Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Army Of The Future Includes Invading Mexico?

Apparently there are plans in the works to invade Mexico, this goes up to the highest branches of the US Government. I feel Mexico is on the brink of collapse now because of this plan! It's almost laughable to see president Calderon sit there and be buddy buddy with Obama! It's almost like he is Obama's wife! He needs to wake up to the harsh realities of what this man wants to do to the world!

There is an Extremist movement in the highest levels of the US Government that want to see innocent Mexicans die and be treated unfairly! This is a fact. America is headed for war with the South AKA S.A.T.O.! Unfortunately Obama has lost the support of Nigeria, Tanzania, Somalia, and now Kenya. I wonder what other parts of Africa will be next. Isn't it interesting that the first meeting with Tanzanian president Kikwete was to discuss bans on traveling! Making more slave deals are we?

In this article you will see me refrain from using the word illegal alien. This is because I think the term is out dated and it is not used accurately today. The majority of people coming through our boarder are of Mexican or Hispanic descent. In fact the people bringing undocumented workers to America are none other then the generational isolationist slave holders of the past 100 years. Even some businesses fall under this category of isolationism. Does this mean that the slave holders are Mexican. No! In fact there are Racist Russians and Ukrainians being allowed to keep undocumented workers here in America to farm!

Obama Spoke with president Calderon on April 17th last month to rally up support from our south American friends. Although I couldn't help but notice the Air planes flying over head like vultures! It reminded me of the case of a Latino/worker male that was found in the orchard fields of Fresno county, CA, left for dead! Posted to an orchard tree. He was tied up and left to burn in the hot sun! This is not a laughing matter folks, this is serious business.

America wants to have its cake and to eat it too! Mexicans are being treated unfairly in this country! If Obama wants a War he is going to get it! Mexico will not tolerate its citizens being treated this way! Being left to burn.. No one should be treated that way!

Mexicans are finding it to be harder and harder to renew their drivers licenses. Even when racist Russian Americans and racist Chinese Americans can do it here at "no cost"! Having more then 2 years to renew their vehicle registration. You can't deny it, it's people practicing generational isolationism who are tying up the DMV system not undocumented workers. The attempts by the US government to kill innocent Mexicans will end soon. By their own sin!

Stay vigilant everyone!

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