Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Paranormal Experiences With Ghosts And Other Entities
I had suspected that there was a ghost in my house because when we first moved in, there was weird noises coming from the roof, and crawl space. I finally went outside to check one day and I looked at the heater/cooler above our home.
Then I noticed what appeared to be a weird looking flap of paper, or cart board that was flapping in the wind under the heater/cooler on our roof. This was not what was making noise before, So I stood there bewildered. It was very spooky sense this paper was never there before making noise when I went outside even though the heater was newly installed.
I then knew for sure that there was weird ghosts in the area. I was suspecting that it might have been hungry from its trip. Also that it might have been an angel. Since I have seen what appeared to me an angel before in the sky. I will have to save that for another journal entry.
One day, I was eating 2 packages of cookies and drinking milk. I offered 1 entire unopened package with a cup of milk to the ghost as a peace offering. This was all in my room with no one there but me and the supposed ghost. This is because I believe in ghosts. Then the ghost knocked my package of cookies over. This was a full package of Pepperidge farms cookies. It was the Verona® cookie, a delicate little cookie with a shimmering pool of delectable real fruit filling.
I think the ghost was being play full. Like he /she didn't want any, or needed any. Or was trying to be nice and just give it to me to eat. It really got under my skin cause I'm trying to lose weight at the time. Who knows!
This is not a normal ghost. From the looks of it. This ghost doesn't like cookies. Or might have had some issues with eating cookies as a child. I think it is a she, but she is very dominant, and wants her way most of the time. Although she treats me normally like a sister would. It felt like a girl though. This ghost has a very pretty face in my mind for some reason. I was very upset needless to say.
Was she being evil by rejecting the cookies from me? I had purchased these at a discount store too. I feel it is the ghost of someone that died while visiting the Ann Coulter website. These are unconfirmed reports of course. I just feel it. Its very strange that this happened after I visited the website of Ann Coulter.
It doesn't help that they banned me after this story was being shared over there at Ann chat! I urge all my readers to go over there and complain and maybe boycott. I guess they don't believe in ghosts or the paranormal.
I will continue to buy some cookies when ever I get a chance, then give it to the ghost in my room with a glass of milk. This is where the package of cookies was knocked over by itself, by an invisible force. If anyone wants to share their paranormal experiences then please leave a comment on this page.
I don't want to ruin the relationship with this ghost by telling everyone all of the details of our relationship. She doesn't like kiss and tell. Although. I can say that she is here still. Also that this ghost likes it when we are together. She leaves me sometimes and it feels so bad! It feels like years have gone by. It makes me feel bad, but then when she returns Its like love again.
Although I feel like she wants to keep me home all the time in this stuffed up room.........
My production team and I at S.0.P.G. Presents Dirty Music By KoRn. This video was produced to combat genocide in America. Enjoy.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
American Genocide, while eating Red, White, and Blue candy!
The horrific Genocide and displacement of thousands of Muslims that has happened in Gujarat on February 27th 2002, leads me to believe that western influence played a role in the mindset of the Attackers. Young Hindu teens ran on the street screaming "fuck" Muslims, while gun shots were heard in the distance! Mobs of 500 to 10,000 men and boys ran the streets. All holding lethal weapons, Gas cylinders, highly explosive chemicals, and petrol bombs. I fear this is a sign of what is to come from the region after the Mumbai attacks. A Direct response to the act of war against Muslims!
A total of over 2,500 Muslims in India lost their lives, 700 of those were burned to death in a train fire, 80 others burned to death in their store fronts and or homes, some of which were reported to be pregnant women that had their babies removed from their belly and then both killed. 25,000 people have been displaced by this rampage after their homes have been burned down with petrol cans being used to set homes a blaze. This has been rumored to be condoned by the government of Gujarat. This apparently started when 59 Hindus died in a clash with Muslims in Godhra India.
On November 26 2008 over 155 people were killed 300 more injured in the on going conflicts between Muslims and Hindus in Mumbai India. Terrorist stormed the city, they captured the ports then stormed into hotels and opened fire on American tourists and innocent people in Mumbai India. There appears to be unconfirmed reports from some Journalists that this negates the tie that America has with India on the war on terror. India as you may already know has offered the use of its ports for building war ships for the war on terror! I feel this is a direct threat to India and the rest of the world by this terrorist group.
America is losing key Allies, not only with the war on terror, but business and financial Allies as well. Will there be no more American ship yards in India for the war on terror? This Journalist thinks that might be an issue. India is one of America's biggest exporter and importer ...
