what the founding fathers were against! Unfortunately its happening all over this country, and I smell a big whiff coming from the republican party right now.

A whole lot of things need to be changed! Another gripe I have with my party is ..if Republicans are so against big government.. Why are most Republicans willing to accept Thousands of federal regulations? Regulations that block the free market. Like Exuberant DMV fee's, fines, and penalties. Especially fines that target the disabled, but is not limited to just the disabled.

Republicans like to talk so much about the illegal aliens in this country, but I would rather like to call them undocumented workers. Most have been brought in to work against their will, through the human trafficking trade. Mostly paid very wealthy republicans who practice Generational Isolationism. This must be stopped immediately! There are so many kids being displaced by this. This will cause the next war if it is not stopped!

When was the last time you heard a republican talk about the actual human trafficking trade in America, Besides me? NEVER! What about the Slave trade cases in the US that are going on right now!! NEVER!! When was the last time you heard a black guy was selected as leader of the NRA and wasn't lied to! NEVER! These are the things that worry me the most! This is what the republican party needs to change! We need to get back on track! Of course some republicans believe in the slave trade as a forum of Christianity, That's another article all together!

Republicans think they own your things even when they don't! ! Including you! These big companies think they own you! That's right.. you are just a little bitty Cattle to them.. They would eat yours brains if they could! This type of practice needs to be stopped. They have us pegged. Don't blame yourself if your Computer, LCD, or your I phone goes out! Its the republican party trust me! They want more money!! They have to do double time to catch up with china dumping the dollar! This is why the republican party is technically dead right now!

Republicans are to blame for the corruption of the free market just as much as democrats! Selling out to china goes both ways! One can argue that on the Republican side no one has done anything to reinvest in America. In fact when I tried to invest in America I found nothing but sub standard parts from china! This is just another time when I have to settle for Chinese goods when I wanted to buy American.

We have to make America step up to the plate. The people in this country have grown accustomed to having their cake and eating it too. Its time to reinvest in America. Lets not just play around this time. Its time to roll up our selves and dig in to some hard work!

I still have faith in the Republican party! It will make a comeback. Although who will lead it? This is the question, We shall leave this up to God, and or Allah!

Thanks for reading my blog guys

Samuel J Desantos

Sunday, September 27, 2009

America losing at world trade? Should Investors pull out of the stock market?

With all the hyped hysteria about the Economy slowly making a come back, one can't help but to notice how America is still not the economic super power it once was. After the events of September the 11Th 2001 or "911" as we Journalists call it! Things are not the same. America is losing the trade battle in the open seas.

American made products are almost gone in today's market place. The word "Made In The USA" is being replaced By "Made in China"! Also, Trade with Great Britain is dismal at best! The Trade war is not coming, its already here!! It is lead by liberals in the highest office of the United States Government.

So you ask whats scaring the investors off besides the stupid liberals in congress?

Well, American cargo ships are being Challenged, captured, bombed and or sunk from bad weather. Like the Maersk Alabama that was captured and recovered just recently off the cost of Somalia by Somali pirates. Somali Pirates hate America now! Somali Pirates are vowing to Slaughter Americans! Similarly, no one will forget the USS Cole Which was bombed in 1999 off the cost of Yemen.

Also, No one can forget the Big Warning shot! A missile was fired at the USS Ash land docked in the Jordanian port of Aqaba. "I can confirm that a rocket flew over the bow of USS Ash land and the rocket impacted in the roof of a warehouse. No sailors or marines were injured," said Commander Breslau, of the US Fifth Fleet.

Maybe This is why Obama has not followed his Liberal base and has sent an additional 20,000 Troops to Afghanistan. These Attacks On American Ships are Another step in the wrong direction! An inevitable trade war with China!

Also, in 2006 the U.S. Cargo ship M/V Kanaya was sunk of the cost of Somalia. It was carrying 20,000 tons of coal. That's about roughly 7 million dollars in coal! It sunk from bad weather apparently. A costly Mistake!

Likewise, another incident in the San Francisco bay has left many officials puzzled. The Cosco Busan a Chinese Vessel was responsible for an oil spill that covered many miles of the S.F. bay area shore line in 2007. The ship crashed into the bay bridge and spilled 58,000 gallons of of oil into the bay. Federal investigators have now launched a criminal probe into the crash. This is according to Reuters and the AP.

Crew members aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington recently battled a fire that started while the ship was in the Pacific Ocean en route from Chile to San Diego, on May 22, 2008. About $70 million in damage was done to the nuclear aircraft carrier. Of Course it wasn't the guy that was smoking that caused the blaze! It was misplaced cargo! A.K.A. the American Stock Market!

Now with All of these mishaps, happening how can America's stock market remain intact. Well it cant! Investors are getting worried! They're getting worried about putting in all of their money into this stock market! Especially with America's multiple wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including an unseen war that's happening now that will effect our kids. To investors this is money that can easily be spent elsewhere.

America has steadily increased the trade deficit with china since 1985 until now. As of 2009 the deficit with China increased from $18.4 billion in June to $20.4 billion in July this is according to the census at the Federal Trade Department (FTD). This statistic is just for Goods and it is not seasonally adjusted.

