It seems like the "Media's" President Obama thinks he has the Middle East on lock down! When in fact its completely out of his control! Just like his Black Berry phone! He has no idea what he is doing. Just like the generals in charge of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars! Israel invaded Palestine last year and the Obama administration made a huge flop that went unnoticed by the liberal media. Its like he was on vacation for 8 days. Or maybe on a spending spree!!!!
The world cried for Palestine as Israel used some kind of mini nuke device that appeared to take many innocent lives and severed many limbs. Also this weapon must have caused radio active fall out.
This kind of action by the Israeli military will not be tolerated. America and its forces need to leave the middle east! America and NATO (Also known as North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Also know as North American Tactical Operations) wants the whole enchilada or nothing at all, including the oil rich nations in the middle east. With NATO in control of Iraq and Afghanistan, whats next? Brazil, Egypt, Maybe Kazakhstan? Well Apparently its true.
Bush Had plans in the works to invade Africa, and also parts of Paraguay! Its very interesting to note that these pirates off the cost of Somalia are causing concern for US and NATO troops. Inflation in Somalia is at an all time high! Their economy is in shambles.
Former U.S. President Bush ran on a campaign that was, pro life, pro Jesus, and then in the same turn coat, invaded a sovereign nation that was nick named, "the Resurrection regime" AKA the bath party. Bush invaded Iraq just to stop other nations (Like Brazil) from helping Iraq with its space program! Stopping a nation from having an education and taking a bath goes against what Jesus stands for! Jesus was actually pro Bath party but with a twist of marriage of course! In fact the reason those Jews nailed him to the cross was because they didn't want him interfering with their barbaric ways of mutilation and circumcision.
This might sound silly to some, although Jews love mutilation. Even of babies! Israel must be stopped at all cost!
With the "Media's" President Obama having dirty republicans in his office it makes for an interesting spectacle. Especially when they don't know how to inform the president of a crisis in the middle east. Or maybe they still haven't fixed 911 so the phones can work again. Who knows!
Obama Also flopped on the Iraq war just recently, Sending more troops to the war torn region to secure the country for NATO. This move goes against everything he ran on! We just might see a democrat impeach Obama! He is already losing some of his base in more ways then one.
Thank you for reading My blog
Samuel J Desantos
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Investors going crazy!

Investors are going crazy, and running out of time! Apparently the banks own everything in the USA. Including the trees and the air we breath. Even the plants we put into the ground are constantly being challenged. Investors are being banned from all kinds of forums and Markets!
From California to New York, the banks are ripping people off! America is refusing to let in UN inspectors to insure a safe work environment! This kind of market place is not the kind we need in America.
The Housing burst is a huge out rage! There is no such thing! All these people crying about not getting paid are big fat liars! They Knew exactly what they were doing! Creating an environment that has no love with false hope and not giving the proper jobs and wages. So people can pay for it.
You can't get anything done when you are stuck in the korn hole only able to pay for your house with a part time. When the boss is getting paid millions and trying to take over another country. A Country that we are not supposed to be in to begin with!
Iraq wasn't enough for George W. Bush! His "Quest" for ultimate power won't end. After president bush invaded Iraq, the worlds investors are quaking, scared, and worried about what to invest in. This kind of demand shift is insane. The world is just now grasping the idea!
What will America's economy look like in 2 years? Well, I foresee a lot of changes! First off, I think its really important that the stimulus bill be passed now. As long as there is some spending measures in place, then it should be passed right away. California really needs it. They can't even pay their tax returns to their own citizens here in California on time!
The educational system can also be blamed for the housing burst. A lot of Generational Isolationists, That are not educated enough to realize how to save money. Are buying homes, that they can not afford and are taking out huge loans from other countries.
It also does not help that America is out sourcing thousands upon thousands of "American jobs" to other countries to monitor our credit card debt. These are jobs that are supposed to be here in America, yet they are in India! You can't apply for a Walmart credit card now with out making a toll free call to India. This is something that I find to be "very very very funny"! Like Super Why?? This would make any investor worried about the direction of the United states.
