The presumptive one wins again! After many months on the campaign trail, Obama wins 4 more years in office. American's have spoken, they do not want a conservative candidate in office right now. The freedoms that would have been destroyed by such a candidate is overwhelming. Romney would have put in place many laws that would have taken away very basic personal freedoms. Things that most American's take for granted like, "Free Love", the right to equity, and a laundry list of social programs. However this doesn't mean that obama is any better. How will the Oxymoron in-cheif do with 4 more years in office. I guess only time will tell.. But what I do know is that this Oxymoron in-cheif obama has already made a mistake by not going after bush himself for war crimes against humanity. Maybe this is in the works right now as I speak. Lets all hope so!
Samuel J De Santos
Friday, November 16, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Election Day Nears!
Election day nears and Americans still do not have a proper candidate to vote for in this election. President Obama is hated amongst Republicans. Some even going as far as calling him the Antichrist, and an abomination. Romney is viewed as a rich stiff red neck that is completely out of touch with what average Americans want in a president. Even though he might be a good money manager, liberals still view Romney as a guy who is going to actually take away many standard freedoms, that most Americans take for granted. Most Democrats I know do not want Romney as a president just for that reason alone.
Lets take the time to remember that there is another choice in this election besides the 2 major dominating parties. There are 4 other parties currently running in this election! This is exciting. This is what makes America great! Top candidates for each party are as follows, Gary Johnson with the Libertarian party, Jill Stein with the Green Party, Virgil Goode with the Constitution Party, and Rocky Anderson with the Justice Party. De Santos Blog has acquired video of the 3rd party candidates debating.
I'm still pulling for my sweet heart Jill Stein! Lets hope she gathers enough votes to win!
My biggest concerns as a journalist is, Freedom Of Speech, Free Love, The War On Terror and of course the Economy. Lets hope and pray that Americans will vote for the right candidate in the next few days.
Samuel J De Santos
Lets take the time to remember that there is another choice in this election besides the 2 major dominating parties. There are 4 other parties currently running in this election! This is exciting. This is what makes America great! Top candidates for each party are as follows, Gary Johnson with the Libertarian party, Jill Stein with the Green Party, Virgil Goode with the Constitution Party, and Rocky Anderson with the Justice Party. De Santos Blog has acquired video of the 3rd party candidates debating.
I'm still pulling for my sweet heart Jill Stein! Lets hope she gathers enough votes to win!
My biggest concerns as a journalist is, Freedom Of Speech, Free Love, The War On Terror and of course the Economy. Lets hope and pray that Americans will vote for the right candidate in the next few days.
Samuel J De Santos
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Obama Slams Romney In 3rd And Final Presidential Debates!
Barack Obama came out ahead of Mitt Romney in the 3rd Presidential Debates of 2012. Both of the candidates, gave their idea's for how to fix Americas foreign policy. Obama scored some major points when he remarked how Romney didn't know that we actually have air craft carriers that we land planes on. This was a funny moment for me during the debate. It seemed that after that comment Governor Romney couldn't make a come back. Either way, as a journalist and commentator I will not be voting for either candidate come November. They both seem like the wrong choice for the country!
Samuel J De Santos
Samuel J De Santos
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Faced Off Last Night!!
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney faced off last night in the 2nd presidential debate of 2012. Which candidate did the best? Barack Obama made a lot of good points about the economy, health care and really slammed Romney on outsourcing, and made him look like a two timing hypocrite who was shipping jobs overseas. However Romney really stood his ground and even went as far as to tell the presumptive Obama to sit down. Ouch... who would have thought this election could get any nastier then it already was. If I had to judge last nights debate I would say that Obama obviously Won. The 3rd and final debate will be held on Monday October 22, 2012, at 9pm eastern time 6pm pacific standard time.
keep up to date with De Santos blog for more of my political comments and stay tuned to the 2012 Presidential debates.
Samuel J De Santos
keep up to date with De Santos blog for more of my political comments and stay tuned to the 2012 Presidential debates.
Samuel J De Santos
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Vice Presidential Debates Are On Tonight, We Will be Watching Closely!
The first and only vice presidential debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan is set for 9 p.m. Eastern Time 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time Tonight. I would like to advise my readers that I still believe that these candidates are in fact Presumptive, All 4 of them, both Romney and the Obama campaign. I like to call them Oxymoron and chiefs. That is because both sides make no sense in their proposed ideals for leading the nation. Romney In fact comes off as a big hypocrite because he is willing to raise taxes. Fox news or I like to call them Junk News now..(cause that's all you see on Fox News) has been praising Romney for winning the first debate on October 3rd, when in fact Romney had only one good moment that looked remotely presidential. Which was when he mentioned about saving small businesses.
