Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama Still Can't Solve the Book Enigma

The Obama Administration still can't make up their mind on Education. The Education system in the United States continues to be the worst in the world. Only 2nd to the Brazilian educational system which is dead last. Run by President Lula! The flaws in the U.S. Educational system start with legions of teachers that do not want to allow children to learn what they want when they want! This is almost a writers guild if you will.
It's not that there aren't any smart teachers out there, the problem is getting more people that want to teach others in the right way into the educational system. Currently we have thousands of teachers teaching our youth about false gods and false teachings. We need a 911 commission to look at the educational system and what we can do to teach our kids better.
We need more hearing & Vision tests administered on our youth! This is an epidemic that is bigger then AIDS, Cancer, and Heart disease itself! President Obama and Michelle Obama need to work together on this issue. Its time for Big Daddy to step up to the plate and clean it.
Its almost as if there is a, dare i say it, war on education! It sounds childish to say this while we are at war! although not everyone is realizing the ramifications of this war on our kids learning. Even in home school learning. Kids Should have a choice to learn what they want.
Teachers should also be given more time with all their students. President Obama's Educational plan is basically going to change every child in America into small minded conformist Nazi kids, who think it is better to demolish buildings instead of opening doors. We need to change this old way of thinking!
Stopping the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is a good start. Although it appears Obama is being a jerk off about stopping the wars! Our kids deserve better! We need to rise up against the Nazi administrations and tell them we want to read more of what we want, not the other way around! We need more government transparency! We are not going to put up with all this word spam forced down our throat!
There is a war on freedom of expression and freedom of speech as well! We can not neglect this fact.
The enemy appears to be a fear monger. Fear mongering continues to be a money making business not only for the medical industry but for companies like walmart as well. Who would rather close their doors instead of hiring people for a 9-5 and 5-12.
Why is it that fear mongering is such a huge industry! Well what it does is closes peoples minds and makes them think of the past more then the present! If you can get thousands of people to stop what they are doing and come down with panic and fear what will happen?
Everyone starts to consume! Think about it! They have a hole in their pocket with money to burn. This can last for years! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this stuff out. The medical industry then gains vast amounts of money from the creation of fear and panic.
Some faith based industries also use fear mongering. To keep their converts in control. whether this is the false Messiah's church is yet to be seen! Although it appears a vast amount of church followers will not even do the right thing even if it means ruffling some feathers!
In the end this does a huge number on the educational system! Kids stop wanting to learn. Who would want to learn with bad eye sight, and bad hearing. "YES WE CAN GIVE OUR KIDS HEARING AND EYE TESTS"! Care needs to come back to the educational system in America before its to late!
Sexual education is another huge problem in our schools. Our kids are not being taught properly about love. They are being taught about sex at a young age before they are taught about love! Although sometimes a certain "class" of people like to only teach love to themselves. There is nothing wrong with loving yourself although these racists like to take it to the extreme. So in that case sexual education is good for the community.
I feel there needs to be an emphasis on teaching about "love" and being together forever! A great way to achieve this feat is to teach the true meaning of "free love"! Moving away from associating money with love! This cheapens the value of American life by the minute! Not all Americans are Capitalists sluts!
The negative reinforcement of classism, Isolationism, and love all starts in the class room. If we can reach these kids at a young age and get them ready for life. Teach them how to look at life in a new angle with out the fears of classism. Then they will have the confidence they need to change the world. I hope everyone reading my blog is ready to make a change in their life today.
Our "Kids" should be able to do anything they put their minds to. Like Acting for instance. The school needs to expand the theater commissions. A lot of people don't appreciate Directors & actors any more. The roles they play in helping others are paramount. Some child models are not being given the same respect as other white models, actors, and actresses in Hollywood. Especially non nude child models!
We need to stop banning kids from their education. If we continue to ban kids from education they will continue down the same path. This path is the narrow path to hell! It can't be stopped if we don't do something now. This is a serious issue folks.
We can not procrastinate any more. This is an issue of national security! There is a war against our kids and no one is doing anything about it! School buses are just sitting in empty lots with no bus drivers! What is going on in America? This is what the republican party has done in the last 20 years! Just sat around and had tea all day! With no thought of who will pay for the wars in the future. Well its going to be our kids!
Republicans like Sarah Palin are not enablers! Sarah Palin as you may have already known likes to pull books from the library shelves. Sarah Palin Practices censorship. Alaska could have used Obama's bail out money. She wants to stop me & you from knowing Jesus's word! Republicans like that need to quit sitting around. Quit banning people from finding Jesus's word and quit banning people from their education before its too late!
Thanks for reading my blog guys
Samuel J DeSantos

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The World Wants Its Love & Money And America Is Continuing Its Static Hand Policy!

