Monday, April 16, 2012

Freedom Of Speech Is Under Attack!

Freedom of speech in America is under attack! Remember the days of Internet chat? Remember the days of Yahoo Messenger and yahoo games. What happened to Yahoo? Where did that all go! Freedom of speech in this country is pretty much finished. I mean for Christ sake I cant even type in more then 4 words after a game of Call of duty modern warfare 2 without someone calling me the N Word. Lets not even mention server choice. All of these basic freedoms are coming under attack!

Are you interested in finding a date on the Internet or on a social media website? Well think again! Its all turning into pay sites! Or in terms of social media overly cumbersome and always changing! That's the problem with social media sites! Even American socialism doesn't work when it comes to freedom of speech! Because its inherently Nazi.

Freedom of speech is turning into a thing of the past. Its almost like we are living in a dictatorship. Especially in America. America is in Collapse because of Mass Consumerism and the sharp decline of the dollar. Too many people are trying to sell out when it comes to keeping freedom of speech Free! It seems like the Mentality these days is to make a fast buck without thinking about personal freedoms! There are too many sites right now that are selling out to Mass Consumerism and the selling of what we know as Freedom Of Speech.

Now lets dig a little deeper.. is Freedom Of Speech actually free? Cause of course you have to pay a price for freedom. It all equates to paying for freedom. Is this the message we want! What kind of a country is this turning into? I don't want to have to pay for freedom and still be called the N word! I already know I'm free.. why should I have to pay for it! I think Communists already paid for it at the end of WW2! God Bless them! The average citizen shouldn't have to worry about freedom of speech issues in term's of combat. yes 9/11 was the end of American Nazism. That day everyone found out America had turned into the police of the world!

That's a huge pill to swallow for a lot of Americans.

America can not be free and at the same time charge for the very basic freedoms to talk to one another. Freedom doesn't work that way! Especially after such a huge time share event such as 9/11! These commanders are crazy they need to take their pills! Their crazy!

It's time for President Oxymoron to take a stand. Hopefully something good will start happening!


Samuel J De Santos

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