We need more investors investing in America! My fellow Americans Lets Push for a law to invest in only American products! These are things we need now! You can't imagine the countless jobs this will create here in America.
Thank you for reading my blog!
Samuel J Desantos
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Investors pulling out of investing in America

After the stock market failed in 2001, American investors are scrambling to stay sane, literally being chased out of every market, and banned from the USA for life in some Urban markets. Like San Francisco CA for instance. Where the water treatment plants still need fixing. The only kind of people who would support such actions are generational isolationists who don't like to make money.
You heard me folks. The people who were running the government the last 16 years have ruined the economy, and the country beyond repair. The American Dollar keeps losing ground to the euro. 1 Euro = 1.284 U.S. dollars . Costing you more if you were to invest in Europe or fill up at the gas pump. Since Russia now holds huge oil surpluses. This is causing a huge demand for the Euro and investing in Europe!
It does not help that NATO (also known as North Atlantic treaty organization) (Also known as North American Tactical Operations) is now losing the battle in the middle east. The troop surge is only causing a counter troop surge. Investors are getting worried. The demand for steel, coal, and aluminum is starting up again.
The only problem is that the supply is not being moved fast enough. Jobs are not being created in these private sectors. Unfortunately America is becoming a 3rd world nation. This is something President Obama will have to deal with! Getting the right jobs to the right people! So we can get this country moving again!
The risk of another terrorist attack is also making a lot of new skeptics around the world. Investors just don't see a reason to invest in the American dollar right now. Its like "No One's There"! Just like that koRn song!
Instead of Americans investing in America, We are buying "CHINA" big time! Our leaders in Washington are getting drunk off their own fat! I still have faith that love will conquer all. Although when was the last time you actually picked up a random item that said made in the USA. We need more investment in America!
I will continue to say this message to my fellow Americans. A united America is better then a divided America. It just makes me so sad to see America die like this. We can not have this.
Secretary of state Hillary Clinton visited with China's foreign affairs minister this past week of febuary 2009. Most likely to make the ties even stronger between china and America. After George W Bush invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq. The world has looked at America as being invaders! There is nothing wrong with spreading wealth and joy, although, I feel investors are being pushed into other markets.
China also placed many activists under house arrest when secretary of state Hillary Clinton visited the Chinese republic. This is a huge out rage. I hope she got some dim sum!
If only Mitt Romney would have won the republican party nomination we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with.
With billions being spent on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Investors are going insane when they are now being turned away from investing in American schools, water facilities, and advanced weapons systems. This makes no sense. Why is this happening in America??
President Obama this past week was quoted saying he was going to cut back on military spending! Yet he failed to mention anything publicly about the waste production and how its seeping into the ground water supply.
Thanks for reading my blog guys!
Samuel J Desantos
How to triple your dating and love your lover more!
Sometimes people revolve their love with their lover around money! This should not be the case with any relationship. Money shouldn't get in the way of any ones love. Although sometimes the powers that be like to manipulate love. I have noticed a spike in this kind of behavior lately. It is uncalled for, unjust, and needs to be stopped.
This is why it takes understanding and openness in a relationship for things to truly work out. If you are hiding things from your lover. Like friends or close work associates then you are going to find out later that your love life might take a turn for the worse. Even if these friends are not that important to you.
Also you want to share with your lover what you really like, and let him/her preform, Its not just a one way ticket, also pay attention when he/she is talking to you. I know sometimes its hard when you are so busy with your little tired some life. Although sometimes listening pays off big time in the bed room!
A lot of guys just don't like to listen! I know I was one of them. You can truly triple your dating by just listening to women talk! Take mental notes of the things they like, Its just that simple! I know it sounds like planet of the apes here, but yes, even I have to admit women are strange sometimes.
You can basically talk to women about anything you want. There are lots of fish in the sea. I guess a good fail safe is, if they clown you for not having money, Say, "Lets go hunting", If they still clown you, then say, I guess ill just put the worm in your mouth next time then. It might work if your crashing and burning already. Although ill leave it up to you if you want to use a hook line or not! hehe..Get it? Just remember, That relationship might not work anyway. Especially if you are just lusting.