According to the FTD U.S. Exports increased Internationally to $127.6 billion in July from $124.9 billion in June. Imports increased to $159.6 billion in July from $152.4 billion in June. These numbers are appalling!

This means we have a president right now that is giving Tax Payer money to the nation of Ghana, that's 1.4 billions worth in aid!! This is when we have an international trade balance that is -$32 billion. Now this is farcical! Some would argue that there are no benefits from donating to aid organizations especially in Africa!

The E.U. Donated $63 Billion dollars for science and technology Research in Africa. EU Commissioner for Science and Research Janez Potocnik said the fund would support 19 projects. Usually medical aid is stolen and sold off to the general public to support War Lords in Africa.

This is not going to advance America's standing in the world. The only thing its helping is making China richer, and the poor in Africa Poorer. Also a lot of my future republican colleagues will be effected by this wasteful spending in the decades to come. One less Republican on the road!

The question is will the world survive with America not being an economic super power any more! I personally think American products and Chinese imports in America are turning into shotgun shotty shoddy goods. Retail commerce is turning into a vicious battle and its hurting the consumers. The consumers are waking up to it right now! Especially in the technology sector.

The battle for your money has begun! The winner will be determined by who has the best Goods. If America starts to lose this battle it is going to be devastating. Unfortunately it already has taken a huge blow after 9/11. I still feel investors shouldn't panic, I love America and.. I think America can still get itself out of this economic emergency.

Of course it will take the people to rise up against the corruption. This battle however is like opening up a can of worms. It needs to be dealt with by using surgical gloves, These gloves have to go into every sector of this government! Very hard job to accomplish over night! Although with a little TLC it can be done.

Thanks for Reading my blog guys

Samuel J Desantos

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Uranium Found In Madera CA Drinking Water? Not Just Minerals?

What you are about to read is declassifed information that should be taken very seriously.

Some of my sources are telling me that some parts of Madera CA has been hit with Uranium poisoning. Or some kind of poisoning that is unconfirmed! It could have been biological or chemical, or Uranium in the drinking water. Now this is unconfirmed reports, although there was a small amount of the population exposed to some kind of toxic chemical that produces half life. Again.. Its unconfirmed for how long this was happening.. although its likely that it was for more then a decade now.

These reports if accurate are a gross oversight by the federal government in California, and Madera County. Unfortunately we already have had confirmed reports coming in that there was uranium and Gross Alpha activity at bass lake, Marina View wells. The water up there is currently not drinkable. This is according to the Madera County website. MD-7 is no longer able to provide drinkable water and has been labeled as containing Gross Alpha and Uranium.

This is just the tip of the ice berg for Madera CA unfortunately.. I foresee a collapse in the Government in CA in the near future.

City officials are blind to this event. As you may have already known Madera city officials are already involved in genocide. They have been pro abortion, pro smoking, and drinking uranium. These guys just don't care about it..Although.. I'm not going to just give up.. I will be reporting everything I notice about the situation. This is very puzzling.

This might have been a military test on the general population. If this is the truth.. then there will be hell to pay! The General in charge of this will be fired.

Most likely this was in fact a field test of some kind to test the readiness of Madera Officials. They have obviously failed miserably! Hopefully no one has died from these tests and or poisonings.

I have called the Madera county hospital and Fresno county hospitals and they have all denied any reports of uranium poisoning. This seems to me like an oversight by the city as well as the hospital. If they were to have read the city website they would have found out the info.

Either way.. this is very troubling news.

Uranium poisoning is characterized by generalized health impairment. The element and its compounds produce changes in the kidneys, liver, lungs and cardiovascular, nervous and haemopoietic systems, and cause disorders of protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

It's actually becoming harder to detect because you also get a wheeze when you are coming down with Uranium poisoning! Including kidney problems and fluid in the lungs. So many doctors that are ignorant to the facts of modern war fair will overlook Uranium as a cause. Basically covering up the problem.

As was the case of Army Sergeant Michael Lee Tosto Who Died in Iraq of DU poisoning but was labeled by the Military and the White House as having pulmonary edema (Fluid In The Lungs) when he died. Depleted Uranium is not to be confused with Uranium. DU is the byproduct of enrichment of uranium and has 40% less then the same dose of Uranium found in the ground.

Stay vigilant folks and remember, if its not your problem now.. it could soon become your problem later on!

Thank you for reading my blog

Samuel J Desantos

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Democratically Lead Commerce War Is Here!!

For years Republicans have been for free enterprise and a free market place. Why is it that now we should allow other countries like China, Russia, Canada, and Mexico, to dictate to us what we can and cant sell in our own back yards!! This is an outrage! Government Officials right now that are currently against the free market system should be fired and run out of office!! Lets Start a petition on to change the way things are run!

There are just way too many fines, penalties and taxes, put in place against small business owners. Free Market means no government oversight!! No monetary system! No regulations! Absolutely free! This is exactly what is wrong with America right now! The free market place is almost gone!

Richard Daley the current mayor of Chicago is an example of this kind of official abusing his powers in the free market arena! In his city of Chicago, pedicab drivers are facing a $450 bi annual fine for license and insurance. This means Chicago bicycle cabs will have to go and register at the DMV! Something that is unheard of in the bicycle industry!

