Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Paranormal Experiences With Ghosts And Other Entities

So I just recently had a really strange paranormal experience. I will explain the events that happened to me. I will use the word ghost even though I know sometimes it feels like an angel is here. Also to some people the word angel doesn't register. These events are my 100% honest recall of what I witnessed. It continues till this day.

I had suspected that there was a ghost in my house because when we first moved in, there was weird noises coming from the roof, and crawl space. I finally went outside to check one day and I looked at the heater/cooler above our home.

Then I noticed what appeared to be a weird looking flap of paper, or cart board that was flapping in the wind under the heater/cooler on our roof. This was not what was making noise before, So I stood there bewildered. It was very spooky sense this paper was never there before making noise when I went outside even though the heater was newly installed.

I then knew for sure that there was weird ghosts in the area. I was suspecting that it might have been hungry from its trip. Also that it might have been an angel. Since I have seen what appeared to me an angel before in the sky. I will have to save that for another journal entry.

One day, I was eating 2 packages of cookies and drinking milk. I offered 1 entire unopened package with a cup of milk to the ghost as a peace offering. This was all in my room with no one there but me and the supposed ghost. This is because I believe in ghosts. Then the ghost knocked my package of cookies over. This was a full package of Pepperidge farms cookies. It was the Verona® cookie, a delicate little cookie with a shimmering pool of delectable real fruit filling.

I think the ghost was being play full. Like he /she didn't want any, or needed any. Or was trying to be nice and just give it to me to eat. It really got under my skin cause I'm trying to lose weight at the time. Who knows!

This is not a normal ghost. From the looks of it. This ghost doesn't like cookies. Or might have had some issues with eating cookies as a child. I think it is a she, but she is very dominant, and wants her way most of the time. Although she treats me normally like a sister would. It felt like a girl though. This ghost has a very pretty face in my mind for some reason. I was very upset needless to say.

Was she being evil by rejecting the cookies from me? I had purchased these at a discount store too. I feel it is the ghost of someone that died while visiting the Ann Coulter website. These are unconfirmed reports of course. I just feel it. Its very strange that this happened after I visited the website of Ann Coulter.

It doesn't help that they banned me after this story was being shared over there at Ann chat! I urge all my readers to go over there and complain and maybe boycott. I guess they don't believe in ghosts or the paranormal.

I will continue to buy some cookies when ever I get a chance, then give it to the ghost in my room with a glass of milk. This is where the package of cookies was knocked over by itself, by an invisible force. If anyone wants to share their paranormal experiences then please leave a comment on this page.

I don't want to ruin the relationship with this ghost by telling everyone all of the details of our relationship. She doesn't like kiss and tell. Although. I can say that she is here still. Also that this ghost likes it when we are together. She leaves me sometimes and it feels so bad! It feels like years have gone by. It makes me feel bad, but then when she returns Its like love again.

Although I feel like she wants to keep me home all the time in this stuffed up room.........

My production team and I at S.0.P.G. Presents Dirty Music By KoRn. This video was produced to combat genocide in America. Enjoy.

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