Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Vice Presidential Debates Are On Tonight, We Will be Watching Closely!

The first and only vice presidential debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan is set for 9 p.m. Eastern Time 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time Tonight.  I would like to advise my readers that I still believe that these candidates are in fact Presumptive, All 4 of them, both Romney and the Obama campaign. I like to call them Oxymoron and chiefs. That is because both sides make no sense in their proposed ideals for leading the nation. Romney In fact comes off as a big hypocrite because he is willing to raise taxes. Fox news or I like to call them Junk News now..(cause that's all you see on Fox News) has been praising Romney for winning the first debate on October 3rd, when in fact Romney had only one good moment that looked remotely presidential. Which was when he mentioned about saving small businesses. 

Lets see if the Vice Presidential debate is any better. Most likely it wont be any better because they are all presumptive candidates anyway! Either way stay tuned to De Santos Blog for more info on the debates as it happens.

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