Sunday, September 27, 2009

America losing at world trade? Should Investors pull out of the stock market?

With all the hyped hysteria about the Economy slowly making a come back, one can't help but to notice how America is still not the economic super power it once was. After the events of September the 11Th 2001 or "911" as we Journalists call it! Things are not the same. America is losing the trade battle in the open seas.

American made products are almost gone in today's market place. The word "Made In The USA" is being replaced By "Made in China"! Also, Trade with Great Britain is dismal at best! The Trade war is not coming, its already here!! It is lead by liberals in the highest office of the United States Government.

So you ask whats scaring the investors off besides the stupid liberals in congress?

Well, American cargo ships are being Challenged, captured, bombed and or sunk from bad weather. Like the Maersk Alabama that was captured and recovered just recently off the cost of Somalia by Somali pirates. Somali Pirates hate America now! Somali Pirates are vowing to Slaughter Americans! Similarly, no one will forget the USS Cole Which was bombed in 1999 off the cost of Yemen.

Also, No one can forget the Big Warning shot! A missile was fired at the USS Ash land docked in the Jordanian port of Aqaba. "I can confirm that a rocket flew over the bow of USS Ash land and the rocket impacted in the roof of a warehouse. No sailors or marines were injured," said Commander Breslau, of the US Fifth Fleet.

Maybe This is why Obama has not followed his Liberal base and has sent an additional 20,000 Troops to Afghanistan. These Attacks On American Ships are Another step in the wrong direction! An inevitable trade war with China!

Also, in 2006 the U.S. Cargo ship M/V Kanaya was sunk of the cost of Somalia. It was carrying 20,000 tons of coal. That's about roughly 7 million dollars in coal! It sunk from bad weather apparently. A costly Mistake!

Likewise, another incident in the San Francisco bay has left many officials puzzled. The Cosco Busan a Chinese Vessel was responsible for an oil spill that covered many miles of the S.F. bay area shore line in 2007. The ship crashed into the bay bridge and spilled 58,000 gallons of of oil into the bay. Federal investigators have now launched a criminal probe into the crash. This is according to Reuters and the AP.

Crew members aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington recently battled a fire that started while the ship was in the Pacific Ocean en route from Chile to San Diego, on May 22, 2008. About $70 million in damage was done to the nuclear aircraft carrier. Of Course it wasn't the guy that was smoking that caused the blaze! It was misplaced cargo! A.K.A. the American Stock Market!

Now with All of these mishaps, happening how can America's stock market remain intact. Well it cant! Investors are getting worried! They're getting worried about putting in all of their money into this stock market! Especially with America's multiple wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including an unseen war that's happening now that will effect our kids. To investors this is money that can easily be spent elsewhere.

America has steadily increased the trade deficit with china since 1985 until now. As of 2009 the deficit with China increased from $18.4 billion in June to $20.4 billion in July this is according to the census at the Federal Trade Department (FTD). This statistic is just for Goods and it is not seasonally adjusted.

According to the FTD U.S. Exports increased Internationally to $127.6 billion in July from $124.9 billion in June. Imports increased to $159.6 billion in July from $152.4 billion in June. These numbers are appalling!

This means we have a president right now that is giving Tax Payer money to the nation of Ghana, that's 1.4 billions worth in aid!! This is when we have an international trade balance that is -$32 billion. Now this is farcical! Some would argue that there are no benefits from donating to aid organizations especially in Africa!

The E.U. Donated $63 Billion dollars for science and technology Research in Africa. EU Commissioner for Science and Research Janez Potocnik said the fund would support 19 projects. Usually medical aid is stolen and sold off to the general public to support War Lords in Africa.

This is not going to advance America's standing in the world. The only thing its helping is making China richer, and the poor in Africa Poorer. Also a lot of my future republican colleagues will be effected by this wasteful spending in the decades to come. One less Republican on the road!

The question is will the world survive with America not being an economic super power any more! I personally think American products and Chinese imports in America are turning into shotgun shotty shoddy goods. Retail commerce is turning into a vicious battle and its hurting the consumers. The consumers are waking up to it right now! Especially in the technology sector.

The battle for your money has begun! The winner will be determined by who has the best Goods. If America starts to lose this battle it is going to be devastating. Unfortunately it already has taken a huge blow after 9/11. I still feel investors shouldn't panic, I love America and.. I think America can still get itself out of this economic emergency.

Of course it will take the people to rise up against the corruption. This battle however is like opening up a can of worms. It needs to be dealt with by using surgical gloves, These gloves have to go into every sector of this government! Very hard job to accomplish over night! Although with a little TLC it can be done.

Thanks for Reading my blog guys

Samuel J Desantos

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Uranium Found In Madera CA Drinking Water? Not Just Minerals?

What you are about to read is declassifed information that should be taken very seriously.

