Friday, March 9, 2012

Women Should Fight For Their Rights Here In America!

Women's Issues In America need to be respected. There needs to be more people discussing these issues. Lets not forget women just recently received the right to vote as early as 1960 in the USA. Female military personnel, are still being disrespected in the military, this includes rape and other suffrage's distinct to women! Women are earning a total of $162 less then their male counterparts in the work force.

Women's median weekly earnings were lower than men's median weekly earnings in all industries in 2009! Researchers suggest that gender stereotypes may be the driving force behind occupational segregation because they influence men and women's educational and career decisions. Economist David Neumark argued that discrimination by employers tends to steer women into lower paying occupations and men into higher paying occupations.

I'm not sure if any of my readers have read about kelly williams bolar yet..but..I In courage my readers to petition to free Kelly Williams-Bolar arrested for sending her kid to a school in the wrong district in the state of Ohio. This is a totally unbelievable case. Apparently women in Ohio do not have the right to switch the schools their kids go to! So fresh and so free to go no where!

Moreover..The last thing we need is Liz Trotta! Trotta a "Fox News" journalist refused to help feminists demanding more money to support women who had been raped in the military! She even went as far as to blame the rape victim. This is the kind of stuff we hear coming out of junk news!

We can not easily dismiss the need for these very basic women's rights.

Samuel J De Santos

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