Obama Refuses to deal with the economy. This "stimulus" bill will only work if it goes to the right people.. I wouldn't mind seeing the "stimulus" going to low income families and only low income families. So they can move about the country. Give them the real tax break! Oh and not that kind of tax break Rush Limbaugh! I just don't see America getting out of raising taxes. I really don't.
Under Clinton & G.W.Bush the water systems have decayed. That's not very christian as far as I'm concerned. Rush Limbaugh, Would rather have Obama fail, instead of admitting that there is nuclear waste in the waters. Open up rush! Come on! As much as rush Limbaugh would have you believe that he doesn't really want the president to fail. He really has a sneaky intent to make him fail. Via his on air comments about the president.
If you don't think the water systems have anything to do with the economy you are dead wrong! Check out my previous article on Rod Blagojevich. It effects productivity, and workers health. Rush Limbaugh's pro "dirty industry" stance won't last long if all his workers are dying from radio active poisoning. A.K.A. Nuclear kool aid to rush Limbaugh and his friends. Rush Limbaugh really wants the president to fail doesn't he!
(From: "Rod Blagojevich still being challenged?" Posted Thursday, January 22, 2009)
Both Ohio, and Illinois have the most nuclear dumping sites with high level uranium. It is unheard of! No one talks about it until its in a "white" child's mouth, or someone dies. Illinois spreads about 1,000 tons of high level nuclear waste alone into the ground. Ohio has about 800 High Level Dumping sites. There is even more low level amounts that enter the atmosphere each day. In 2006, Exelon was sued by the state of Illinois (Blagojevich's Reform party) for failing to report that its Brainwood nuclear plant had been releasing waste water containing traces of Radioactive tritium into the ground water surrounding the plant since 1996.
Back to the economic meltdown. Is it tax time again? Well The tax system is a huge fraud. No Air? I mean come on.
Please, oh please, cut taxes on cutting down trees so I can build my home! I'll build a tax free out house! I swear! The problem is republicans don't want to plant trees or let you cut down trees yourself. Who would they rather have plant these trees and pick the fruit? You guessed it!!! The people that really need the "stimulus" bill! Illegal aliens, Or as I like to call them the new low income family. Oh and kids from the green peace movement of course. They pay them below minimum wage to rebuild the planet so rush Limbaugh can suck up more oxygen. He needs it remember!
Social security still? Shouldn't I get all my money now so I can start planing for the future? Well America doesn't think so! This is the problem we are facing today! Rising taxes are killing the economy. So I think Obama is going to have to walk on a tight rope. Raising taxes while at the same time pleasing republicans in the house and senate. Cutting spending is going to have to be part of his agenda. Also letting the American people know that they should spend more wisely, while still spending.
Generational isolationist's like Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter, would rather have the normal folk continue to drink nuclear kool aid. Their admission to this sin is by their lack of comments on this issue of water pollution and solutions to fix the problem.
Anyway Thanks for reading my blog.
Samuel J Desantos
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