Richard Daley is looking to pocket nearly $1.8 million for the city just from the backs of pedicab drivers each year! What happened to the free market in Chicago??

Its like the mayor of Chicago is a crazy drug dealer saying to each and every pedicab driver that you cant ride here.. I'm sorry mayor.. but this is America's Block not yours!! Go back to China!!!

As for other goons who have been using the same practice.. The governor of California just recently started charging ATV riders with penalties and DMV fines for using these street legal vehicles. When will these officials learn that we live in a free market place! You would think that ATV's Would cause more pollution then a gas guzzling truck from the restrictions and regulations put against them by the DMV!

These regulators make their money off of our ignorance. They don't like it when you start to use big words like "free enterprise" or "No Regulations in the free Market"!! As if renewing a business license makes you a reputable stand up guy compared to not having one at all!

At least Colombia wont have to worry about getting a new license in the USA. A vote to renew trade with Colombia was just blocked by Democrat Nancy Pelosi. The Democrats are threatening to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement with one of our closest allies. This would make for the start of a huge trade war. I foresee a trade war happening in the near future!! There is just too many instances where America is blocking free trade.

When you read this article just think of all the things that can be bought and sold with regulations lifted. With out all of these government regulations the economy would be back in full swing in no time. People would be able to move about the country!

Thanks for reading my blog guys!

Samuel J Desantos

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So Sarah Palin Wants To Stop US From Reading??

People want to Seriously elect this woman as president still? Why elect someone who wants to stop people from reading. I'm sure she is a nice woman and she meant well. Although I don't understand how stultifying, and stifling someones ability to read and comprehend is going to propel you into the highest office in the land of these here United States of America.

Why is it that Sarah Palin Fired the Wasilla librarian when she was mayor in Alaska? This is the question I have asked all my republican friends and coworkers that I know. Most of them gave me the same answer and I quote, well "She is the governor, She can do whatever she wants", In China they do the same thing. My reply to them all was..I'm sorry This is not China!!! This is the USA!

At least, the last time I checked it was still the USA.........did Hurricane Katrina do something to the US economy to make Sarah Palin want to ban just reading about Gays and hippies and how to start dating? That Hurricane must have slapped her silly! Everyone knows that freedom of speech is what America is all about.

Her Soldiers that have died in Iraq must be rolling over in their grave right now! She has an Amazingly large base of followers. However I feel some of them don't realize the benefit of freedom of speech and the joy of speaking and even typing what you truly feel. This is a big blow to freedom of speech as we know it. I see it as nothing but a set back for the reading public.

It reminds me of my experience with the Fresno Library! I checked out a book called "How to Succeed with Women". Then after 3 weeks I returned it to the library on time. After that.. I waited 2 months cause someone else checked it out.. Next thing you know the book is back at the library..but its damaged or on hold.. Then .. its no longer there for check out. and all I see after that is books about political subjects right were the dating books used to be. I asked the librarian and he said they no longer have that book. I asked him why and he couldn't tell me.

This is the type of thing that makes me unreasonable when it shouldn't be this way. If Sarah Palin is going to ban books about a gay man coming out to his pastor, then she will most definitely want to also ban books about how to get laid.. or how to get a woman to go on a date with you or other books on seduction. Whats next on her Agenda.. Johny can't go out and have fun.. he has to be a good little fatty and he cant go out anywhere, he has to stay in the house and be a loser all day. Um....Sounds like China Again!

Later guys

Samuel J Desantos

Thursday, July 16, 2009

American Commerce in Collapse.

From accepting poison as food, to allowing china into our Market place for good. America is becoming the 2nd hand commerce capital of the world. People from Europe are flocking to the united states to take advantage of the fall of the US dollar. Unfortunately these products are inferior to a lot of the modern worlds Products.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

America Ignoring An All Time High Of Human Trafficking & Slavery

Human trafficking and modern day slavery is raging rampantly again in the USA. The Government of the United States of America is passing laws that complement Human trafficking and Slavery as of right now. Bush Did it! Now Obama wants to do it even more! IT MUST BE STOPPED!

America is creating a second Class Citizen. There are nearly 17,000 to 20,000 people Trafficked into America Annually to work. There are 30,000 slaves being sold to other countries through America. While the numbers for sex workers are even higher, and are nearly undetectable, Something near 155,000 to 500,000. Reports state that there are somewhere between 10-27 million people living in slavery world wide.

The DOJ (Department Of Justice) has Prosecuted ninety-one slave trade cases in cities across the United States in nearly every state of the Nation. Cases of human trafficking have Also been reported in all 50 states, Washington D.C. , and some U.S. territories. Victims of human trafficking can be children or adults, U.S. citizens or foreign nationals, male or female.

Human trafficking victims usually suffer physical and emotional abuse, rape, threats against self and family, document theft, and even death. Human trafficking effects all nations. It effects public safety and public health. After the recent swine flu out break, I encourage all of my readers to place sanctions against the USA for Human Trafficking Violations.

It is very important to note forced labor is a form of human trafficking that can be harder to identify this is because it may not involve the same criminal networks profiting from sexual exploitation. The Sex Trade is not always as profitable as the modern day Slave trade.

