The U.S. Government has once again chosen to attack a Sovereign nation. Now it is Libya that has to fight for its life and its Oil. The U.S. is choosing War instead of cutting back its military forces to feed its poor and hungry. The President must do something. The American Military is stretched way too thin. At this rate the U.S. Military is going to become one of the worst military Powers in the world. You can not fight battles like this without proper intelligence and an exit plan.
This news comes as 1 U.S Coalition plane was downed over Libya.. due to technical difficulties and gun shots. This plane a reported cost of over 3 million dollars to upkeep. Is it worth it? That's an entire 3 years supply of food to the needy, in Fresno CA. Lets face it the U.S. is in crisis mode itself..But is war the answer? The obvious answer is no.
The U.S. Government Lost in Vietnam ..Lost in Iraq... and now is losing more allies then ever before. That is not helping anything right now! Of course Iraq, is always up for debate..However without accepting aid in Israel. Which is a huge turning point..and moreover....without results here at home, you can say, the U.S. lost the war before it ever happened. I see this all as being very questionable.. Especially when There are starving children and people who need medical treatment here in America and in Israel.
Growing U.S. Denial of Libyan Nukes is making me worried as a Journalist. Especially after seeing the disaster in Quake hit japan and the Meltdown they had at the Fukushema nuclear power plant. This is troubling news for troubling times! Who knows maybe Qaddafi is getting some very expensive uranium right about now.
For anyone just reading these news stories you have to ask yourself why would a country such as America be willing to bomb Libya.. its cause of the oil and other natural resources. Libya is rich in all kinds of natural resources. Including Oil, "Plutonium", Gold and Diamonds. Which is very tempting for countries like America and Saudi Arabia. Including other countries like Argentina.
According to Sfgate.com and Cnn.com Libya produced small amounts of plutonium. Which is what is used in all atomic bombs. According to Cnn.com, The bush Administration was surprised by Libya's nuclear program. According to globalsecurity.org . Libya has many nuclear technicians and has a successful nuclear program. There are many people speculating about Libya's nuclear program. However Libya is a member of the IAEA.
Why is it that we are seeing N.A.T.O. Commanders and the U.N. Pushing to overthrow Qaddafi. When he openly stated he was against "Osama Bin laden". Who is supposedly the master mind of 9/11. (Read my previous articles for what I think About 9/11) Qaddafi can be quoted as saying...the rebels are forces of Bin Laden.
Now that we are talking about Dictators and people who like to push others around and start wars...Who is the biggest dictator Qaddafi or N.A.T.O. Commanders ripping off the tax payers. All while picking and choosing who to save! Cause this is what gets people here in the U.S. interested. Everyone wants to know who is the biggest dictator. Of course when it comes to taxes and cost its the N.A.T.O. Commanders. Commanders like former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.
Some question why Obama has not openly condemned the actions of the Former Georgian leader Saakashvili. Many people view him as a genocidal maniac even worse then Qaddafi. why has President Obama thanked Saakashvili for his support in Afghanistan. Why has he not mentioned the genocide in Georgia which killed nearly 2,000 men women and children. Saakashvili's Genocide was so bad the Russian Federation had to step in.
The number of the innocent people being killed by Qaddafi in Libya are up for debate, According to human rights groups thousands of people were being killed by Qaddafi. However according to Qaddafi himself the number was much less. Something like 150-200 people, Mostly Rioters with guns and weapons. People who he said were bin laden supporters.
Of course I personally think if Qaddafi is a liar and is just committing mass genocide then it is time to remove him..Then he would be a puppet gone astray. But I question the accuracy of the human rights groups.. Because why was there no push for the U.S. to bomb Saakashvili when there was 2,000 people killed in Georgia. Was this playing favorites?
Lets get back to the real costs of all of this, what are the costs of 1 Tomahawk missile you ask? Unit Cost: Approximately $569,000 (FY99 $). That's enough for me to buy 1 Lamborghini Diablo and have some spare change left over. Just from one Missile. Now what was the cost of all of the missiles that hit Libya. Which consists of 124 missiles. The total was a whopping 180 million dollars and I'm sure that is still counting. Cause we do not know the outcome of this war. Most likely it will result in more losses here at home and elsewhere. I think the war is starting to come home folks!
Has Qaddafi Used Weapons of mass destruction? Well according to veteranstoday.com Qaddafi has WMD'S and supposedly he is not afraid to use it. I guess we would know through the media sources if Qaddafi was staging anything right? Well it might not come out so clearly...There has been however a number of unexplained incidents in the USA according to various news outlets..Like the bridge collapse in Minneapolis that killed 15 people. Also there have been a few incidents in NY city Where construction cranes have fallen over and killed or injured their workers. Also you can not forget multiple attempts on "Presumptive President Obama's" life. However was this Qaddafi, its hard to tell. It could just be a simple bridge collapse or other accidents that are totally non-related to Qaddafi. Of course this is all just conjecture on my part as an conscious observer.
One must also remember the reason for all this bloodshed...remember the incident where a hotshot U.S. Commander shot down an Iranian jet plane in the gulf coast before 9/11 mind you. This plane had 100+ innocent women, and children on board. All for Conquest and Greed! This shows the arrogance and Nazism in the US and N.A.T.O. Central Command structure.
If I were Obama I would fire a U.S. General by Default. Just get them out of there! You know how you fire a pitcher in the 7th inning when your team is losing...ya....like that.
The U.S. with this campaign must be very careful, because during the 80's to present day Qaddafi bought lots of weapons from the former Soviet Union and now the Russian Federation. With a likely hood of Mini nukes, Russian Navy bases in Syria, and a marriage between Libya and Russia. This is a very dangerous campaign. This war can quickly become too costly for America and its Allies. Our Kids in the future are going to end up paying way too much for this war here in America.
Thanks for reading my blog and vlog guys
Samuel J Desantos
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