Nuclear Pakistan just recently insinuated it was no longer an ally of the USA. The USA is trying to mend ties with Pakistan still. This puts the USA in a really precarious situation with secretary rice having talks with Pakistan's president while at the same time having to deal with the Mumbai attacks.
America continues its own silent genocide, while eating Red, White, and Blue candy and calling it freedom! The genocide in this country is condoned by the government as well. People can go into a clinic at any time and cut peoples heads off before they are even born, and call it freedom. Its very sad. It hurts me inside as a Journalist. American Fake Muslims are doing it too! America the land of the brainless. All of this in front of the Pakistani president.
I'm sure some of you would have a problem with me saying that America commits such acts of violence or even to call it Genocide, although I have seen it first hand. Partial birth abortion is a very horrible act of violence. Now if you coupled the ability to have this done, with racist Nazi's in the highest ranks of the American government jocking for power. Then what will take place is mass Genocide of none whites on a silent scale.
Friday, November 14, 2008
The disconnect between the people and government continues!
So you want to join the Nazi's. Join the Nazi's they say? Could the Nazi's be cloaked in US military garb? They are! Are you going to just hold the ammo instead of shooting with it!! Are you going to open doors, instead of dropping bombs on them!
The people of the USA have to realize what the word entity means and then compare it to themselves! A being! I know it might sound weird, but are you an entity? I am! Most people would say no, I'm not! That's some kinda god or something like a government! If you are not an entity, then what are you? Human "being", person, dog, cat, child of god? Or a mutt? Democrats and Republicans need to comprehend that they are part of the "people"! They need to come back down to earth! They are beings. They exist just like us!
This Should be taught in schools! No politician should have the right to claim authority or ownership over entities! The people running the white house have crossed the line in every way shape and form! The abuse of power the last 16 years has been off the charts. Why are some schools still running on this godless mentality? I guess some kids can actually learn in a class room with 30+ kids inside and no pencils, or binders, and preteens worrying about what to wear. I praise those kids for putting on ear plugs. What brave souls!
The Ambiguity continues with homosexual rights in this government. Including John McCain, an out of the closet homosexual man working with a gay plumber from japan. How can a government that claims freedom to the people, be against gay marriage? This is just something that I find very, very dishonest! This is equivalent to burning down liquor stores for selling cigarettes. Or shutting down the military for sending young 17 year old girls off to war! This is just dishonest!
Again this is because of the disconnect with the government. Also a lack of understanding of what the USA is all about. Freedom for all! The USA is very homosexual friends. Lets just face it. Its our job to convert these homosexuals to sing the right tune. If they say no. Then, leave it up to god!
Everyone needs someone to go hunting with however! Unfortunately gays are not thinking about this issue! They would rather not create life themselves! How this ties into the military is very interesting. The military of course has the don't ask don't tell policy. So of course everyone is going around having gay sex in the US military! In the hummers, on the hoods of the F 16's, and on the air craft carrier decks, of the USA Abraham Lincoln!
I guess my point is that if gays want the right to marriage they are going to have to interact with the straight community! This will eventually lead to some massive confusion if the gay couples don't raise their kids right with the proper female and male role models present. This has been a huge problem for the straight community.
The disconnect won't end until we reflect upon our selves and look at each other as entities, as well as human beings and realize what we have become and then change it! Republicans and Democrats, both should do some reflecting, before its to late for America. America has drastically changed in the last 16 years. So many freedoms have been taken away. I'm not happy with what Americans proclaim America to be, because of this huge disconnect!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog everyone!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Obama is officially the presumptive president of the United States of America
What will Obama do as soon as he gets into office. He is going to raise taxes through the roof that he should be building on top of his project homes! This man knows nothing about politics. He should not be in the white house. Kiddie table anyone? Lets put this man in his place, with his wife. He is a baby killer that is married to another baby killer.
Obama wants to spend, spend, spend, baby, spend!! That's all he is about. We will continue to see irregular zoning when Obama is in office. He will in fact complete this strategy instead of spending on the needy people in the projects! He is so evil! If you don't believe me look at his political record, I should say small political record.
Education will continue to suffer under the "Obama" administration. This man doesn't even know that he is a date terrorist how can he ever run the white house. Obama will continue to limit what you can read and what you can't read. As well as what you can write! Its very Annoying! Although I'm hope full that there might be a change in freedom of speech with Obama. I expect cheaper books and lower fines from libraries. Although not by much! Obama I'm giving you a preemptive F for education!