I would advise everyone to get married or think of a spiritual marriage before getting serious. It's amazing what you can do before marriage. Don't be disappointed if you are living with isolationists, or as i like to call them "the new Christians in the republican party". They are not going to change your love life! Only you have the power to do this!
Some Christians actually think that love is a sin! This just makes me sick! These Generational isolationists are what is wrong with America!
Anyway..back to the subject at hand.. I would say that.. an important tid bit is.. that you should always love yourself first before getting into a relationship of any kind. This is something that a US soldier told me. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone.
You will know when you are truly in love, your nights will be long, and hot! Love sessions might even go on for more then 24 hours straight, if both parties have the will for it! Of course with multiple orgasms from both parties. I have noticed that what ruins a lot of relationships is the will power to keep the Orgasm engine running is gone, or non existent! Also.. sometimes people get into relationships that should have never started to begin with, because of lust and the lack of actual attraction for one another.
This is why its important to think, is this someone I want to spend the rest of my life with? Think about this every time you start dating! I assure you, your dating will triple.
Thanks for reading my blog guys and gals!
Samuel J Desantos!
This is why it takes understanding and openness in a relationship for things to truly work out. If you are hiding things from your lover. Like friends or close work associates then you are going to find out later that your love life might take a turn for the worse. Even if these friends are not that important to you.
Also you want to share with your lover what you really like, and let him/her preform, Its not just a one way ticket, also pay attention when he/she is talking to you. I know sometimes its hard when you are so busy with your little tired some life. Although sometimes listening pays off big time in the bed room!
A lot of guys just don't like to listen! I know I was one of them. You can truly triple your dating by just listening to women talk! Take mental notes of the things they like, Its just that simple! I know it sounds like planet of the apes here, but yes, even I have to admit women are strange sometimes.
You can basically talk to women about anything you want. There are lots of fish in the sea. I guess a good fail safe is, if they clown you for not having money, Say, "Lets go hunting", If they still clown you, then say, I guess ill just put the worm in your mouth next time then. It might work if your crashing and burning already. Although ill leave it up to you if you want to use a hook line or not! hehe..Get it? Just remember, That relationship might not work anyway. Especially if you are just lusting.
I would advise everyone to get married or think of a spiritual marriage before getting serious. It's amazing what you can do before marriage. Don't be disappointed if you are living with isolationists, or as i like to call them "the new Christians in the republican party". They are not going to change your love life! Only you have the power to do this!
Some Christians actually think that love is a sin! This just makes me sick! These Generational isolationists are what is wrong with America!
Anyway..back to the subject at hand.. I would say that.. an important tid bit is.. that you should always love yourself first before getting into a relationship of any kind. This is something that a US soldier told me. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone.
You will know when you are truly in love, your nights will be long, and hot! Love sessions might even go on for more then 24 hours straight, if both parties have the will for it! Of course with multiple orgasms from both parties. I have noticed that what ruins a lot of relationships is the will power to keep the Orgasm engine running is gone, or non existent! Also.. sometimes people get into relationships that should have never started to begin with, because of lust and the lack of actual attraction for one another.
This is why its important to think, is this someone I want to spend the rest of my life with? Think about this every time you start dating! I assure you, your dating will triple.
Thanks for reading my blog guys and gals!
Samuel J Desantos!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sam's 911 Report
The U.S.A. made a huge strategic mistake by invading Iraq in the early 1990's. The United States Military, including the emergency 911 workers here in the USA are offline as of today still. Killed by skull cap and their own sin. Basically working in an advanced war environment in the dark. When you get a phone that says free on it.. and to the phone companies it means not free. Then you know you have a problem with the economy. Freedom of speech is dead just like the United states Government. All these years after 911 happened. The war was for not! They don't care to know.. and knowing is half the battle!
