With all the hyped hysteria about the Economy slowly making a come back, one can't help but to notice how America is still not the economic super power it once was. After the events of September the 11Th 2001 or "911" as we Journalists call it! Things are not the same. America is losing the trade battle in the open seas.
American made products are almost gone in today's market place. The word "Made In The USA" is being replaced By "Made in China"! Also, Trade with Great Britain is dismal at best! The Trade war is not coming, its already here!! It is lead by liberals in the highest office of the United States Government.
So you ask whats scaring the investors off besides the stupid liberals in congress?
Well, American cargo ships are being Challenged, captured, bombed and or sunk from bad weather. Like the Maersk Alabama that was captured and recovered just recently off the cost of Somalia by Somali pirates. Somali Pirates hate America now! Somali Pirates are vowing to Slaughter Americans! Similarly, no one will forget the USS Cole Which was bombed in 1999 off the cost of Yemen.
Also, No one can forget the Big Warning shot! A missile was fired at the USS Ash land docked in the Jordanian port of Aqaba. "I can confirm that a rocket flew over the bow of USS Ash land and the rocket impacted in the roof of a warehouse. No sailors or marines were injured," said Commander Breslau, of the US Fifth Fleet.
Maybe This is why Obama has not followed his Liberal base and has sent an additional 20,000 Troops to Afghanistan. These Attacks On American Ships are Another step in the wrong direction! An inevitable trade war with China!
Also, in 2006 the U.S. Cargo ship M/V Kanaya was sunk of the cost of Somalia. It was carrying 20,000 tons of coal. That's about roughly 7 million dollars in coal! It sunk from bad weather apparently. A costly Mistake!
Likewise, another incident in the San Francisco bay has left many officials puzzled. The Cosco Busan a Chinese Vessel was responsible for an oil spill that covered many miles of the S.F. bay area shore line in 2007. The ship crashed into the bay bridge and spilled 58,000 gallons of of oil into the bay. Federal investigators have now launched a criminal probe into the crash. This is according to Reuters and the AP.
Crew members aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington recently battled a fire that started while the ship was in the Pacific Ocean en route from Chile to San Diego, on May 22, 2008. About $70 million in damage was done to the nuclear aircraft carrier. Of Course it wasn't the guy that was smoking that caused the blaze! It was misplaced cargo! A.K.A. the American Stock Market!
Now with All of these mishaps, happening how can America's stock market remain intact. Well it cant! Investors are getting worried! They're getting worried about putting in all of their money into this stock market! Especially with America's multiple wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including an unseen war that's happening now that will effect our kids. To investors this is money that can easily be spent elsewhere.
America has steadily increased the trade deficit with china since 1985 until now. As of 2009 the deficit with China increased from $18.4 billion in June to $20.4 billion in July this is according to the census at the Federal Trade Department (FTD). This statistic is just for Goods and it is not seasonally adjusted.
According to the FTD U.S. Exports increased Internationally to $127.6 billion in July from $124.9 billion in June. Imports increased to $159.6 billion in July from $152.4 billion in June. These numbers are appalling!
This means we have a president right now that is giving Tax Payer money to the nation of Ghana, that's 1.4 billions worth in aid!! This is when we have an international trade balance that is -$32 billion. Now this is farcical! Some would argue that there are no benefits from donating to aid organizations especially in Africa!
The E.U. Donated $63 Billion dollars for science and technology Research in Africa. EU Commissioner for Science and Research Janez Potocnik said the fund would support 19 projects. Usually medical aid is stolen and sold off to the general public to support War Lords in Africa.
This is not going to advance America's standing in the world. The only thing its helping is making China richer, and the poor in Africa Poorer. Also a lot of my future republican colleagues will be effected by this wasteful spending in the decades to come. One less Republican on the road!
The question is will the world survive with America not being an economic super power any more! I personally think American products and Chinese imports in America are turning into shotgun shotty shoddy goods. Retail commerce is turning into a vicious battle and its hurting the consumers. The consumers are waking up to it right now! Especially in the technology sector.
The battle for your money has begun! The winner will be determined by who has the best Goods. If America starts to lose this battle it is going to be devastating. Unfortunately it already has taken a huge blow after 9/11. I still feel investors shouldn't panic, I love America and.. I think America can still get itself out of this economic emergency.
Of course it will take the people to rise up against the corruption. This battle however is like opening up a can of worms. It needs to be dealt with by using surgical gloves, These gloves have to go into every sector of this government! Very hard job to accomplish over night! Although with a little TLC it can be done.
Thanks for Reading my blog guys
Samuel J Desantos
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