In Brazil, Human Trafficking is considered an Act Of War! Nations like Brazil are taking measures to combat human trafficking. In fact After 911, We need a commission to look into Human Trafficking cases in America. The Growing threat of Global Poverty will ensure new Human trafficking Violations and create new networks for the modern day slave movement.

What needs to be done is to Educate Law enforcement about the dangers and how to spot human trafficking victims. Stop the Undocumented worker hate speech, This will only lead to more murders and more conflicts in America. This can lead to a World Conflict. THIS CAN NOT BE EMPHASISED ENOUGH.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) Estimates that $32 billion is generated annually from human trafficking worldwide. This has made human trafficking one of the fastest growing illegal businesses after arms and drugs.

The USA just Recently labeled All of these countries on the list of Human Trafficking violators. Angola, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Iraq, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Pakistan, the Philippines, Qatar, Senegal and the United Arab Emirates. Also in the list of violators, Cuba, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Chad, Eritrea, Mauritania, Niger, Swaziland, Sudan and Syria. The report also placed the Netherlands Antilles, a self governing Dutch territory on the violator list. Suspiciously Ghana was not on the list of countries that are currently new violators.

The Director-General of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) Frank Adu-Poku, can be quoted as stating that "Ghana is known as an origin, a transit and a destination country as far as human trafficking is concerned".

Obama wants to donate 1.4 Billion to Ghana by 2010 to help fight poverty. This is 1.4 billion on the tax payer. I wonder how much of that money will go to combat human trafficking. As we know War lords are known to steel money and aid and Nigeria is having a battle over oil right now. Is this strategy right in helping the people of Ghana? Should we be dependent on foreign oil while trying to combat human trafficking? Shouldn't we be donating to the task force!
Anyway Thanks for reading my blog guys
Samuel J Desantos.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Obama Is Losing Support From Africa And African Americans!

The divination of African Americans like Obama and very few Africans seems to be coming true! African Americans here in America are feeling somewhat happy after the first supposedly African American was elected to the highest office of the United States Of America. Although this effect is wearing off.

In more ways then one. It appears now President Obama is having a denaturalizing effect on some African nations. What will this disaffected strategy bring to America? Obviously it will not make America safer.

Obama wants to help bail out and disarm parts of Africa. Especially Somalia. Now that's really impractical and will never help the Africans from Nigeria. Nigeria is going through a political revolution right now. The people in Nigeria are fighting to get their say in what the government is doing. They want fewer taxes and better quality of life! The only difference is that these rebels are willing to drop bombs and kill lots of people.

I feel Obama would have liked to go over to Nigeria, although instead he went to Ghana. The political scene in these countries were recently flourishing with Obama backed sponsors such as the MCC (Millennium Challenge Corporation). MCC programs are designed to maximize sustainable poverty reduction by fostering broad-based economic growth. With aid donations totalling $547 million in the previous bush administration. Forget Acorn! This is worse!

Obama wants another $1.4 billion from congress in aid to places like Ghana to fight their poverty by FY2010! That's a 63% increase from FY2009. Does this make any sense to you?? Donating that much money to Ghana only 2 clicks away from oil rich Nigeria? In the short term sure it seems right. Nothing wrong with winning new friends, Although what about the long haul?

Isn't it better for us to be less dependent on foreign oil.

Nigeria right now is having an oil conflict with rebels, giving more aid might actually cause more conflict. African citizens want to take care of their own land. Why should Americans have such a vested interest in Africa, and then in the same turn coat put up such a fight when Obama wants to change policy in America.

This is the "Great White Way" isn't it? The way the USA is acting right now in it's foreign policy! Hopefully it won't mean another terrorist attack! This time it might be a bigger one that America will not be able to recover from. The fact that America is willing to neglect to treat their own Americans with 911 emergency shows their flocculence! It makes me sick to my stomach!

Everyone is talking about enhanced interrogation in the liberal media, what they need to focus on is the fact that African Americans in America do not receive the same 911 Medical treatment as whites! Still till this day! Now that's Torture! America is forcing African Americans to step on nails in this country! Even with Obama as President I'm afraid. When you go to the hospital 3 times and they don't give you neural surgery then you know you have a problem with the Emergency system in this country and then the United States Policy!

America needs to stop lying to it's citizens before it's too late! There is a double standard in this country that needs to end. Why didn't we see every news agency after 911 state that racism is torture!! This is because America is stuck in their false dream, the illusion that isolationism and forced absenteeism is OK!

I pray that this will end soon. All of these tensions need to be resolved. I have kneeled on rice more then once! Amen!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Army Of The Future Includes Invading Mexico?

Apparently there are plans in the works to invade Mexico, this goes up to the highest branches of the US Government. I feel Mexico is on the brink of collapse now because of this plan! It's almost laughable to see president Calderon sit there and be buddy buddy with Obama! It's almost like he is Obama's wife! He needs to wake up to the harsh realities of what this man wants to do to the world!

There is an Extremist movement in the highest levels of the US Government that want to see innocent Mexicans die and be treated unfairly! This is a fact. America is headed for war with the South AKA S.A.T.O.! Unfortunately Obama has lost the support of Nigeria, Tanzania, Somalia, and now Kenya. I wonder what other parts of Africa will be next. Isn't it interesting that the first meeting with Tanzanian president Kikwete was to discuss bans on traveling! Making more slave deals are we?

