The Obama Administration still can't make up their mind on Education. The Education system in the United States continues to be the worst in the world. Only 2nd to the Brazilian educational system which is dead last. Run by President Lula! The flaws in the U.S. Educational system start with legions of teachers that do not want to allow children to learn what they want when they want! This is almost a writers guild if you will.
It's not that there aren't any smart teachers out there, the problem is getting more people that want to teach others in the right way into the educational system. Currently we have thousands of teachers teaching our youth about false gods and false teachings. We need a 911 commission to look at the educational system and what we can do to teach our kids better.
We need more hearing & Vision tests administered on our youth! This is an epidemic that is bigger then AIDS, Cancer, and Heart disease itself! President Obama and Michelle Obama need to work together on this issue. Its time for Big Daddy to step up to the plate and clean it.
Its almost as if there is a, dare i say it, war on education! It sounds childish to say this while we are at war! although not everyone is realizing the ramifications of this war on our kids learning. Even in home school learning. Kids Should have a choice to learn what they want.
Teachers should also be given more time with all their students. President Obama's Educational plan is basically going to change every child in America into small minded conformist Nazi kids, who think it is better to demolish buildings instead of opening doors. We need to change this old way of thinking!
Stopping the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is a good start. Although it appears Obama is being a jerk off about stopping the wars! Our kids deserve better! We need to rise up against the Nazi administrations and tell them we want to read more of what we want, not the other way around! We need more government transparency! We are not going to put up with all this word spam forced down our throat!
There is a war on freedom of expression and freedom of speech as well! We can not neglect this fact.
The enemy appears to be a fear monger. Fear mongering continues to be a money making business not only for the medical industry but for companies like walmart as well. Who would rather close their doors instead of hiring people for a 9-5 and 5-12.
Why is it that fear mongering is such a huge industry! Well what it does is closes peoples minds and makes them think of the past more then the present! If you can get thousands of people to stop what they are doing and come down with panic and fear what will happen?
Everyone starts to consume! Think about it! They have a hole in their pocket with money to burn. This can last for years! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this stuff out. The medical industry then gains vast amounts of money from the creation of fear and panic.
Some faith based industries also use fear mongering. To keep their converts in control. whether this is the false Messiah's church is yet to be seen! Although it appears a vast amount of church followers will not even do the right thing even if it means ruffling some feathers!
In the end this does a huge number on the educational system! Kids stop wanting to learn. Who would want to learn with bad eye sight, and bad hearing. "YES WE CAN GIVE OUR KIDS HEARING AND EYE TESTS"! Care needs to come back to the educational system in America before its to late!
Sexual education is another huge problem in our schools. Our kids are not being taught properly about love. They are being taught about sex at a young age before they are taught about love! Although sometimes a certain "class" of people like to only teach love to themselves. There is nothing wrong with loving yourself although these racists like to take it to the extreme. So in that case sexual education is good for the community.
I feel there needs to be an emphasis on teaching about "love" and being together forever! A great way to achieve this feat is to teach the true meaning of "free love"! Moving away from associating money with love! This cheapens the value of American life by the minute! Not all Americans are Capitalists sluts!
The negative reinforcement of classism, Isolationism, and love all starts in the class room. If we can reach these kids at a young age and get them ready for life. Teach them how to look at life in a new angle with out the fears of classism. Then they will have the confidence they need to change the world. I hope everyone reading my blog is ready to make a change in their life today.
Our "Kids" should be able to do anything they put their minds to. Like Acting for instance. The school needs to expand the theater commissions. A lot of people don't appreciate Directors & actors any more. The roles they play in helping others are paramount. Some child models are not being given the same respect as other white models, actors, and actresses in Hollywood. Especially non nude child models!
We need to stop banning kids from their education. If we continue to ban kids from education they will continue down the same path. This path is the narrow path to hell! It can't be stopped if we don't do something now. This is a serious issue folks.
We can not procrastinate any more. This is an issue of national security! There is a war against our kids and no one is doing anything about it! School buses are just sitting in empty lots with no bus drivers! What is going on in America? This is what the republican party has done in the last 20 years! Just sat around and had tea all day! With no thought of who will pay for the wars in the future. Well its going to be our kids!
Republicans like Sarah Palin are not enablers! Sarah Palin as you may have already known likes to pull books from the library shelves. Sarah Palin Practices censorship. Alaska could have used Obama's bail out money. She wants to stop me & you from knowing Jesus's word! Republicans like that need to quit sitting around. Quit banning people from finding Jesus's word and quit banning people from their education before its too late!
Thanks for reading my blog guys
Samuel J DeSantos
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