After the Unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, The United States Appears to be in collapse now. The strategies of the Bush administration and Obama Administrations have failed. They have caused the collapse of the Georgian government. I foresee if the policy continues we will see more bad news coming from Georgia.
The 911 system in America is no longer working!! You are not safe! Even with as many guns that you might own. Its still not working! 911 Officers are no longer running on the policy of Jesus.
Tensions are rising in the west coast and Texas and other parts of the USA! Texas a humble state not normally frequented by extremists have given way to "Skull Cap Style Tea Parties"!
Skull Cap Tea As You may have known causes intense liver Damage and call kill people, including 911 officers! These Tea Parties are a serious event! We don't want people handing out Skull Cap tea! Especially racist extremists.
Nazism Continues to grip America. Nazi's knew about 911! They knew about what it would do to the world stage economically. The potential for Bio Terror, and Weapons of Mass destruction Were all thought about by the Nazi leaders of America.
They insisted, and now America is in the place that it is in because of their own sin. Our Military is currently at last place in the world! America is headed for world war. Weather you like it or not!
I'm normally not afraid of Nazism since I have witnessed their terror first had after the events of September 9/11, 2001, 911, although, it is scary to watch these extremists now go to these skull Cap style tea parties, The next thing you know someone is going to get killed or a bomb might blow up at the tea party! It might actually be a nuke. Toyota is already threatening with their auto pilot chips!
Allah is not to blame for the events of 911! Racists people are! I wouldn't even call them christian at this point!
America is becoming someone Else's bitch and the World wants to be paid, and be respected and loved! A lot of the banks in America are going broke right now. I suggest everyone reading my blog invest in gold right away! Or contact your senators and ask for them to resign.
Remember your Arms are a weapon when you use it!! Except when you are in hand cuffs!
The World Remains adamant about the fact that blacks in America are still mistreated and not given the proper wages and not given the same respect as other parents in America that are white. White only people continue to tell blacks how to raise their kids so they can stop blacks from reproducing and continue to progress themselves! Even Chinese Americans can see this, They have no more time to meditate!
This is a disturbing trend in America right now, Racist White mothers continue to neglect their kids and then expect blacks to take care of them! Racist White women account for the highest number of single women in America right now! Some white women even have 5 kids and have no job.
Then in the same "Racist Extremist white sports coat" they, expect you to love Christ unconditionally even though the Christ of America is ragging brown goo and doesn't want powder on their pee! Then Dumps you! That Messiah is not mine and was Never mine!
Someone tell faith she needs to go to the clinic. I don't think she gets it!
President Obama doesn't care about blacks in Kenya his home country! Where recently off the coast of Somalia hungry pirates continue to steal shipments. It might be my real Toyota! Who knows. All I'm saying is.. Obama wants to go into Africa of all places and disarm the country!
All while keeping blacks down in America. How can this be?
Obama Doesn't care about poor black people that have went through mini Bio Terror in America!! All he cares about is going to Africa and taking over the country and bombing them and rebuilding. Man what a really, really, bad dead beat President of America this man is! This Man is uneducated and he needs to read more!
Can you Imagine all these people going to these "Skull Cap Tea party" events. Like Ann Coulter, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh (AkA The Big Russian), These guys are insane! I wonder if they will be the skeletons in the pictures of men gripping their guns while the country has already been Nuke bombed. They Don't care about Jesus! They Think Ann Coulter is Jesus! She hasn't even cut her face for Jesus yet! Neither has beck I might add! A Racist liberal commentator.
The Static hand continues to grip the industrial sector of America, Which includes the Army! Employers are giving more hours off the clock unofficially. Then using intimidation in the work place to basically threaten their workers. Like you cant lift that 6,000 pound object. You cant do this you cant do that! YES WE CAN! This is called Racism something white people need to learn about! Their minds are weak!
The Static hand or bio infecting hand as I call it also spreads to other industries! Like the food industry! Jack in the box, Taco bell, and KFC all have a weird policy about hiring and firing their workers. This is insane I even saw a woman that didn't know how to speak English apply there. Now don't you think its time to turn those people away right about now? Damn.
This Static hand also spreads into the private sector. Where you have entire racist private industries. Hiring and firing workers and replacing them with white only workers. This is called slavery! This isn't always a black static hand, The hand has a snake around it that likes to spit bio terror. The racist static hand likes to take what it wants when it wants. From anyone including intellectual property. It seems to me that some of these racists are using the evolution argument to go after peoples money.
Its open Season on those who are considered less evolved!
America is full of Racist disorganized people who are prostrating to the Isolationist false gods! I dare any of my fellow republicans to repeat this last sentence inside a church to your head pastor! Let him know how you feel about Isolationism!
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