Thursday, February 16, 2012

Republicans Snarl At The Thought Of Equal Rights & Equity!!

Republicans need to give democracy a chance! We as a nation need to start thinking about equal rights for all and women's rights, not final solution tactics. Republicans need to stop living in Europe and giving into Neo Colonialist nut jobs. They are just lording over American culture. Passing god knows what law to suit their needs! Even going as far as giving the German chancellor direct authority over Americans! Since when was the last time we heard an American actually say god save the queen? Did the tea party say that when they were setting London a blaze? That's not the America I know.

These restrictive policies will only last for so long before the people find out the lie and want to fight back! Time and time again republicans try to obfuscate the truth only to their own detriment. The problem is they are taking down their own youth while they are at it. Some even going so far as to throw their kids at democrats! As if we are going to raise them! I will not be a slave to the republican youth Movement! You better believe it!

President Obama has Raised the minimum wage by a substantial amount in California. This is great for people looking for work and those who are not being discriminated upon. However there is little being done for people who are facing racism on a first hand basis. Many people are being turned away from things that they should normally be getting! Things that are being bought with gold standard!

Like vision care, A.D.D. screenings , hearing checks, etc. Simple stuff that all citizens should be able to receive. All U.S. Citizens should be able to receive equal medical attention. Doing these screenings even can prevent terrorists attacks! You can maintain eyes and ears on the ground. These kinds of harsh penalties must come to an end! Mark my words it will only bring the downfall of America if its people continue to be ignored!

Again America's inherently fascist Nazi Capitalist view set diminishes its appeal to the world, or anyone with half a brain left on their head! Whenever there is capitalism there will always be inequality. Its time for the revolution!!

Anyway.. Thanks for reading my blog guys!

Samuel J De Santos

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