In fact we are in this political, and finical mess, because of senators like Obama! He should not be allowed into the white house! He is going to cause a financial meltdown that this country has never seen before! My fellow Americans. Please do all you can to keep this man out of office. He is insane, and is not qualified for the job! This man should be impeached right away!
Obama also wants to raise your taxes to pay for medical care for people coming from Mexico, Canada and japan. He needs to go sip on some more of that kool aid he has been drinking and wake up! What he needs to do is fire all the medical doctors behind his health care plan. Aborting humans is not health care! Its murder!
Welcome to the Obama land of America! For further explanation check out some of the videos on my production blog site.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Joe the plumber is going to finally raise his dress at me now??
You see when ever a war happens it causes a massive tax burden on the America people, moving troops costs lots of money and fuel, and man power! I feel that we are going to need massive recruitment soon. Things are coming to a boiling point in Iraq. The USA military gets a big fat "F" from this journalist! "F"!!! We need more funding to help protect our troops and lower US casualties. Also I want McCain to support uranium testing for our troops that come home from Iraq and over seas. There are too many kids effected by this already. The monsters running around the streets of SF, and NY are so frightening that it would even make Joe the plumber run and hide! Open up McCain!! Open Up McCain!! Open up!
This stimulus package is a huge lie by the McCain and Bush campaigns! It is just there for show & tell and for the huge banks to be bailed out. Most Americans won't even get a stimulus package! In fact you will most likely get a paper saying you will get a stimulus check but you won't actually get it in the mail. What you will get is a huge unfair fine from your bank for late fees! Are tax payers actually bailing out the banks? What a waste of American Tax dollars, sending out bogus stimulus letters. To think, we are just wasting tons upon tons of paper sending out fake stimulus check notices to people!!! Local governments be warned! This kind of thing is unacceptable! There needs to be an over haul of the postal system in this country, but that's another article all together!
The education in this country is also consequential right now. We need to fund the libraries that we have now in this country including helping create new Internet users with the foresight to learn what they want, and learn about "love" at an early age!! Also more book donations at these libraries should be a regular occurrence. We should do away with the writers guild at the libraries as well, Which I have not heard from both candidates about.
Obama is a huge date terrorist? This man has stolen so many peoples dates its ridiculous. If you take the time to contemplate the modern political scene. Look at what he has done with abortion! He wants to continue to propagate the notion that late term abortion is OK and above his pay grade! How many more of our future wives and women will we accept this man taking away from us!!! My fellow Americans I will not accept this! A vote for barrack Obama is a vote for a baby killer, and a man that doesn't want to raise the roof!
What I find interesting about the Obama Ayers coffee meeting, is that he is a professor now. What would lead a professor to do these so called radical things? Was it all in the name of education reform? Also these events happened years ago when Obama was 4 years old. If you call handing out grants a terrorist act. Then yes Obama is a terrorist by all means. He handed out grants with a radical! A date terrorist I say!
What about the Republican side you ask, on this same issue of terrorist connections? According to the Huffington post McCain received $100,000 from one of Abramoff's firms! Everyone so happily forgets Jack Abramoff! That's right the man in the middle of the terrorist scandal that helped fund the bush campaigns! Bush and McCain accepted money from this man! A man who was investigated for collaborating with terrorists! Is the plumber Jack Abramoff back on the campaign trail again? Lets hope not!
Anyway.. Thanks guys and gals for taking the time to read my blog. I appreciate it. Happy Halloween!
Samuel J Desantos
Please view the following! Enjoy.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Cindy & Sarah: Its Joe, Joe the plumber jack, 3 pack!
On the up note, the McCain campaign did manage to muster out a win, Using the magically clean pipes of Joe the plumber, in the final presidential debates of 2008. Although he could still have mentioned something about the black babies being aborted by Obama. This makes Joe the plumber look racist. He still pulled, through though! It was quite astonishing. I'm assuming he didn't mention this because he thinks of all babies as being the same! What an amazing man John McCain is!
Now to compare the tax policies of both candidates, Obama wants to cut the middle class tax burden on all Americans earning less then 250 thousand. Most of the tax money! Now on the other hand McCain does not agree with this. In fact McCain was quoted in the debates saying, he does not want to spread the wealth so fast. So what does this mean for Joe the plumber jack 3 pack. Well.. It means this. That if he wanted to buy his own business, that is worth 250 thousand, and it grows into a multi million dollar company. He will be paying more taxes to uncle Sam under Obama. (I think even Jesus would snub taxes) Now.. This isn't always bad. With more taxes paid you get more power, more fast workers, Health benefits for your workers, more access to your company, although maybe not the best kind of power! Under McCain, You can bet that you will have lower taxes, Endless choice of quality workers, and lots and lots of Palin power!