Osama bin laden is one man after all. The USA military continues to challenge Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Russia. When they should be exiting the region. US soldiers are already giving up the battle. Some soldiers see that they are swimming in holy water. They see what they are doing is wrong and they are giving up. This war in Iraq was unjust. The nation we really needed to invade was not asked for, even though the bushes and Clinton knew about it. There is nothing wrong with taking a bath in Iraq. If the United states military thinks that they can send troops into a foreign sovereign nation just to stop them from taking baths, then this is a declaration of war with the world by the USA and NATO.
What does this say to the world, well in my view its a reinsurgency of evil in the USA. If you don't do things correctly, you are punished, you can't take baths, If you ask for soap to take a bath, or want clean drinking water, or want a pair of glasses then you are sentenced to a harsh life or even death. Also not to mention the mockery you receive from the so called "christian Church's" here in the USA and the lack of 911 services to "non whites". With no care what so ever for human life. This isn't in Iraq its in the USA. The United States Government is in collapse now by its own sin.
The united states government has now gone on record and is standing stead fast against the world. Now that Israel has used nukes against Palestine, I foresee that we are headed for Another world War. Israel will be Nuked. Its only a matter of time. NATO Also known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Also known as North American Tactical Operations (Code named Black Water). Is itching for world dominance. Even though, Jesus has rained down on the USA with gods blessing! Almost as if to say, cool it, "so called world member". You're not Jesus !
The United States Government now in Collapse is headed into a war that they know nothing of. They don't want to know. You heard me right. Its See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, with the USA. Like I said in my previous articles its genocide while eating red white and blue candy and calling it freedom.
This war in Iraq was all just about who can take a bath, and where, and with who. The USA remains iffy with the Ukraine on weather its part of NATO. The Ukraine has gone through a lot of economic hardship after suffering from the Chernobyl reactor melt down. It doesn't help that some Ukrainians are turning racist now to gain support from the west. This is something Obama will have to deal with in his presidency. Going to the Ukraine for support, and not bringing Joe the plumber jack 3 pack. That might be a bad idea after he reads this article!
Is the liberal media getting the full story right? Maybe its the nuclear cool aid I'm drinking here in sunny Madera CA. Who knows. Residents are already packing up to move from sunny Madera CA. I can see this with my own eyes. I foresee another terrorist attack happening, if not here in Madera. Then in, San Francisco CA, San Jose CA, (The silicon Valley) or Fresno CA ( The Central Valley).
911 emergency in the united states is no more. You are not protected. You can no longer call a fire emergency for a cat on the roof. Let a lone all your cats being poisoned to death. This really reminds me of Pre world war 2 conditions. Where the Nazi's used fear and intimidation for control. To Ann Coulter and rush Limbaugh this is why the war is going swimmingly in Iraq. The lack of care for life. They would rather drink nuclear cool aid then let someone take a simple bath. What fools in gods eyes.
I feel that if Iraq moves to gain NATO support you just might see Israel get nuked. Remember this is all happening now! Israel continues to have an anti Palestinian government stance. They want to wipe out the Palestinians from their land. Israel is getting away with Murder right now in Palestine. I urge world leaders to take a look at what is going on in the middle east as a sign of what is to come from our future economies around the world.
Thank you for reading my blog
Samuel J Desantos
Osama bin laden is one man after all. The USA military continues to challenge Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Russia. When they should be exiting the region. US soldiers are already giving up the battle. Some soldiers see that they are swimming in holy water. They see what they are doing is wrong and they are giving up. This war in Iraq was unjust. The nation we really needed to invade was not asked for, even though the bushes and Clinton knew about it. There is nothing wrong with taking a bath in Iraq. If the United states military thinks that they can send troops into a foreign sovereign nation just to stop them from taking baths, then this is a declaration of war with the world by the USA and NATO.
What does this say to the world, well in my view its a reinsurgency of evil in the USA. If you don't do things correctly, you are punished, you can't take baths, If you ask for soap to take a bath, or want clean drinking water, or want a pair of glasses then you are sentenced to a harsh life or even death. Also not to mention the mockery you receive from the so called "christian Church's" here in the USA and the lack of 911 services to "non whites". With no care what so ever for human life. This isn't in Iraq its in the USA. The United States Government is in collapse now by its own sin.
