Thursday, September 18, 2008

To other bloggers: What about captin planets kitty, ah?

My production team, and I, just finished working on a new music video, Remembering 911 and the lack of 911 service here in America. It is a shame what happened in Sept 11 2001 and we will never forget! It is the USA's fault that our own 911 system is broken. The UN will Soon Help Us Fix it! Mexico is also Struggling with the same issues dealing with the 911 system. Please join me in fixing the broken 911 systems here in the USA and Mexico! Join the UN team!! Lets start a police state program with "GOD" in mind! The greed and struggle for power will never stop with out Jesus Christ as "the god" and only god!

S.0. Productions Presents "No One's There". For KoЯn. For anyone still dealing with the Mr Rogers video this video still applies. This video was produced to show everyone that the 911 system should be free and fixed here in the states. If we want a safe Americas! Lets fix the broken 911 system with help of the UN, United Nations! Freedom should be free for everyone in the states! Lets help make "911" free for all phones and mobile devices!

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