Its just astonishing how disconnected people are from their own government! Call your senators, they say! That's if the 911 system still works, let alone your phone lines! Think before you vote, think long and hard! Should you be in the military instead of owning your own guns! Also how does the political scene transfer into our military? Why join a racist military?
So you want to join the Nazi's. Join the Nazi's they say? Could the Nazi's be cloaked in US military garb? They are! Are you going to just hold the ammo instead of shooting with it!! Are you going to open doors, instead of dropping bombs on them!
The people of the USA have to realize what the word entity means and then compare it to themselves! A being! I know it might sound weird, but are you an entity? I am! Most people would say no, I'm not! That's some kinda god or something like a government! If you are not an entity, then what are you? Human "being", person, dog, cat, child of god? Or a mutt? Democrats and Republicans need to comprehend that they are part of the "people"! They need to come back down to earth! They are beings. They exist just like us!
This Should be taught in schools! No politician should have the right to claim authority or ownership over entities! The people running the white house have crossed the line in every way shape and form! The abuse of power the last 16 years has been off the charts. Why are some schools still running on this godless mentality? I guess some kids can actually learn in a class room with 30+ kids inside and no pencils, or binders, and preteens worrying about what to wear. I praise those kids for putting on ear plugs. What brave souls!
The Ambiguity continues with homosexual rights in this government. Including John McCain, an out of the closet homosexual man working with a gay plumber from japan. How can a government that claims freedom to the people, be against gay marriage? This is just something that I find very, very dishonest! This is equivalent to burning down liquor stores for selling cigarettes. Or shutting down the military for sending young 17 year old girls off to war! This is just dishonest!
Again this is because of the disconnect with the government. Also a lack of understanding of what the USA is all about. Freedom for all! The USA is very homosexual friends. Lets just face it. Its our job to convert these homosexuals to sing the right tune. If they say no. Then, leave it up to god!
Everyone needs someone to go hunting with however! Unfortunately gays are not thinking about this issue! They would rather not create life themselves! How this ties into the military is very interesting. The military of course has the don't ask don't tell policy. So of course everyone is going around having gay sex in the US military! In the hummers, on the hoods of the F 16's, and on the air craft carrier decks, of the USA Abraham Lincoln!
I guess my point is that if gays want the right to marriage they are going to have to interact with the straight community! This will eventually lead to some massive confusion if the gay couples don't raise their kids right with the proper female and male role models present. This has been a huge problem for the straight community.
The disconnect won't end until we reflect upon our selves and look at each other as entities, as well as human beings and realize what we have become and then change it! Republicans and Democrats, both should do some reflecting, before its to late for America. America has drastically changed in the last 16 years. So many freedoms have been taken away. I'm not happy with what Americans proclaim America to be, because of this huge disconnect!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog everyone!
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