Lets see if the Vice Presidential debate is any better. Most likely it wont be any better because they are all presumptive candidates anyway! Either way stay tuned to De Santos Blog for more info on the debates as it happens.
Lets see if the Vice Presidential debate is any better. Most likely it wont be any better because they are all presumptive candidates anyway! Either way stay tuned to De Santos Blog for more info on the debates as it happens.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
U.S. Presidential Debate 2012: Mitt Romney and President Obama debate
Mitt Romney and Presumptive President Obama are debating tonight.. Which one will most Americans vote for come November! On the economy Mitt Romney, makes some good points about small businesses in America. For small business owners taxes are extremely high in some parts of the nation. Obama counters with a great idea, stop tax breaks for companies shipping jobs over seas.
Citizens must make a choice by November. When both candidates will be on the voting ballot. Romney a Mormon and Ultra Conservative is basically for big business, against free love, and against Obama care, that means if you want to talk to or go out with the Romney camp.. you have to have money and lots of it!!
Obama on the other hand is for free love, free speech, and of course his massive Obama health care bill.
Republicans have been known to prostitute themselves for money. This is getting ridiculous! Is Romney this type? Do we need this type of candidate now after hiring the first ever black president? I wonder which candidate will be the best for America?
Stay tuned to De Santos Blog and the 2012 Presidential debates!
Citizens must make a choice by November. When both candidates will be on the voting ballot. Romney a Mormon and Ultra Conservative is basically for big business, against free love, and against Obama care, that means if you want to talk to or go out with the Romney camp.. you have to have money and lots of it!!
Obama on the other hand is for free love, free speech, and of course his massive Obama health care bill.
Republicans have been known to prostitute themselves for money. This is getting ridiculous! Is Romney this type? Do we need this type of candidate now after hiring the first ever black president? I wonder which candidate will be the best for America?
Stay tuned to De Santos Blog and the 2012 Presidential debates!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
U.S. Economy Lacks Optimism.

Elected officials are so exhilarated to take their business elsewhere that you wonder if they ever notice that there is a problem with the economy. New Jobs numbers show that the U.S. Economy has not grown in any significant manner. These Numbers are dismal at best. Non-farm payroll is still below average at (+80,000). The unemployment rate is unchanged at a staggering 8.2 %. This is according to the U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics as of June 2012.
The number of unemployed Americans is a whopping 12.7 million . This number is unchanged in the last few months. The unemployment rate for African Americans has gone up since last month its now 14.4 %, rates for adult men where 7.8 % and for adult women 7.4 %. Teenagers came in at 23.7 % unemployment rate. Whites received 7.4 % while Hispanics got 11.0 % unemployment rate. These statistics showed little or no change. The unemployment rate for Asians was 6.3 % (not adjusted seasonally) in June.
According to the Bureau Of Labor Statistics the number of long-term unemployed (Americans without a job for 27 weeks or longer) was unchanged at 5.4 million Americans in June 2012. The number of part time workers trying to find work was 8.2 million and remains unchanged. In June 2.5 million Americans were marginally attached to the labor force, down from 2.7 million a year earlier. These numbers depict the troubled state of the economy.
Investors lack the confidence and optimism that is needed to get the job numbers higher. However since I'm and optimistic guy. Lets take a look at this from another angle. Lets say investors do have confidence in the U.S. economy. What is clearly lacking is certainty which then makes room for ambiguity to take over! This doubtful and uncertain nature is the root of America's economic problems.
Could it be high taxes that are to blame for the struggling U.S. economy. According to Fox high taxes are to blame for the low job numbers and the sagging U.S. economy. Sometimes I tend to side with this theory, however we all know what happens when we cut taxes and spending, and ship jobs over seas. Other programs start to fall apart! Job security falters, unemployment rises, war becomes the agenda! All of these factors need to be considered.
Now I'm not a math genius here.. but if the unemployment rate is 8.2 % and the number of Americans that are trying to get part time work is 8.2 million. Is there a direct connection here? Could this mean that more and more Americans can only acquire part time work. Where is this capitalist utopia that former President Bush and current "Presumptive" President Obama promised us?
I am still optimistic about the U.S. economy however. All it takes is the right balance of optimism and certainty to pull us all through.
Thank you for reading my blog
Samuel J De Santos
Monday, April 16, 2012
Freedom Of Speech Is Under Attack!