The united states government has now gone on record and is standing stead fast against the world. Now that Israel has used nukes against Palestine, I foresee that we are headed for Another world War. Israel will be Nuked. Its only a matter of time. NATO Also known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Also known as North American Tactical Operations (Code named Black Water). Is itching for world dominance. Even though, Jesus has rained down on the USA with gods blessing! Almost as if to say, cool it, "so called world member". You're not Jesus !
The United States Government now in Collapse is headed into a war that they know nothing of. They don't want to know. You heard me right. Its See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, with the USA. Like I said in my previous articles its genocide while eating red white and blue candy and calling it freedom.
This war in Iraq was all just about who can take a bath, and where, and with who. The USA remains iffy with the Ukraine on weather its part of NATO. The Ukraine has gone through a lot of economic hardship after suffering from the Chernobyl reactor melt down. It doesn't help that some Ukrainians are turning racist now to gain support from the west. This is something Obama will have to deal with in his presidency. Going to the Ukraine for support, and not bringing Joe the plumber jack 3 pack. That might be a bad idea after he reads this article!
Is the liberal media getting the full story right? Maybe its the nuclear cool aid I'm drinking here in sunny Madera CA. Who knows. Residents are already packing up to move from sunny Madera CA. I can see this with my own eyes. I foresee another terrorist attack happening, if not here in Madera. Then in, San Francisco CA, San Jose CA, (The silicon Valley) or Fresno CA ( The Central Valley).
911 emergency in the united states is no more. You are not protected. You can no longer call a fire emergency for a cat on the roof. Let a lone all your cats being poisoned to death. This really reminds me of Pre world war 2 conditions. Where the Nazi's used fear and intimidation for control. To Ann Coulter and rush Limbaugh this is why the war is going swimmingly in Iraq. The lack of care for life. They would rather drink nuclear cool aid then let someone take a simple bath. What fools in gods eyes.
I feel that if Iraq moves to gain NATO support you just might see Israel get nuked. Remember this is all happening now! Israel continues to have an anti Palestinian government stance. They want to wipe out the Palestinians from their land. Israel is getting away with Murder right now in Palestine. I urge world leaders to take a look at what is going on in the middle east as a sign of what is to come from our future economies around the world.
Thank you for reading my blog
Samuel J Desantos
Friday, February 6, 2009
Obama vs Rush & Company on economics 101!
Obama Refuses to deal with the economy. This "stimulus" bill will only work if it goes to the right people.. I wouldn't mind seeing the "stimulus" going to low income families and only low income families. So they can move about the country. Give them the real tax break! Oh and not that kind of tax break Rush Limbaugh! I just don't see America getting out of raising taxes. I really don't.
Under Clinton & G.W.Bush the water systems have decayed. That's not very christian as far as I'm concerned. Rush Limbaugh, Would rather have Obama fail, instead of admitting that there is nuclear waste in the waters. Open up rush! Come on! As much as rush Limbaugh would have you believe that he doesn't really want the president to fail. He really has a sneaky intent to make him fail. Via his on air comments about the president.
If you don't think the water systems have anything to do with the economy you are dead wrong! Check out my previous article on Rod Blagojevich. It effects productivity, and workers health. Rush Limbaugh's pro "dirty industry" stance won't last long if all his workers are dying from radio active poisoning. A.K.A. Nuclear kool aid to rush Limbaugh and his friends. Rush Limbaugh really wants the president to fail doesn't he!
(From: "Rod Blagojevich still being challenged?" Posted Thursday, January 22, 2009)
Both Ohio, and Illinois have the most nuclear dumping sites with high level uranium. It is unheard of! No one talks about it until its in a "white" child's mouth, or someone dies. Illinois spreads about 1,000 tons of high level nuclear waste alone into the ground. Ohio has about 800 High Level Dumping sites. There is even more low level amounts that enter the atmosphere each day. In 2006, Exelon was sued by the state of Illinois (Blagojevich's Reform party) for failing to report that its Brainwood nuclear plant had been releasing waste water containing traces of Radioactive tritium into the ground water surrounding the plant since 1996.