This is a very serious election year friends. Obama wants to abort black babies. That's right..You heard me right..."murder blacks"...His own kind! It is Amazing the media power his greed holds. Obama just recently had a huge turn out for his stump speech, with viewers topping 200 thousand. He is not only a "real" date terrorist, but a slum lord. That does not want to raise the roof! All of these people are blind like bats. They all don't see hate as being real, or the power of Jesus. These people need another wake up call!
God Bless you friends thanks for reading my blog
Samuel Desantos
Don't go Crazy Check out my production teams latest video "I'm Going crazy" Music By Electrosexual & Scream Club. This video was produced to combat human trafficking in the USA. Join me in the effort to reduce the number of human trafficking victims in the USA!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Obama a terrorist? Wait, no he is a date terrorist!
Obama a terrorist? I don't think so. Obama, just knew someone as a kid, that is now stepping on the American flag to get money. So I guess selling smokes and beer to kids is not a terrorist act? Right McCain? I guess Palin thinks a 6 pack of beer is not poisoning our youth, and Joe 3 pack? What a bum she is!! Amazing the generational ignorance in this country is just Astonishing!
All this talk about lower taxes by McCain is a lie! Where is my tax free lumber jack program so i can build my house! GOD OWNS EVERYTHING! Screw the national parks system & the little trees that he wants to fund in Alaska, on the road to no where! McCain has lost the last debate. He needs to stop being a hypocrite. He is losing major points! He needs to come out and slam Obama for supporting late term abortion in the USA. If he doesn't do this soon and do it fast he will lose my VOTE! He is really a BUM and a Hypocrite! This man is really evil for supporting nuclear waste production, while at the same time battling cancers himself! He can take my vote and stuff it up his BUM Face if he doesn't change! What a loser BUM!!!! He better change the next debate or else he is gonna lose this election big time! Check out all my videos I directed & produced below at
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Earth to McCain: Coffee is good still, no?
S.0.P Global Presents "Its On" (Russian Version) . This video was produced & directed by Samuel Desantos to show the power of the mighty Russian military. Don't join them in the crowd they are being marked as evil but not saved, Kind of like the Latino kids in America (I also think they are racist in the Ukraine a bit, due to western influence). Proof America is racist still! Parts of this video was shot in the Ukraine. This video, Its a call to reduced military spending Russian style. Scary! Also to increase the water testing and produce new water treatment facilities in America and mother Russia for all the children of the KoЯn. Enjoy "It's On".
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
S.0.P. Global Presents "Too Late Im Dead" Music By KoRn
Monday, September 29, 2008
My thoughts on the palin pick Indepth
S.0.P. Presents "It's On" Music By KoRn. This video was produced to show all that the Brazilian military is still one of the best in the world. Remember Jesus Saves! Join Brazil and the UN in helping fix the broken and dilapidated 911 system here in the USA! Also for anyone wanting to go to Brazil contact your local Brazilian embassy. Enjoy, It's On.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
To other bloggers: What about captin planets kitty, ah?
S.0. Productions Presents "No One's There". For KoЯn. For anyone still dealing with the Mr Rogers video this video still applies. This video was produced to show everyone that the 911 system should be free and fixed here in the states. If we want a safe Americas! Lets fix the broken 911 system with help of the UN, United Nations! Freedom should be free for everyone in the states! Lets help make "911" free for all phones and mobile devices!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Some have asked me what has happened to my kitty!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I was reading Ann Coulters Blog earlier today
Ann Coulter hits the nail on the head again in this amazing article. Palin is full of spunk and jazz. I think she will make for a very sexy and smart looking woman as vice president. Can you imagine a person like this under MCCAIN? Always listening, attentively..reasoning.. and accepting McCain's dominance. ASS POWER! This is going to make the men go crazy! I can't wait! On top of this she is very cute. Kinda like Tina fay. She will be an amazing vice president of the united states of America. ASS POWER 08, Hail ASS POWER 08!!
Here is my video respones to Ann Coulters Article aswell as that whole Palin Pick. This is a video that was directed and produced by my studio. S.0.P . For KoRn.
S.0. Productions presents Blind for KoRn. This video was made for my kitty that got its leg broken and "911" did nothing about it when I called. This was very traumatic for me as a kid on top of my past child hood issues. Oh and for my X girl friends. Remember I'm half vampire and half blind, You should drive next time if you have Superior vision and a job. Also this video is for MCCAIN & ASS POWER 08!