After the Unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, The United States Appears to be in collapse now. The strategies of the Bush administration and Obama Administrations have failed. They have caused the collapse of the Georgian government. I foresee if the policy continues we will see more bad news coming from Georgia.
The 911 system in America is no longer working!! You are not safe! Even with as many guns that you might own. Its still not working! 911 Officers are no longer running on the policy of Jesus.
Tensions are rising in the west coast and Texas and other parts of the USA! Texas a humble state not normally frequented by extremists have given way to "Skull Cap Style Tea Parties"!
Skull Cap Tea As You may have known causes intense liver Damage and call kill people, including 911 officers! These Tea Parties are a serious event! We don't want people handing out Skull Cap tea! Especially racist extremists.
Nazism Continues to grip America. Nazi's knew about 911! They knew about what it would do to the world stage economically. The potential for Bio Terror, and Weapons of Mass destruction Were all thought about by the Nazi leaders of America.
They insisted, and now America is in the place that it is in because of their own sin. Our Military is currently at last place in the world! America is headed for world war. Weather you like it or not!
I'm normally not afraid of Nazism since I have witnessed their terror first had after the events of September 9/11, 2001, 911, although, it is scary to watch these extremists now go to these skull Cap style tea parties, The next thing you know someone is going to get killed or a bomb might blow up at the tea party! It might actually be a nuke. Toyota is already threatening with their auto pilot chips!
Allah is not to blame for the events of 911! Racists people are! I wouldn't even call them christian at this point!
America is becoming someone Else's bitch and the World wants to be paid, and be respected and loved! A lot of the banks in America are going broke right now. I suggest everyone reading my blog invest in gold right away! Or contact your senators and ask for them to resign.
Remember your Arms are a weapon when you use it!! Except when you are in hand cuffs!
The World Remains adamant about the fact that blacks in America are still mistreated and not given the proper wages and not given the same respect as other parents in America that are white. White only people continue to tell blacks how to raise their kids so they can stop blacks from reproducing and continue to progress themselves! Even Chinese Americans can see this, They have no more time to meditate!
This is a disturbing trend in America right now, Racist White mothers continue to neglect their kids and then expect blacks to take care of them! Racist White women account for the highest number of single women in America right now! Some white women even have 5 kids and have no job.
Then in the same "Racist Extremist white sports coat" they, expect you to love Christ unconditionally even though the Christ of America is ragging brown goo and doesn't want powder on their pee! Then Dumps you! That Messiah is not mine and was Never mine!
Someone tell faith she needs to go to the clinic. I don't think she gets it!
President Obama doesn't care about blacks in Kenya his home country! Where recently off the coast of Somalia hungry pirates continue to steal shipments. It might be my real Toyota! Who knows. All I'm saying is.. Obama wants to go into Africa of all places and disarm the country!
All while keeping blacks down in America. How can this be?
Obama Doesn't care about poor black people that have went through mini Bio Terror in America!! All he cares about is going to Africa and taking over the country and bombing them and rebuilding. Man what a really, really, bad dead beat President of America this man is! This Man is uneducated and he needs to read more!
Can you Imagine all these people going to these "Skull Cap Tea party" events. Like Ann Coulter, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh (AkA The Big Russian), These guys are insane! I wonder if they will be the skeletons in the pictures of men gripping their guns while the country has already been Nuke bombed. They Don't care about Jesus! They Think Ann Coulter is Jesus! She hasn't even cut her face for Jesus yet! Neither has beck I might add! A Racist liberal commentator.
The Static hand continues to grip the industrial sector of America, Which includes the Army! Employers are giving more hours off the clock unofficially. Then using intimidation in the work place to basically threaten their workers. Like you cant lift that 6,000 pound object. You cant do this you cant do that! YES WE CAN! This is called Racism something white people need to learn about! Their minds are weak!
The Static hand or bio infecting hand as I call it also spreads to other industries! Like the food industry! Jack in the box, Taco bell, and KFC all have a weird policy about hiring and firing their workers. This is insane I even saw a woman that didn't know how to speak English apply there. Now don't you think its time to turn those people away right about now? Damn.
This Static hand also spreads into the private sector. Where you have entire racist private industries. Hiring and firing workers and replacing them with white only workers. This is called slavery! This isn't always a black static hand, The hand has a snake around it that likes to spit bio terror. The racist static hand likes to take what it wants when it wants. From anyone including intellectual property. It seems to me that some of these racists are using the evolution argument to go after peoples money.
Its open Season on those who are considered less evolved!
America is full of Racist disorganized people who are prostrating to the Isolationist false gods! I dare any of my fellow republicans to repeat this last sentence inside a church to your head pastor! Let him know how you feel about Isolationism!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Brazilian President Lula Says "White People With Blue Eyes Caused The Global Financial Crisis"!

For the most part Isolationism, Protectionism & American Slavery is what caused the global financial meltdown. Including, the lack of movement by the US Government to nationalize all its banks! I feel Nationalizing all the banks in America would be a good idea! Its not right to have to wait to put food on the table after you get your pay check.

Bank Of America is Officially Fired! Americans should be paid right away!

Why Should I, as an American Worker, With an Able Body, be held Back from cashing a check the same day I receive it? This Is Insanity!

No one can Deny that America's Financial troubles are here still because of a growing fear after 911! Also the war in Iraq and Afghanistan made by Shady alliances with the Ukraine is not helping much!

Is Brazilian President Lula, Right, in Saying that it was White people with Blue Eyes that caused the financial meltdown? Well...There are others that are to blame. Although America is in fact practicing Nazism on a government scale!