Freedom of speech in America is under attack! Remember the days of Internet chat? Remember the days of Yahoo Messenger and yahoo games. What happened to Yahoo? Where did that all go! Freedom of speech in this country is pretty much finished. I mean for Christ sake I cant even type in more then 4 words after a game of Call of duty modern warfare 2 without someone calling me the N Word. Lets not even mention server choice. All of these basic freedoms are coming under attack!
Are you interested in finding a date on the Internet or on a social media website? Well think again! Its all turning into pay sites! Or in terms of social media overly cumbersome and always changing! That's the problem with social media sites! Even American socialism doesn't work when it comes to freedom of speech! Because its inherently Nazi.
Freedom of speech is turning into a thing of the past. Its almost like we are living in a dictatorship. Especially in America. America is in Collapse because of Mass Consumerism and the sharp decline of the dollar. Too many people are trying to sell out when it comes to keeping freedom of speech Free! It seems like the Mentality these days is to make a fast buck without thinking about personal freedoms! There are too many sites right now that are selling out to Mass Consumerism and the selling of what we know as Freedom Of Speech.
Now lets dig a little deeper.. is Freedom Of Speech actually free? Cause of course you have to pay a price for freedom. It all equates to paying for freedom. Is this the message we want! What kind of a country is this turning into? I don't want to have to pay for freedom and still be called the N word! I already know I'm free.. why should I have to pay for it! I think Communists already paid for it at the end of WW2! God Bless them! The average citizen shouldn't have to worry about freedom of speech issues in term's of combat. yes 9/11 was the end of American Nazism. That day everyone found out America had turned into the police of the world!
That's a huge pill to swallow for a lot of Americans.
America can not be free and at the same time charge for the very basic freedoms to talk to one another. Freedom doesn't work that way! Especially after such a huge time share event such as 9/11! These commanders are crazy they need to take their pills! Their crazy!
It's time for President Oxymoron to take a stand. Hopefully something good will start happening!
Samuel J De Santos
Friday, March 9, 2012
Women Should Fight For Their Rights Here In America!
Women's Issues In America need to be respected. There needs to be more people discussing these issues. Lets not forget women just recently received the right to vote as early as 1960 in the USA. Female military personnel, are still being disrespected in the military, this includes rape and other suffrage's distinct to women! Women are earning a total of $162 less then their male counterparts in the work force.
Women's median weekly earnings were lower than men's median weekly earnings in all industries in 2009! Researchers suggest that gender stereotypes may be the driving force behind occupational segregation because they influence men and women's educational and career decisions. Economist David Neumark argued that discrimination by employers tends to steer women into lower paying occupations and men into higher paying occupations.
I'm not sure if any of my readers have read about kelly williams bolar yet..but..I In courage my readers to petition to free Kelly Williams-Bolar arrested for sending her kid to a school in the wrong district in the state of Ohio. This is a totally unbelievable case. Apparently women in Ohio do not have the right to switch the schools their kids go to! So fresh and so free to go no where!
Moreover..The last thing we need is Liz Trotta! Trotta a "Fox News" journalist refused to help feminists demanding more money to support women who had been raped in the military! She even went as far as to blame the rape victim. This is the kind of stuff we hear coming out of junk news!
We can not easily dismiss the need for these very basic women's rights.
Samuel J De Santos
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Republicans Snarl At The Thought Of Equal Rights & Equity!!
Republicans need to give democracy a chance! We as a nation need to start thinking about equal rights for all and women's rights, not final solution tactics. Republicans need to stop living in Europe and giving into Neo Colonialist nut jobs. They are just lording over American culture. Passing god knows what law to suit their needs! Even going as far as giving the German chancellor direct authority over Americans! Since when was the last time we heard an American actually say god save the queen? Did the tea party say that when they were setting London a blaze? That's not the America I know.
These restrictive policies will only last for so long before the people find out the lie and want to fight back! Time and time again republicans try to obfuscate the truth only to their own detriment. The problem is they are taking down their own youth while they are at it. Some even going so far as to throw their kids at democrats! As if we are going to raise them! I will not be a slave to the republican youth Movement! You better believe it!
President Obama has Raised the minimum wage by a substantial amount in California. This is great for people looking for work and those who are not being discriminated upon. However there is little being done for people who are facing racism on a first hand basis. Many people are being turned away from things that they should normally be getting! Things that are being bought with gold standard!
Like vision care, A.D.D. screenings , hearing checks, etc. Simple stuff that all citizens should be able to receive. All U.S. Citizens should be able to receive equal medical attention. Doing these screenings even can prevent terrorists attacks! You can maintain eyes and ears on the ground. These kinds of harsh penalties must come to an end! Mark my words it will only bring the downfall of America if its people continue to be ignored!