Some of my sources are telling me that some parts of Madera CA has been hit with Uranium poisoning. Or some kind of poisoning that is unconfirmed! It could have been biological or chemical, or Uranium in the drinking water. Now this is unconfirmed reports, although there was a small amount of the population exposed to some kind of toxic chemical that produces half life. Again.. Its unconfirmed for how long this was happening.. although its likely that it was for more then a decade now.

These reports if accurate are a gross oversight by the federal government in California, and Madera County. Unfortunately we already have had confirmed reports coming in that there was uranium and Gross Alpha activity at bass lake, Marina View wells. The water up there is currently not drinkable. This is according to the Madera County website. MD-7 is no longer able to provide drinkable water and has been labeled as containing Gross Alpha and Uranium.

This is just the tip of the ice berg for Madera CA unfortunately.. I foresee a collapse in the Government in CA in the near future.

City officials are blind to this event. As you may have already known Madera city officials are already involved in genocide. They have been pro abortion, pro smoking, and drinking uranium. These guys just don't care about it..Although.. I'm not going to just give up.. I will be reporting everything I notice about the situation. This is very puzzling.

This might have been a military test on the general population. If this is the truth.. then there will be hell to pay! The General in charge of this will be fired.

Most likely this was in fact a field test of some kind to test the readiness of Madera Officials. They have obviously failed miserably! Hopefully no one has died from these tests and or poisonings.

I have called the Madera county hospital and Fresno county hospitals and they have all denied any reports of uranium poisoning. This seems to me like an oversight by the city as well as the hospital. If they were to have read the city website they would have found out the info.

Either way.. this is very troubling news.

Uranium poisoning is characterized by generalized health impairment. The element and its compounds produce changes in the kidneys, liver, lungs and cardiovascular, nervous and haemopoietic systems, and cause disorders of protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

It's actually becoming harder to detect because you also get a wheeze when you are coming down with Uranium poisoning! Including kidney problems and fluid in the lungs. So many doctors that are ignorant to the facts of modern war fair will overlook Uranium as a cause. Basically covering up the problem.

As was the case of Army Sergeant Michael Lee Tosto Who Died in Iraq of DU poisoning but was labeled by the Military and the White House as having pulmonary edema (Fluid In The Lungs) when he died. Depleted Uranium is not to be confused with Uranium. DU is the byproduct of enrichment of uranium and has 40% less then the same dose of Uranium found in the ground.

Stay vigilant folks and remember, if its not your problem now.. it could soon become your problem later on!

Thank you for reading my blog

Samuel J Desantos

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Democratically Lead Commerce War Is Here!!

For years Republicans have been for free enterprise and a free market place. Why is it that now we should allow other countries like China, Russia, Canada, and Mexico, to dictate to us what we can and cant sell in our own back yards!! This is an outrage! Government Officials right now that are currently against the free market system should be fired and run out of office!! Lets Start a petition on to change the way things are run!

There are just way too many fines, penalties and taxes, put in place against small business owners. Free Market means no government oversight!! No monetary system! No regulations! Absolutely free! This is exactly what is wrong with America right now! The free market place is almost gone!

Richard Daley the current mayor of Chicago is an example of this kind of official abusing his powers in the free market arena! In his city of Chicago, pedicab drivers are facing a $450 bi annual fine for license and insurance. This means Chicago bicycle cabs will have to go and register at the DMV! Something that is unheard of in the bicycle industry!

Richard Daley is looking to pocket nearly $1.8 million for the city just from the backs of pedicab drivers each year! What happened to the free market in Chicago??

Its like the mayor of Chicago is a crazy drug dealer saying to each and every pedicab driver that you cant ride here.. I'm sorry mayor.. but this is America's Block not yours!! Go back to China!!!

As for other goons who have been using the same practice.. The governor of California just recently started charging ATV riders with penalties and DMV fines for using these street legal vehicles. When will these officials learn that we live in a free market place! You would think that ATV's Would cause more pollution then a gas guzzling truck from the restrictions and regulations put against them by the DMV!

These regulators make their money off of our ignorance. They don't like it when you start to use big words like "free enterprise" or "No Regulations in the free Market"!! As if renewing a business license makes you a reputable stand up guy compared to not having one at all!

At least Colombia wont have to worry about getting a new license in the USA. A vote to renew trade with Colombia was just blocked by Democrat Nancy Pelosi. The Democrats are threatening to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement with one of our closest allies. This would make for the start of a huge trade war. I foresee a trade war happening in the near future!! There is just too many instances where America is blocking free trade.

When you read this article just think of all the things that can be bought and sold with regulations lifted. With out all of these government regulations the economy would be back in full swing in no time. People would be able to move about the country!

Thanks for reading my blog guys!

Samuel J Desantos