In this article you will see me refrain from using the word illegal alien. This is because I think the term is out dated and it is not used accurately today. The majority of people coming through our boarder are of Mexican or Hispanic descent. In fact the people bringing undocumented workers to America are none other then the generational isolationist slave holders of the past 100 years. Even some businesses fall under this category of isolationism. Does this mean that the slave holders are Mexican. No! In fact there are Racist Russians and Ukrainians being allowed to keep undocumented workers here in America to farm!

Obama Spoke with president Calderon on April 17th last month to rally up support from our south American friends. Although I couldn't help but notice the Air planes flying over head like vultures! It reminded me of the case of a Latino/worker male that was found in the orchard fields of Fresno county, CA, left for dead! Posted to an orchard tree. He was tied up and left to burn in the hot sun! This is not a laughing matter folks, this is serious business.

America wants to have its cake and to eat it too! Mexicans are being treated unfairly in this country! If Obama wants a War he is going to get it! Mexico will not tolerate its citizens being treated this way! Being left to burn.. No one should be treated that way!

Mexicans are finding it to be harder and harder to renew their drivers licenses. Even when racist Russian Americans and racist Chinese Americans can do it here at "no cost"! Having more then 2 years to renew their vehicle registration. You can't deny it, it's people practicing generational isolationism who are tying up the DMV system not undocumented workers. The attempts by the US government to kill innocent Mexicans will end soon. By their own sin!

Stay vigilant everyone!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cats are astonishing creatures

Cats are astonishing creatures. Although there is a growing concern that cats are trying to take over the planet! The Cat insurgency is on the rise! Cats are everywhere.. and they are using bio warfare!

Cats cause disease. After the lack of response of 911, Where my kitties were not saved from the car engine eventually. I have learned about the dangers of Toxoplasmosis. If I had known about these dangers I would not have accepted a cat as a pet in the first place! I really wouldn't. All I'm saying is cats are cute until they kill you!

Some of their most dangerous weapons currently are Toxoplasmosis, Rabies, Plague, Leptospirosis, Hookworm, Dipylidium, and Toxocara.

Toxoplasmosis can cause women to act reckless. This recklessness can cause major problems in the immediate environment. Since toxoplasmosis can spread to humans this is a cause for concern! The human immune system usually can stop the disease, although the elderly and people with weakened immune systems should be worried!

Toxoplasmosis can infect the fetus and cause a malformation or abortion.

If a woman gets a Toxoplasma infection while she is pregnant, her immune system will not be able to kill the parasites straight away (the immune reaction will take several days or weeks to develop), and the Toxoplasma parasites can be transmitted through the placenta to her unborn baby. Babies exposed to Toxoplasma before birth can have damage to their brain, ears, eyes and liver. Signs of damage may be present before birth (eg changes may be seen on ultrasound testing), or at birth, but they also may only become obvious later when the child is found to have hearing loss, vision problems or developmental problems.

Toxoplasmosis can also cause miscarriage. This is why it is on the top of my list as the most dangerous diseases spread from Cats to Humans!

Rabies is a disease caused by the rabies virus. It may take several weeks or even a few years for people to show symptoms after getting infected with rabies, but usually people start to show signs of the disease 1 to 3 months after the virus infects them. The early signs of rabies can be fever or headache, but this changes quickly to nervous system signs, such as confusion, sleepiness, or agitation. Once someone with rabies infection starts having these symptoms, that person usually does not survive. This is why it is very important to talk to your doctor or health care provider right away if any animal bites you, especially a wild animal.

Plague is a rare bacterial disease caused by Yersinia pestis (yer-SIN-ee-ah PEST-iss). People usually show symptoms 2 to 6 days after getting plague. Symptoms include fever, chills, weakness, and swollen and painful lymph nodes. A few people get pneumonia (infection of the lungs) as a first symptom of plague. The infection then spreads to other parts of the body. If this disease is not treated right away, many people who get sick will not survive.

Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals. It is caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. In humans it causes a wide range of symptoms, and some infected persons may have no symptoms at all. Symptoms of Leptospirosis include high fever, severe headache, chills, muscle aches, and vomiting, and may include jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), red eyes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or a rash. If the disease is not treated, the patient could develop kidney damage, meningitis (inflammation of the membrane around the brain and spinal cord), liver failure, and respiratory distress. In rare cases death occurs.Many of these symptoms can be mistaken for other diseases.

Leptospirosis is confirmed by laboratory testing of a blood or urine sample.

Hookworm infection is a disease caused by several species of parasites. The symptoms of animal hookworm infection in people depend on how people get the infection. Early stages of animal hookworms, the larvae, can infect people and travel through different parts of the human body. This is called larva migrans (LAR-va MIGH-granz). People can also get painful and itchy skin infections when animal hookworm larvae move through their skin. If a person accidentally eats animal hookworm eggs, then the larvae that hatch out of the eggs can reach the intestine and cause bleeding, inflammation (swelling), and abdominal pain.

Dipylidium is tapeworm of cats and dogs. People become infected when they accidentally swallow a flea infected with a tapeworm larvae; most reported cases involve children. Dipylidium infection is easily treated in humans and animals.

