Most Christian Conservs would say that what I am writing about is poppy cock! Or pure conjecture. The truth of the matter is that the U.S. Government has some of the most strictest laws on the planet! Lets face it.. If you think you can just go to a state park and plant some pot and not meet any resistance with guns then you are out of your mind.. Now I did some fact finding to see how U.S. laws and Iranian laws differ. I was shocked by the similarities.....similarities that Fox News does not want to mention.
In the Arab world especially Iran you can be sentenced to death for smuggling drugs or drug dealings. I believe the sentence has changed to 15 lashes since the Arab spring and the Iranian revolution...However there are some notorious drug dealers that need to be stopped in Iran. Drug dealers that are literally poisoning the youth! It must be noted that on the boarder between Mexico and the United States there has been senseless MURDERS by boarder patrol agents. These agents have killed for as little as a stone thrown at them! Anyone notice any similarities here?
According to wikipedia in 2011 Iran had total of 190 executions compared to The US which has had 790 executions and even more then 1000 + murders unaccounted for. Also there was a dragging death in 2001 in the state of Texas over shined by 9/11 of course! Now we can continue and go on and on..and even mention things like Jones Town and other incidents that have occurred! Of course those murders at Jones Town did not happen in America but rather French Guiana. Jim Jones himself had said he was betrayed. Was it because of some white wedding or time share event?? Ask your political leaders and question them about this!
Another misconception about Iran is that women are being killed at an alarming rate.. or that Iran is totally against sex change operations for gays! Iran gets down yo! Islam is a religion of peace after all! In 2010 less then 4 women were killed in Iran! I'm here to break some of these Myths! Also to point out that the U.S. Government has some of the same disgusting laws!
So lets talk about the fact that in Iran supposedly homosexuality is a death sentence. Lets just say that in Iran there are some people that are very ignorant just like in America..America has the KKK which is still here folks..They consist of Ignorant white bred scum.. They have committed many many hangings.. So for anyone to say that its only Iran ..they are blowing smoke up you know where!!
Remember not all US States are totally accepting of homosexual rights, In fact some even fight against it! All of the American Propaganda machine against Iran... Always states that Iran does not give homosexuals a choice before death. I believe as a journalist this is a lie propagated by the US government Along with NATO and the big super powers! All for what?? To keep us in constant FEAR of the inherently Nazi Capitalist system! Also to put a smoke screen on the fact that the Islamic religion is actually a religion of peace! Give Peace and you shale get love!
Also there is a common misconception that Iran is against sexuality somehow, the truth is Iran has belly dancing and hooka bars just like in other parts of the Arab world like in Iraq, and Libya! When will the lies end?
Remember there is a Capitalist side to this War and a Communist side! Unfortunately the Middle east is being procured to be a new battle ground!
Who did Iran execute.. In 2010 the majority of people executed in Iran were habitual drug dealers! Gangsters...The Scum of the street! The scum of the earth! Why would an Iranian harm his own child! It just doesn't make any sense..its like who is feeding this news business in America!
Now it must be said.. that if Iran and America truly are evil empires.. They will both eventually be stopped! By a over whelming force.....Remember tears don't lie! Also an equal amount of tears don't lie either. America must take the beam out of its own eye's before even thinking of attacking Iran! Remember Iran still views Jesus as a prophet of god! Iran should go back to its socialist ways however.. there is a Hindi song called Bhagavad Gita which means many ways to salvation! Use it like the Internet and knowledge!
Thank you for reading my Blog Everyone
Samuel J De Santos
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