Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Earth to McCain: Coffee is good still, no?

McCain lost it last night on most issues except abortion and taxes. Although I did notice everyone is pointing out that he didn't say anything about the middle class. Which is something to watch out for. So I feel like this is something that he needs to correct if he wants to make it this election. He needs to focus more on slamming Obama on late term abortion and how Obama doesn't like black babies, right now! Also I wouldn't mind hearing him answer what he would do for normal Joe three pack, not six pack, three pack, in terms of a job and tax break. Maybe he could make a tax free lumber jack program to help out Joe three pack lose some of those pounds from not hanging out with Joe six pack. LOL ..Oh man. That would be sweet! I can just imagine it now.

S.0.P Global Presents "Its On" (Russian Version) . This video was produced & directed by Samuel Desantos to show the power of the mighty Russian military. Don't join them in the crowd they are being marked as evil but not saved, Kind of like the Latino kids in America (I also think they are racist in the Ukraine a bit, due to western influence). Proof America is racist still! Parts of this video was shot in the Ukraine. This video, Its a call to reduced military spending Russian style. Scary! Also to increase the water testing and produce new water treatment facilities in America and mother Russia for all the children of the KoЯn. Enjoy "It's On".

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