Wednesday, October 3, 2012

U.S. Presidential Debate 2012: Mitt Romney and President Obama debate

Mitt Romney and Presumptive President Obama are debating tonight.. Which one will most Americans vote for come November! On the economy Mitt Romney, makes some good points about small businesses in America. For small business owners taxes are extremely high in some parts of the nation. Obama counters with a great idea, stop tax breaks for companies shipping jobs over seas.

Citizens must make a choice by November. When both candidates will be on the voting ballot. Romney a Mormon and Ultra Conservative is basically for big business, against free love, and against Obama care, that means if you want to talk to or go out with the Romney camp.. you have to have money and lots of it!!

Obama on the other hand is for free love, free speech, and of course his massive Obama health care bill. 

Republicans have been known to prostitute themselves for money. This is getting ridiculous! Is Romney this type? Do we need this type of candidate now after hiring the first ever black president? I wonder which candidate will be the best for America?

Stay tuned to De Santos Blog and the 2012 Presidential debates!

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