The Republican Party is the only Party in the world right now that thinks Africa has no Nuclear Bombs! They Seriously think Africa will not use a Nuclear Bomb if they are pissed off! This Makes me laugh every time I hear it.. and it makes me feel disgusted and discriminated against. As if Africans are all criminals or.. they are too stupid to put together a nuclear bomb!
Of course blacks in America are not free even though we have a black president now, as much as I would like to say that all the blacks in the country are free..they are not.. we want our 50 acres and a mule! Not 40, 50!!!
There is this constant thought inside every republican, that there are no slaves and blacks should just live and forget about the past! Well, My friends, everything is not what it seems! You see.. when blacks start a business its the same old thing now! Products on the back burner for delivery. We get screwed when we try to get what white people get on demand every day! Its called respect! Its called purchasing power! These are basic things that white people take for granted like taking a bath or breathing! The Genocide is still raging on in America!
This is because they seriously think that Africa doesn't have a nuclear bomb! When I said this to my republican colleagues they laughed and said they do not have a nuclear bomb. I replied to them.. you wouldn't be saying that if it dropped on NY city tomorrow! They replied to me you feel like you have so much power when you use these words! I said.. yes.. its called freedom of speech!!
Unfortunately for the US Generals currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, well, they should be fired from my view point! Just for their brainlessness! They have made the US Military one of the weakest militaries in the World! This is why we are in last place! These two wars out in the middle of no where needs to end soon! It was all over who could take a bath and with who, and who builds them!!! That bath can become bigger when Libya Steps into the battle! The battle I'm Afraid is getting bigger!
I really don't want to label all of the Republican party as being racist! Although. There seems to be a great majority of republicans they just have a cold shoulder about them and they are really prideful. Racism is somehow always justified with the republican party!
9/11 was not a communications break down but simple willful treason! This still needs to be delt with today! If anyone has any doubt read my 9/11 Report! Its a serious 9/11 report! Leave me some feedback on my blog!
Now in regard to the broken republican party, well the only way to fix the party right now is to root out the evilness! I still see America dying by its own sinful ways of poisoning, and killing, Genocide, and propaganda!
That's one thing the republican party is extremely good at doing is creating a high level of propaganda! This is because they are sitting on a lot of hard core Cash! This could also be cash acquired by working the slave trade system! A lot of republicans like to bring in Illegal undocumented workers to work here in America at next to nothing!! Then they like to harvest their organs as well! Items like the brain and the liver and heart etc.
The wool has been pulled over my eyes more then once.. Luckily With the party down right now.. we can fix all of these kinks out of the Republican party.. and not those kinks but yes also those kinks!
The imbecility continues with Republicans who don't want to answer questions and don't want to deal with Issues! As you know, in time, things just don't get accomplished with people who just don't like to deal with issues! This is the republican party right now!
The republican party is acting like a girl trying to tackle a huge line backer.. They just have no intent of actually doing it themselves. Get some balls! Sarah Plain was an interesting person, Every one liked her until she was caught trying to ban freedom of speech at her local library.
Although John McCain was just not my choice for the 2008 presidential campaign! Like I said in my previous articles, This man is very sadistic and he likes to put sticks in peoples shoes! If you thought the Nazi party needed a new leader think again! John McCain needs to go somewhere and rott and die!! Think About it, find Gold campaign!!!! Yeah... Not so you can just steal it from the fatherless babies you are making! I swear someone needs to just really put it to these republicans! I'll leave it up to god.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Samuel J Desantos
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