Republicans Continue to fight for a flawed health care agenda that will continue to ruin this nation. They seriously do not want healthy Americans. This is a shame and should be considered a terrorist act. We no longer need Racists telling us who the terrorists are! Its time that we stop putting our heads in the sand every time someone is sick!
Tesco is one company that republicans like... because they are so quick to black list the Disabled, and mentally handy capped from eating. All because they live in a "Bad Area". The Right Wing slogan is "Make Them Crawl to the post office for their food".
I have stumbled upon some Reports that will make your stomach turn!
In Wilmington, North Carolina, Store owner "Robert Bryant" Refuses to allow a physically Disabled 5 year old girl from entering his store with a guide dog. Robert was reported saying, the dog smells. He claims that no dogs are allowed in the store because he wants to keep his merchandise clean. What he fails to see is that there is a State and Federal law, now, put in place, in North Carolina, that Allows guide dogs to enter his establishment.
I think, Little 5 yr old "Amanda Ivancevich" should be able to go anywhere with her guide dog. You can't Keep the Disabled cooped up like that. That is a recipe for disaster! The only smell, I smell, is coming from that greedy store owners mouth! Its not like there are a pack of wild dogs in his store! What a monster!
Of course to be fair Republicans are not the only people who fail the disabled. There were former democrats who failed them as well. Like former Maine Governor James B. Longley. Who is an Independent. Who failed a lot of veterans. These disabled veterans were hoping to receive $130,000 dollars to create jobs. These positions then would have helped others Veterans in Maine find work. However James B. Longley decided it was better to save that money and use it for other affairs. In fact, he took a very conservative attitude against the men and women of our armed forces.
Apparently there is a recurring theme within the Republican party. Which is to hold out on progress, and continue the neglect of their own children!
As was the case with George Lane, A Tennesee man who is disabled and was forced to show up in court for reckless driving charges. Lane was unable to walk after a 1997 car accident in which he was accused of driving on the wrong side of the road. A woman was killed in the crash, and Lane faced misdemeanor charges of reckless driving. Lane was forced to get out of his wheel chair and crawl up a flight of stairs twice.
Lane claimed security officers laughed at his situation, and he wanted to sue Tennessee for $100,000 in damages. He has Won a land mark case for Disabled people everywhere. This makes it mandatory that all Court buildings become accessible to the disabled in All States. This was a 5-4 vote by the supreme court of the United States Of America.
The key swing vote for the majority was cast by moderate-conservative Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. You can see why republicans did not want her there!! She was the swing vote in this landmark case.
Another case that interests me is the case of 2 Mentally Disabled Immigrants, Antonio Franco, and Guillermo Gomez-Sanchez. Who have been held for more then four years in Immigration detention in violation of the right to freedom from indefinite detention and the right to a fair hearing to contest the basis of their detention. Gomez- Sanchez is a legal permanent Resident, And Franco is the Son Of Two Legal Permanent residents.
Franco, found to have mental retardation does not know his own age and cannot tell time. Gomez Sanchez has been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia. The two have been transferred by ICE among various facilities without the opportunity to present their claims against deportation because of the agencies lack of fairness towards Human Rights.
In my opinion, at this point these guys are considered modern day slaves.. this is a human rights crisis that needs to be resolved. Either send them back to their reported country or give them their money! This seems like an open and shut case doesn't it. Yet Time and time again we have republicans crying foul and saying these guys are illegal and deserve nothing.
Republicans Continue to disregard the Disabled, even going as far as to sick their hospital goons at Americans with Disabilities. Taking drastic measures such as performing a Hysterectomy on a severely disabled American Child to keep her Sexually immature and comfortable. The hysterectomy was carried out "without" the necessary court order! According to the Washington protection and Advocacy system (WPAS), a Government funded Agency that advocates and protects the disabled in Washington state.
The Seattle Children's Hospital where the procedure was preformed in 2004, has agreed to a number of measures in response, including adding a disability rights advocate as a permanent member of the ethics committee. The hospital will now require court orders in advance of any future sterilisations or growth attenuation procedures on disabled children.
Yet another bragging case that the republicans can add to their mantel of sin.
Former President Bush Is well known for hating the disabled veterans. In fact he closed an entire veterans hospital when he was president. Making his stance known that he does not want to pull out of Iraq. However, I think most U.S. soldiers don't want to stay in Iraq forever!! As you may have known president bush was the former Governor of Texas.
"Texas" is a state that if you believe it or not.. has more mentally disabled patients in institutions then any other state in the country! The Federal Government has concluded that the states care system is stubbornly out of step with modern mental health practices. For more then a century thousands of mentally disabled Americans were isolated from society. More cooped up chickens for the republican party!
Allegedly 53 Mentally disabled Americans have died in Texas institutions in 2007. According to officials in Texas there are 465 confirmed abuse or neglect cases against the mentally disabled in the state for fiscal year 2007. Over a three month period the state opened at least 500 new cases with similar allegations, according to federal investigators. In the summer of 2003 800 state employees were let go or suspended over neglect allegations .
These kids end up falling through the cracks. Children with disabilities are the unfortunate victims of improper and negligent seclusion, and restraints in schools in Texas. In some cases this has lead to some serious personal injuries, and, in some cases the wrongful death of a disabled child. Its time that we correct these oversights!
In Texas Cedric Napoleon (age 14) was a victim of this same type of negligence. He died when a teacher laid on top of him when he would not remain seated. In NY, an 8 year old boy with special needs was placed in a small room over 700 times in a 6 month period for whistling , slouching, and waving in class.
In Florida, a teacher duct taped and gagged 5 misbehaving Disabled students to their desks, when they were misbehaving. Do these teachers have the right to touch our kids this way? I don't think so! It really defies common sense and good judgment. Texas and California reported over 33,000 instances of restraint and isolation during the past school year.
How can this happen? This is supposed to be the greatest nation on the face of this earth! This is the Right Wing agenda and the likes of people like James B. Longley. To make disabled Americans Crawl for Justice! It seems the governors of Texas seem to think there aren't any disabled people in America! I however will continue to fight for disabled people whenever I can.
Big Thanks to the AP for some of the excerpts in this article!
Thanks for reading my blog,
Samuel J Desantos
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