Toxocara infections can cause OLM, an eye disease that can cause blindness. OLM occurs when a microscopic worm enters the eye; it may cause inflammation and formation of a scar on the retina. Each year more than 700 people infected with Toxocara experience permanent partial loss of vision.

Heavier, or repeated Toxocara infections, while rare, can cause VLM, a disease that causes swelling of the body’s organs or central nervous system. Symptoms of VLM, which are caused by the movement of the worms through the body, include fever, coughing, asthma, or pneumonia.

With all of these diseases coming from your house hold cats I don't understand how people can kiss them good night.

Thank you from reading my blog!

Samuel J Desantos.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Russia Just Might Kill Saakashvili After All!

After an apparent assassination attempt by his own Army, President Mikheil Saakashvili is losing more power in his home land of Georgia. The Russian Military has bombed the town of tbilisi and steam rolled the capital of Zugdidi. This is because of aggression by the Georgian military and claims by Russia that Georgian President Mikheil Nikolozis dze Saakashvili has committed genocide.

Russian troops wiped out a Georgian military base in the town of Zugdidi. Then attacked another military base in Senaki. In the town of Zugdidi, closer to Abkhazia, Russian troops were seen taking control of police buildings. The Red Cross still does not know the actual death toll from the fighting. Its still too early!
This is very demoralizing to US Coalition Forces after the US Military spent Millions upon Millions of Tax payer (USD) Dollars Training the Georgian soldiers to protect themselves. Saakashvili is in fact a Nazi collaborator and a very brutal dictator. He has committed torture and mass killings of Immigrant locals and Russian peace keepers in Georgia.
Saakashvili has been known to use EMF, Directional Sound Devices, Golf ball sized Rubber bullets, and tear gas grenades to break up protests of his government. This is usually around election time.Then after words he seizes power again. This man is a monster and he uses weapons and he has weapons of Mass destruction. I can not believe my tax payer dollars went to train these guys. The U.S. Government should be ashamed of themselves.
This is more proof that America has links to Racists and dictators a like. Also proof of a flawed US Strategy after the wake of the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001 9/11. It also does not help that America was buddies with the former President of Iraq . The same government that the USA is occupying now. The collapse of America is Imminent because of our own sin!
The United States has sent an envoy to Georgia. Despite all of these rumors of war, Former Russian President Putin welcomes the American envoy, and even went as far as to welcome American troops to help train the Georgian army again.
Can anyone seriously see U.S. President Barrack Hussein Obama Training the Georgian troops himself?? The US and Several European nations have begun to evacuate hundreds of their citizens from Georgia.
President Barrack Hussein Obama is now having his go with peace talks with Russia! Although its very sad that he has lost the support of the Bath party and parts of Africa such as Nigeria. Sending more troops to Afghanistan is is not the right thing to do. America needs to rethink Afghanistan. Or At least rethink the constant lies to the American people! Obama might as well paint the white house black!
As for Saakashvili he has recently received support from N.A.T.O. (The North American Tactical Operations also Known as North Atlantic Treaty Organization), The G7 Group of Developed Countries issued a strong worded statement calling on Russia to accept the EU Brokered cease fire Agreement. Although after seeing what Saakashvili has done, I don't see Russian Generals pulling any troops out any time soon. This is all out war on Georgia. Georgia is barley breathing and Russia knows it.
Georgia is now just a sliver of what it once was. This is exactly what the Russian generals wanted. A complete total steam roll. With most opposition forces either dead or retreating. This is leaving a lot of Georgian citizens scared and frightened. Despite all of this aggression Russia is bring in aide to the region.
Russia just might kill Saakashvili after all.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Americans Might Have To Go To War To Really Lose Weight! Or Just Feed The Food To Their Dog!

Apparently Americans are finding it really hard to lose weight. Nothing Americans can do will help them lose the weight. Apparently not even feeding the food to their dog will help! Its very troubling for most doctors which have seen the child obesity rate double in the last year. Why are our kids feeling depressed lonely and fat?

With Americans fighting the Swine Flu Just recently, it's important to realize how much of an epidemic obesity is! Nearly 58 Million Americans are Overweight, 40 Million Obese, and nearly 3 Million are morbidly Obese.

African American women have the highest rates of being overweight or obese compared to other groups in the U.S. About four out of five African American women are overweight or obese. We thought Rush Limbaugh had it bad! In 2005, African Americans were 1.4 times as likely to be obese as Non- Hispanic Whites.

Here are some more statistics on obesity. 80% of type II diabetes is related to obesity and nearly 70% of Cardiovascular disease is related to obesity. There has been a 76% increase in Type II diabetes in adults 30-40 yrs old since 1990. Hospital costs associated with childhood obesity is rising from $35 Million in (1979) to $127 Million in (1999) . This is a problem folks!

Its obviously something in the child's environment that is causing the obesity. It can be any of the following reasons, The parents education, the Big Corporations selling Junk food to our kids, Or lack of love by society as a whole. American scientists are still adamant that its other countries that are to blame for our child hood obesity. A lot of companies are taking advantage of the lack of care in the food industry. Trans fat and high sodium Counts continue to be a huge problem.

A lot of Health stores now are changing their tune and starting to sell non Natural food items. Taking care of your diet is important. Eight out of 10 people over 25 are Overweight. My subscribers should not take this lightly!

