This is an Out Rage, To have just the mere mention of gays in our public libraries be banned by top republican officials that are no longer in power. Outmoded Republican Law Makers have no right to continue to challenge freedom of speech laws. Including Sarah Palin, Former Governor of Alaska. Who went as far as to fire the librarian in Wasilla, Alaska, and ban all mention of homosexuality in schools, and libraries. This woman should be arrested for this fact alone. Kids that need to know about homosexuality should not learn it from Sarah Plain as of now.. We know what she is trying to do with sexuality!!! More coooooooped up Chickens!
This Conservative antiquated way of thinking has made room for Child Molestors, Rapists, Murderers, Gangsters, And all kinds of scum on the earth. If you were to think about it from an education prespective you would have a totally different view on reading about homosexuality. I know this for a fact, since I have not learned everything I can about sexuality from books and I'm being blocked from learning more. In fact.. Im really shocked that Sarah Palin would do such a thing. Then have enormous support from everyone in the Republican party! This is why I left the Republican party! Can I read now? Yes We Can!
No one has the right to come in "Elleon Gonzales" style and pull a library book out of your hand while you are in a library if you are an American Citizen. I would hope that Even an Illegal can be able to at least learn about homosexuality if its important to him in anyway! Sometimes its hard for Illegals to explain this for fear of being killed.. You can see where this cover up is going! Right to the Pope himself!
Yet we still have ignorance on this subject matter. Why? There is no need for this! The Pope Can be Taken Out For his Sins!! The pope will end up burning in hell for his sins, and now I'm afraid the likes of Sarah Palin will also burn in hell. I'm sorry its either my Education or a swift foot up her ass! Unfortunately some Americans have spoken out and said that You and I do not deserve to be educated properly about Sexuality. Simply because of the way we look! As if learning about gays is equivalent to hate!
Notice how Republicans quickly Run Away from this argument.
Its not just about homosexuality with these Ultra Right Wing conservatives anymore. Its about stultifying our youth, and stopping them from experiencing their sexuality! This is the down fall of American Culture not homosexuality. American Culture has always been and will always be about Free Love. It just does not work any other way!
Its getting to a point where these Extremists are really pushing the limit of what they are sent here on earth to do. We don't need Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Ann Coulter and all the other Right Wing Con Jobs, Telling us who the Terrorists Are. Especially when they are going to make "specious" arguments about sexuality and who has a right to learn about it. For Christ Sake, they even think I'm "not" using specious in a sentence properly! Talk about a CON JOB!!!
These Republican Nut Jobs have gone even further and hired the likes of Senators across the nation to block a book about a man coming out to his pastor. Books that kids should have the right to read. Especially if they were molested as a child and being kept like a chicken by these said republicans. How would I or anyone ever learn about what its like to actually be a "free gay person" and then come out to your pastor in America.
Or for that matter even being straight.. because to know if you were gay or not.. you might need to read that book.
So these Extremist, Con Job, Republicans are actually preventing people from experiencing Free love. It all boils Down to just that. No more "Free Love".. If These Republicans had their way there would be a mini fee for every time you or I choose to make love. Or tried to start a small business. That is the corruption of Government right there. That explains it right down to the bone!
It's extremely difficult to get people to understand how I feel about homosexuality. Sometimes they don't want to hear it! The conservatives are telling us that its wrong and immoral. Although what are they going to do about it?? There is always a lack of effort, to explain to the youth of the conservative base, that homosexuality is not a crime. In fact some people are born gay! They are just born into that life style, or born into sexual slavery!
So you really cant label or judge someone a homosexual without knowing them first. Otherwise if you do.. you might be putting their whole entire sexuality in limbo. Especially if you are a Christian. Aren't Christians supposed to save?
That brings me to another subject which is the saving of homosexuals. As if the only way you would be able to save and convert a homosexual would be through extreme electroshock therapy or SM style forced bondage. Like what we saw happen in Iraq! Republicans stick their heads in the sand once again!
I commend the New Jersey Supreme Court for upholding Equal Rights laws for gays, and continuing to fight for Free Love. I would ask them to take it a step further, and make any equal rights case for gays, also into a "Free Love" case! This way both Republicans and Democrats will have to face the heart of it all each time, they want to take it there. Don't back down on Free Love Ever. Americans DO NOT hate gays more then they love their country.
In Tennessee's public schools, Ultra Nationalist Conservatives are banning just the reading of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Issues. Public Schools in Knox County and Metro Nashville public schools are filtering access to websites that discuss LGBT issues. However they don't block access to sites that advocate therapy to basically learn how to not be Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Or Trans.
I think these Ultra Nationalist Conservatives should take their kids out of public school instead of holding other public school kids hostage. I think kids should be able to read, the Human Rights Campaign Website if they want to. Republicans Think its just protecting the kids? Although what if it does more harm then good. Then someone ends up being hurt because of a lack of education. I. E. The "WOMEN ARE EVIL" Mathematical Equation! Lets See if the kids figure that one out!'
This is why we need the Employment Non-Discrimination Act passed by congress. Then we can have the right people teaching our kids. Not these disgusting Extremists. No more teaching our kids to not be happy about life. We need happy kids and a happy society. Help Make a change before its too late.
Anyway. Thanks for reading my blog..
Love you guys..
Samuel J Desantos.
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