Again America's inherently fascist Nazi Capitalist view set diminishes its appeal to the world, or anyone with half a brain left on their head! Whenever there is capitalism there will always be inequality. Its time for the revolution!!
Anyway.. Thanks for reading my blog guys!
Samuel J De Santos
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Republican Micro Managers Are Marginalizing Our Youth!
These Micro managers are out in full force and are trying to limit our kids and stop them from achieving their goals by setting the standards too high. This is called the marginalizing of America's youth! High Standards are good only when they are achievable!
Some republican's are setting an unobtainable bar, Some republicans are taking harsh measures and starting to take the law into their own hands when it comes to education. They are going after our youth!! Literally with guns! First columbine and then all the copy cats etc.
Everyone must remember as a society we can do and we can go anywhere when we work together! So why are so many people against America's growth movement? As a journalist I believe it is because of America's Isolationist movement. This movement runs deep in the republican party! Lead by Christians they call them! These are ignorant people, that are 2 timers By the way, and they all believe in a god that is still unknown. Well lets just say he only comes around once in a blue moon! He He..
These very same Christians will be quick to say that anyone who believes in free love is a wretch..when in fact they are the ones that believe it is OK to have sex slaves!! It's in the bible go look it up! You heard it here first folks!! At De Santos Blog. Still don't believe me.. Look for sex slaves in (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)
Lets not make this article a bible study! Remember the peace movement was not totally about smoking pot and having rampant sex with anyone! It was about having the freedom to love! This is why the U.S. Lost in Vietnam. So who is really marginalizing our youth?
Why do republicans continue with their mad house of ripped cards !! Talk about marginalizing our youth! No seriously talk about it! Its almost as if republicans don't really care about the youth except for them being alive. Republicans want to rob the cradle to feed the grave! These tactics must end within the republican party!
The republican party right now is literally self imploding! Any moron with half a brain will start to understand this very quickly! Republicans are always taking things from the past.. They never like to think about the future, what will their kids be saying about them! Right now China can build a high rise in 15 days time! Can a republican honestly say he can do something like that? Can Romney? The religious one!
With these "Republican Micro Managers" the youth start to become too disconnected from what they really want to achieve in life! I hate to say it.. but this also includes sexual disconnection! This then leads to other complications later on in life! Some kids including teens and young adults are very sexual and sexually active! They need condoms and birth control! Sometimes they get absolutely no support in that department! This fact makes the republican party itself, self defeating and asexual. Again setting and invisible sexual bar on our youth!
Isn't it strange that the party that is putting out most of the sex laws also is the same party that believes in holding sex slaves!! Wow! How hypocritical! I mean we have all heard the phrase baby got back..but I have never heard of baby done broke her back! Oh no the rappers are going to start using my lyrics again.. I better calm down!!
Thanks for reading my blog guys!!
Samuel J De Santos!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
SOPA Is Actually Stop Online Sharing Act!
The U.S. has been known for championing freedom and freedom of speech. However in recent weeks there has been a push to pass SOPA which stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. This bill if passed will open up the gates for all kinds of debate as to what exactly is piracy. Which might be what America needs.. However.. I am uncertain as to who exactly is running the show in this country. So any bill like this passed will only be detrimental to all Americans.
This bill is basically a sneaky way to try to put a stop to online file sharing! I think there needs to be more debate to mention the fact that Capitalism has infact died in some areas of the country. The truth is what has taken over is a new breed of Socialism not cronyism!
I believe in actually doing something called "Downloading". Lets not mention the Get right days. This bill will stop all downloading. Forget downloading a simple web page!! Forget Downloading movies, games, or a simple documentary..or shit even making a fan video..This bill is going to bury the web in all kinds of paperwork!
Lets put it in layman's terms ..A guy has some friends.. he goes and rents some movies.. and all his friends come and watch it with him, because he said he was going to rent them...Same guy.. says he is going to go to the library to get his movies.. None of this friends want to watch the movies with him after words. Even though they are the very same quality movies but just checked out at the library! This guy is not only suffering from discrimination he is also suffering from capitalism's downfall! His friends were obviously paid fakers! A new growing trend in America!
Some people believe SOPA is actually stop online socialism act, however there needs to be clarity between "Capitalist Fascism" and "Free Socialism" if you were to make that reference. This is because some people think Nazi Germany won the war.. and they will go on and on and say the war is not over.. but in fact it is.
That's pretty much all I have to say about SOPA.
Samuel J De Santos
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