I personally think it tends to be a personal issue with how one feels about their body. The more you love yourself the more you are willing to eat less. After all it is you making the choice to eat the fatty foods in the end. Everyone should eat in moderation. Although a disturbing new trend is taking shape in America. Where companies are committing gross negligence with the foods they sell.

These companies are directly responsible for stopping sporting events and other activities for kids like arts, dance, and writting. Just to sell their food. This type of thing is detrimental to the youth of the nation. These Multi Billion Dollar Companies are currently attacking grant programs for our youth. This needs to stop. This is an anti love trend that is taking shape in America and it scares me. All for what? Think of the kids!

Scientists have discovered that weight loss can be achieved with minimal lack of joy. So We now know, if the child is not feeling depressed, then there is no reason why they should be fat. Could society be to blame?

Yes, but I think it runs deeper then that. I think there are also social and economical reasons to why our kids are fat. If you don't have the clothes to go out then of course you are going to feel depressed and lonely! This can all start at home for most kids.

This can spiral out of control, until the kids end up stuck in a lazy hole.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama Still Can't Solve the Book Enigma

The Obama Administration still can't make up their mind on Education. The Education system in the United States continues to be the worst in the world. Only 2nd to the Brazilian educational system which is dead last. Run by President Lula! The flaws in the U.S. Educational system start with legions of teachers that do not want to allow children to learn what they want when they want! This is almost a writers guild if you will.
It's not that there aren't any smart teachers out there, the problem is getting more people that want to teach others in the right way into the educational system. Currently we have thousands of teachers teaching our youth about false gods and false teachings. We need a 911 commission to look at the educational system and what we can do to teach our kids better.
We need more hearing & Vision tests administered on our youth! This is an epidemic that is bigger then AIDS, Cancer, and Heart disease itself! President Obama and Michelle Obama need to work together on this issue. Its time for Big Daddy to step up to the plate and clean it.
Its almost as if there is a, dare i say it, war on education! It sounds childish to say this while we are at war! although not everyone is realizing the ramifications of this war on our kids learning. Even in home school learning. Kids Should have a choice to learn what they want.
Teachers should also be given more time with all their students. President Obama's Educational plan is basically going to change every child in America into small minded conformist Nazi kids, who think it is better to demolish buildings instead of opening doors. We need to change this old way of thinking!
Stopping the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is a good start. Although it appears Obama is being a jerk off about stopping the wars! Our kids deserve better! We need to rise up against the Nazi administrations and tell them we want to read more of what we want, not the other way around! We need more government transparency! We are not going to put up with all this word spam forced down our throat!
There is a war on freedom of expression and freedom of speech as well! We can not neglect this fact.
The enemy appears to be a fear monger. Fear mongering continues to be a money making business not only for the medical industry but for companies like walmart as well. Who would rather close their doors instead of hiring people for a 9-5 and 5-12.
Why is it that fear mongering is such a huge industry! Well what it does is closes peoples minds and makes them think of the past more then the present! If you can get thousands of people to stop what they are doing and come down with panic and fear what will happen?
Everyone starts to consume! Think about it! They have a hole in their pocket with money to burn. This can last for years! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this stuff out. The medical industry then gains vast amounts of money from the creation of fear and panic.
Some faith based industries also use fear mongering. To keep their converts in control. whether this is the false Messiah's church is yet to be seen! Although it appears a vast amount of church followers will not even do the right thing even if it means ruffling some feathers!
In the end this does a huge number on the educational system! Kids stop wanting to learn. Who would want to learn with bad eye sight, and bad hearing. "YES WE CAN GIVE OUR KIDS HEARING AND EYE TESTS"! Care needs to come back to the educational system in America before its to late!
Sexual education is another huge problem in our schools. Our kids are not being taught properly about love. They are being taught about sex at a young age before they are taught about love! Although sometimes a certain "class" of people like to only teach love to themselves. There is nothing wrong with loving yourself although these racists like to take it to the extreme. So in that case sexual education is good for the community.
I feel there needs to be an emphasis on teaching about "love" and being together forever! A great way to achieve this feat is to teach the true meaning of "free love"! Moving away from associating money with love! This cheapens the value of American life by the minute! Not all Americans are Capitalists sluts!
The negative reinforcement of classism, Isolationism, and love all starts in the class room. If we can reach these kids at a young age and get them ready for life. Teach them how to look at life in a new angle with out the fears of classism. Then they will have the confidence they need to change the world. I hope everyone reading my blog is ready to make a change in their life today.
Our "Kids" should be able to do anything they put their minds to. Like Acting for instance. The school needs to expand the theater commissions. A lot of people don't appreciate Directors & actors any more. The roles they play in helping others are paramount. Some child models are not being given the same respect as other white models, actors, and actresses in Hollywood. Especially non nude child models!
We need to stop banning kids from their education. If we continue to ban kids from education they will continue down the same path. This path is the narrow path to hell! It can't be stopped if we don't do something now. This is a serious issue folks.
We can not procrastinate any more. This is an issue of national security! There is a war against our kids and no one is doing anything about it! School buses are just sitting in empty lots with no bus drivers! What is going on in America? This is what the republican party has done in the last 20 years! Just sat around and had tea all day! With no thought of who will pay for the wars in the future. Well its going to be our kids!
Republicans like Sarah Palin are not enablers! Sarah Palin as you may have already known likes to pull books from the library shelves. Sarah Palin Practices censorship. Alaska could have used Obama's bail out money. She wants to stop me & you from knowing Jesus's word! Republicans like that need to quit sitting around. Quit banning people from finding Jesus's word and quit banning people from their education before its too late!
Thanks for reading my blog guys
Samuel J DeSantos

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The World Wants Its Love & Money And America Is Continuing Its Static Hand Policy!

