Women today are harassed in the workplace, forced to stay home instead of getting paid sick leave, women today are not going to college as much as they should. Only 33% of women say they attended "some college"! Women are being harassed in the work place because the sexual Harassment laws sometimes only are recognized by the Business from which you work in. In some states there are no sexual harassment laws on the books.
It's as if America lost the war in Iraq & Afghanistan before it ever happened!
These supposedly strong Republican women are out there somewhere..Lets investigate further to find out which ones are the strongest! You have to kinda chuckle at the pitt bull with lipstick comments you hear coming out of the GOP!
It seems these days the only strong Republican women are South Carolina Governor Niki Haley, Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin (Which Later Resigned Under Pressure), and California Republican candidate Meg Whitman (Who lost in California) . It seems that some Americans view this as being what a "sexy strong woman" is.
However, Can These Women actually do their jobs!
Cause as we all know it takes forethought and not afterthoughts to be a good political candidate in America. These women do not understand that it takes all women working together to get the job done! Other wise you are weak amongst all others! The Republican party is crumbling because it needs more stronger women, not to mention men!
I just recently was able to take a look at the GOP.gov house conference on health care and breast cancer. This was a conference run by Republican Women. However, these women at the conference are extremely ignorant of the facts. The only way to stop Breast cancer is to reduce "Ionizing Radiation Exposure"...some Republican women refuse to admit it. What we all really need is military cut backs and we need to reduce nuclear waste out put! The only way to do this is to reduce nuclear arms!
Jean Schmidt from Ohio even went as far as mocking Women for getting upset about radiation exposure. Calling them "little women"! She wants women to get screening sooner however which is a good thing! Moreover she used the little woman comment twice...She obviously did not go to Cancer.org to get the real scoop on breast cancer.
Michele Bachmann later speaking about the monumental health care bill passed by speaker pelosi later went on to say she thinks this is the china, India jobs stimulus program instead of a real health care bill. From my understanding, what the president means to do with health care is to get rid of the bad health care programs and institute new health care programs that are more affordable.
Nikki Haley, Currently South Carolina Governor amazingly asked the president himself to repeal the health care bill and if he didn't she demanded her money back. Not only that but she wants to reopen the Yucca Mountain Nuclear repository site in her state for Nuclear waste dumping. Which is a bad Idea and can lead to more breast cancer in South Carolina!
There are more effective ways to produce nuclear weapons.. Every Democrat needs at least 2 nuclear weapons, one for the "Peace" and the other one for the "Out"! We of course at the De Santos blog have no idea if this is exactly what the President said to Nikki Haley but of course you can imagine!
Either way the answer was "No" there will be no nuclear waste dump site in South Carolina! Even for the very sexy Nikki Haley.
Lets just face it, some Republican women are gullable saps. They will believe anything thrown in their ear and when it comes to real pertinent information it goes through one ear and out the other! Especially when it comes to making tough decisions.
Like doing something about faulty products like "The Instyler"! Why Cant any democrat or Republican get this right! You cant imagine all the countless number of people who burned themselves with the Instyler. Even after 9/11 we still have products like the Instyler for sale in this country. For sale with no "Real Safety Attachment".. What a shame. Of course, of course you have to be a professional to use it.. but.. I mean come on, how can this be safe for mass consumption? Even Professionals would not use this product! They wouldn't even be caught dead with this thing next to them!
Of course getting burned has nothing to do with the Republican party and 9/11 has nothing to do with the Instyler case! I guess the consensus here with this case is that there needs to be more progress.
Then comes the issue of, being Sexy, and is it a part of being a strong woman! The answer is with out a doubt yes. No matter how many times you will try, you will fail without taking care of yourself. Being sexy is also being strong. This has been an age old battle between Republican women and Democratic women. It has created a ripple effect in the current social fabric of America and has created a greater social divide then ever before. Republican women just don't think the same!
I guess the only thing Republican women are concerned about these days are Arabs and Sarah Palin! A lot of Ultra Nationalist Republicans these days hate Arabs. This hate speech must end! Just like the Nazi hell march into the Arab world must also come to an end.
Its astonishing how many people dislike Sarah Palin in her home state of Alaska. She is the epitome of what is wrong with politics. Socialism is bad? Since when is socialism a bad thing? I would rather live in a socialist country then suffer under a fascist, Isolationist regime. Which some would argue is what we are seeing in some parts of America right now. Socialism has never been a bad thing, Its just an illusion in the heads of most Republicans. Its a widely known fact that when you have friends it actually leads to more wealth!
Anyway, thank you for reading my blog everyone Much love!
Samuel J Desantos
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