America is still on life support as of today, although unfortunately we still have isolationists arresting blacks trying to go to the hospital. As if American hospitals are still only for whites in Texas! Not to mention the uranium Americans are getting sick from. This is when republicans start to like obamas health care plan. Uranium has been leaking from the brain wood plant in Illinois since 1996. Illinois has the most toxic Uranium dumping sites in America. Over 1000+ sites.
America is headed down the drain faster then the showers for little kids in Iraq are falling apart. All cause of American bombs. Bath party showers! No not the depleted uranium showers! The bath party showers!! The talk of world war is brewing. With Mexico cutting the heads off of Americans in Mexico. Also shooting American Marshals execution style. International Tensions are rising.
No one is talking about this! This means we are at world war!
All of this while Americans are spitting out Chinese pork rinds! I know a few "Black Slaves" in America that would love to munch on those pork rinds ASAP! This is because they are lacking love, nourishment, and good health. This is why socialism is acceptable in some respect to stop isolationist slave holders that are ruining America. You need to wake up to the realities of your failed Isolationist country and your failed slave trade! All from Isolationism and your failed Jesus. Wake Up America!! Wake up!
Ill give you this gift of a paragraph America.. Your new president Obama is a huge black Baby! He does not represent Africa in any way shape and form! This is something that is my opinion personally. This is simply because he has not arrested former president bush senior and junior for war crimes and made it public. Yet T.I. is in jail and Chris brown has issues now! Obama has lost the respect of the International Community! What an out rage!!
Former President bush was last seen in Canada! I mean if anyone is interested in arresting him? Just wondering? I mean its just a thought!! Seriously .. we need to arrest former President Bush senior and Junior for War Crimes! I mean come on guys!!
I think A lot of blacks should come to the realization that with Obama the wool is being pulled over our eyes. He is pro Abortion! He likes and enjoys killing black babies to further himself finacially. Now I'm starting to think he is a closet Isolationist that is working, some how with the Liberal Isolationist Glen Beck!
Check out my production teams latest video
S.0.P.G. Presents Hating Music By KoRn. This video was directed and produced to show all the haters whats up. Also to show everyone that you should always hang on to faith except when she cheats on you! This video is dedicated to Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher AKA "Joe The broke back door Plumber". Remember the broke Back Door? How Easily we forget!
I just talked to momma bird, and she said this video was not Gay, homosexual or Anal rape, in any way. This is what is wrong with the republican party right now. A lot of plumbers are coming in thinking that they are men that can raise kids. I know Joe being in the plumbing industry can relate to this.
The only way you can raise kids is by loving them unconditionally. No Matter What! Other wise you end up being at war with your kids. This can cause a global disaster, that America will not recover from.
The events of September 9/11/2001 is very tragic, I ask everyone to say a prayer for new york city and California today. With the Economy the way it is. Social injustice, War in the middle east, Flooding on a biblical scale we should all say a prayer. I know I just did. Amen.
Again Momma Bird Officially thinks this video is not gay except for the mentioning of "broke back 911". Momma Bird thinks the Broke Back police is in fact Homosexual!Anyway, Also America should get out of the middle east.
Thanks for watching guys!
Samuel J DeSantos
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