Friday, November 16, 2012

Presumptive President Obama Wins Reelection Campaign

The presumptive one wins again! After many months on the campaign trail, Obama wins 4 more years in office. American's have spoken, they do not want a conservative candidate in office right now. The freedoms that would have been destroyed by such a candidate is overwhelming. Romney would have put in place many laws that would have taken away very basic personal freedoms. Things that most American's take for granted like, "Free Love", the right to equity, and a laundry list of social programs. However this doesn't mean that obama is any better. How will the Oxymoron in-cheif do with 4 more years in office. I guess only time will tell.. But what I do know is that this Oxymoron in-cheif obama has already made a mistake by not going after bush himself for war crimes against humanity. Maybe this is in the works right now as I speak. Lets all hope so!

Samuel J De Santos

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