Friday, September 5, 2008

Some have asked me what has happened to my kitty!

Well luckily my kitty had god on its side. I was able to fix its leg myself with out the help of 911 and its broken system in the USA! With a make shift Crutch..The car didn't kill it. That was gods work that saved the kitty! 911 did nothing ..poor police officers .. they could have had a Field day with that one.. and got like super duper vacation time! oh well. I thought it was a goner for sure! You know I really need a life partner after saving some of these kids in the ghetto. Although the sad part was that 2 other kitties died in the same car..They liked staying in the engine. damn these old cars! Damn them to hell! Unfortunately my kitty was given away we couldn't keep it because it was a small house we were living at. Sigh. I hope it was not put down!

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