Back to the economic meltdown. Is it tax time again? Well The tax system is a huge fraud. No Air? I mean come on.
Please, oh please, cut taxes on cutting down trees so I can build my home! I'll build a tax free out house! I swear! The problem is republicans don't want to plant trees or let you cut down trees yourself. Who would they rather have plant these trees and pick the fruit? You guessed it!!! The people that really need the "stimulus" bill! Illegal aliens, Or as I like to call them the new low income family. Oh and kids from the green peace movement of course. They pay them below minimum wage to rebuild the planet so rush Limbaugh can suck up more oxygen. He needs it remember!
Social security still? Shouldn't I get all my money now so I can start planing for the future? Well America doesn't think so! This is the problem we are facing today! Rising taxes are killing the economy. So I think Obama is going to have to walk on a tight rope. Raising taxes while at the same time pleasing republicans in the house and senate. Cutting spending is going to have to be part of his agenda. Also letting the American people know that they should spend more wisely, while still spending.
Generational isolationist's like Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter, would rather have the normal folk continue to drink nuclear kool aid. Their admission to this sin is by their lack of comments on this issue of water pollution and solutions to fix the problem.
Anyway Thanks for reading my blog.
Samuel J Desantos
Under Clinton & G.W.Bush the water systems have decayed. That's not very christian as far as I'm concerned. Rush Limbaugh, Would rather have Obama fail, instead of admitting that there is nuclear waste in the waters. Open up rush! Come on! As much as rush Limbaugh would have you believe that he doesn't really want the president to fail. He really has a sneaky intent to make him fail. Via his on air comments about the president.
If you don't think the water systems have anything to do with the economy you are dead wrong! Check out my previous article on Rod Blagojevich. It effects productivity, and workers health. Rush Limbaugh's pro "dirty industry" stance won't last long if all his workers are dying from radio active poisoning. A.K.A. Nuclear kool aid to rush Limbaugh and his friends. Rush Limbaugh really wants the president to fail doesn't he!
(From: "Rod Blagojevich still being challenged?" Posted Thursday, January 22, 2009)
Both Ohio, and Illinois have the most nuclear dumping sites with high level uranium. It is unheard of! No one talks about it until its in a "white" child's mouth, or someone dies. Illinois spreads about 1,000 tons of high level nuclear waste alone into the ground. Ohio has about 800 High Level Dumping sites. There is even more low level amounts that enter the atmosphere each day. In 2006, Exelon was sued by the state of Illinois (Blagojevich's Reform party) for failing to report that its Brainwood nuclear plant had been releasing waste water containing traces of Radioactive tritium into the ground water surrounding the plant since 1996.
Back to the economic meltdown. Is it tax time again? Well The tax system is a huge fraud. No Air? I mean come on.
Please, oh please, cut taxes on cutting down trees so I can build my home! I'll build a tax free out house! I swear! The problem is republicans don't want to plant trees or let you cut down trees yourself. Who would they rather have plant these trees and pick the fruit? You guessed it!!! The people that really need the "stimulus" bill! Illegal aliens, Or as I like to call them the new low income family. Oh and kids from the green peace movement of course. They pay them below minimum wage to rebuild the planet so rush Limbaugh can suck up more oxygen. He needs it remember!
Social security still? Shouldn't I get all my money now so I can start planing for the future? Well America doesn't think so! This is the problem we are facing today! Rising taxes are killing the economy. So I think Obama is going to have to walk on a tight rope. Raising taxes while at the same time pleasing republicans in the house and senate. Cutting spending is going to have to be part of his agenda. Also letting the American people know that they should spend more wisely, while still spending.
Generational isolationist's like Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter, would rather have the normal folk continue to drink nuclear kool aid. Their admission to this sin is by their lack of comments on this issue of water pollution and solutions to fix the problem.
Anyway Thanks for reading my blog.
Samuel J Desantos
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