Barrack Hussein Obama has been projected as the 44th president of the United States Of America. I do not agree with this projection, or selection by the American people. If Americans did in fact select Obama as president, then I am truly saddened by this. I think Obama is the worst choice. He is going to make the country turn into a liberal Syria. Mark my words. If we see more Muslim violence in this country its cause of Obama.
What will Obama do as soon as he gets into office. He is going to raise taxes through the roof that he should be building on top of his project homes! This man knows nothing about politics. He should not be in the white house. Kiddie table anyone? Lets put this man in his place, with his wife. He is a baby killer that is married to another baby killer.
Obama wants to spend, spend, spend, baby, spend!! That's all he is about. We will continue to see irregular zoning when Obama is in office. He will in fact complete this strategy instead of spending on the needy people in the projects! He is so evil! If you don't believe me look at his political record, I should say small political record.
Education will continue to suffer under the "Obama" administration. This man doesn't even know that he is a date terrorist how can he ever run the white house. Obama will continue to limit what you can read and what you can't read. As well as what you can write! Its very Annoying! Although I'm hope full that there might be a change in freedom of speech with Obama. I expect cheaper books and lower fines from libraries. Although not by much! Obama I'm giving you a preemptive F for education!
In fact we are in this political, and finical mess, because of senators like Obama! He should not be allowed into the white house! He is going to cause a financial meltdown that this country has never seen before! My fellow Americans. Please do all you can to keep this man out of office. He is insane, and is not qualified for the job! This man should be impeached right away!
Obama also wants to raise your taxes to pay for medical care for people coming from Mexico, Canada and japan. He needs to go sip on some more of that kool aid he has been drinking and wake up! What he needs to do is fire all the medical doctors behind his health care plan. Aborting humans is not health care! Its murder!
Welcome to the Obama land of America! For further explanation check out some of the videos on my production blog site.
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