After the Unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, The United States Appears to be in collapse now. The strategies of the Bush administration and Obama Administrations have failed. They have caused the collapse of the Georgian government. I foresee if the policy continues we will see more bad news coming from Georgia.
The 911 system in America is no longer working!! You are not safe! Even with as many guns that you might own. Its still not working! 911 Officers are no longer running on the policy of Jesus.
Tensions are rising in the west coast and Texas and other parts of the USA! Texas a humble state not normally frequented by extremists have given way to "Skull Cap Style Tea Parties"!
Skull Cap Tea As You may have known causes intense liver Damage and call kill people, including 911 officers! These Tea Parties are a serious event! We don't want people handing out Skull Cap tea! Especially racist extremists.
Nazism Continues to grip America. Nazi's knew about 911! They knew about what it would do to the world stage economically. The potential for Bio Terror, and Weapons of Mass destruction Were all thought about by the Nazi leaders of America.
They insisted, and now America is in the place that it is in because of their own sin. Our Military is currently at last place in the world! America is headed for world war. Weather you like it or not!
I'm normally not afraid of Nazism since I have witnessed their terror first had after the events of September 9/11, 2001, 911, although, it is scary to watch these extremists now go to these skull Cap style tea parties, The next thing you know someone is going to get killed or a bomb might blow up at the tea party! It might actually be a nuke. Toyota is already threatening with their auto pilot chips!
Allah is not to blame for the events of 911! Racists people are! I wouldn't even call them christian at this point!
America is becoming someone Else's bitch and the World wants to be paid, and be respected and loved! A lot of the banks in America are going broke right now. I suggest everyone reading my blog invest in gold right away! Or contact your senators and ask for them to resign.
Remember your Arms are a weapon when you use it!! Except when you are in hand cuffs!
The World Remains adamant about the fact that blacks in America are still mistreated and not given the proper wages and not given the same respect as other parents in America that are white. White only people continue to tell blacks how to raise their kids so they can stop blacks from reproducing and continue to progress themselves! Even Chinese Americans can see this, They have no more time to meditate!
This is a disturbing trend in America right now, Racist White mothers continue to neglect their kids and then expect blacks to take care of them! Racist White women account for the highest number of single women in America right now! Some white women even have 5 kids and have no job.
Then in the same "Racist Extremist white sports coat" they, expect you to love Christ unconditionally even though the Christ of America is ragging brown goo and doesn't want powder on their pee! Then Dumps you! That Messiah is not mine and was Never mine!
Someone tell faith she needs to go to the clinic. I don't think she gets it!
President Obama doesn't care about blacks in Kenya his home country! Where recently off the coast of Somalia hungry pirates continue to steal shipments. It might be my real Toyota! Who knows. All I'm saying is.. Obama wants to go into Africa of all places and disarm the country!
All while keeping blacks down in America. How can this be?
Obama Doesn't care about poor black people that have went through mini Bio Terror in America!! All he cares about is going to Africa and taking over the country and bombing them and rebuilding. Man what a really, really, bad dead beat President of America this man is! This Man is uneducated and he needs to read more!
Can you Imagine all these people going to these "Skull Cap Tea party" events. Like Ann Coulter, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh (AkA The Big Russian), These guys are insane! I wonder if they will be the skeletons in the pictures of men gripping their guns while the country has already been Nuke bombed. They Don't care about Jesus! They Think Ann Coulter is Jesus! She hasn't even cut her face for Jesus yet! Neither has beck I might add! A Racist liberal commentator.
The Static hand continues to grip the industrial sector of America, Which includes the Army! Employers are giving more hours off the clock unofficially. Then using intimidation in the work place to basically threaten their workers. Like you cant lift that 6,000 pound object. You cant do this you cant do that! YES WE CAN! This is called Racism something white people need to learn about! Their minds are weak!
The Static hand or bio infecting hand as I call it also spreads to other industries! Like the food industry! Jack in the box, Taco bell, and KFC all have a weird policy about hiring and firing their workers. This is insane I even saw a woman that didn't know how to speak English apply there. Now don't you think its time to turn those people away right about now? Damn.
This Static hand also spreads into the private sector. Where you have entire racist private industries. Hiring and firing workers and replacing them with white only workers. This is called slavery! This isn't always a black static hand, The hand has a snake around it that likes to spit bio terror. The racist static hand likes to take what it wants when it wants. From anyone including intellectual property. It seems to me that some of these racists are using the evolution argument to go after peoples money.
Its open Season on those who are considered less evolved!
America is full of Racist disorganized people who are prostrating to the Isolationist false gods! I dare any of my fellow republicans to repeat this last sentence inside a church to your head pastor! Let him know how you feel about Isolationism!