The objections to Nationalization is that the banks need time, and well, they basically want to borrow money from over sea's and create more bad debt, and slow moving goods! Or Burn money in the Stock Market! Our Money! These are only fair objections if you spend wisely and Barrow less excessively!

Even be it Temporarily This causes huge problems Such as what we are seeing with bad investments today. Although I think America can Recover if we start drilling for more oil and creating more jobs.

Socialism is taking over the thinking of most people in Brazil. The Thought of, My house is your house, Jesus, and free love reigns in Brazil. Including the new socialist currency! Is this what is best for Brazil? Former President Bush Didn't think so!! Love is the Key!

Brazilian president Lula Stated you can not get drunk on Protectionism! I think it's like having a war with your kids! Something America is facing right now! Either you have Isolationism with No love in the United States or you have socialism with lots of love in Brazil! Brazil is choosing socialism and is progressing!

Samuel J DeSantos

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Toyota of America is Not Running Under Federal Standards and is offline as of today!

Toyota of America is not running currently under United States Federal Standards! Toyota doesn't want to fix a simple chip in the Toyota Tundra 2000 Four Wheel Drive Model! Used or not! This means what? Toyota is a terrorist Company!

None of The Toyota Dealers In America Can Handle this problem of a faulty motherboard that makes a car go "beep" all the time when you drive!!! Including light up an entire dashboard with bad codes!

They Are willing to accept a faulty chip in a moving vehicle! which can drive anywhere in America. Which is like playing risk! They would rather play risk instead of paying for repairs of a simple chip. Or Sending a new Car to my address! How Pathetic!!

This means they are sending drone cars out in the market place. Dummy cars if you will! With Terrorist bugs in it. No one is going to buy these cars Now! Especially after September 9/11 2001! This means America wants war or is having a war with Toyota and Japan still till this day!

China is ready for World War and wants a New Currency!

I say this is the most greedy Company in America right now! Toyota of America would rather risk peoples lives instead of repairing a simple chip, on a faith basis! Toyota of America has lost all my respect.

What does this mean for America. This means that Americans are not safe driving Toyotas. Or Near Toyotas as of September 11Th 2001! If Toyota can't send someone to fix a simple chip this means they are going to have to file for bankruptcy! After the Tundra 2000 model, Toyota refused to recall this problem.

This means that we are at Carmageddon with Japan and Toyota's Police. What will this mean for the American Auto Industry.

After Obama Fires the GM CEO. This is nothing but bad news for America. A chip that lights up the entire Dash board, is a terrorist car in my opinion! I'm sorry no matter how you want to look at it. That is what it is!!!! If Toyota does not want to fix this then they are a terrorist company as of "today". You Heard me Right A Terrorist Company!

Toyota is a terrorist Company to the WORLD now! Who will save the people that have had their cars explode! Heaven forbid someone already died and burned in this car!

Toyota not Toyoda Takes a 1st quarter hit! That's right I googled it! As of This year April 2009! They are almost bankrupt. They have no towing operations in California. They have nothing to help people who are in need with their broken cars. They really "killed it" recently with the sale of the new electric hybrid, the Toyota Prius.

Although the Toyota Tundra 2000 Four Wheel Drive Model falls short some how?

Madera CA Police is offline with this issue. They have no Comment what so ever!! All Madera CA police are fired as far as I'm concerned Including the Captain. Also the Fresno Police Chief! Fired! All Fired or should go on strike today!

What would they rather have happen. American's Toyotas Burn In their Drive ways??? This is what is happening NOW!!

This is insanity and Carmageddon. How is it possible that Toyota Can Call me an Idiot for this Problem of a faulty car. Even If it is used! This is still their problem! Especially if the Madera P.D. is offline! This is a Four Wheel Drive vehicle we are talking about here! How can this be?

They have no Excuses on this issue. Madera P.D. , Toyota of California, Toyota of America. Everyone! You are 2 times Crazy, if you think that's going to work with me! Not giving me a new car Or Fixing it for Free!! They would rather have Carmageddon happen which it apparently has!

Stop acting like it wasn't a gift Toyota! Like No one gives cars as a gift!

Thank you for Reading my blog

Samuel J DeSantos!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Obama Pushing for American & Nato Expansion! World War!

America's Recent trip to Europe has failed in diplomacy. Obama is calling for the same Bush Policy as before. This is upsetting the liberal base, although they still have a turkey on for Obama! He really needs to find a different approach to his foreign policy.

Michelle Obama Actually had the nerv to touch the Queen of England on her back! I hope for the queens sake she will burn the clothes immediately. Either that or donate it to someone in need!

Obama wants to disarm some parts of Africa and the USA!! His Basket ball games are in the bath tub with no soap and I'm not talking about US soldiers in Iraq. I'm talking about the people here at home in America. Remember Lakers vs Celtics?

America is becoming a third world nation! This is because of people like President Obama and former President Bush Senior and Junior! Americans are living day to day with out being able to afford the simple things like soap and clean drinking water!

Obama is still for isolationism! He has been found out! Obama needs to wake up before he opens his mouth for a change! Why is it that we are labeled with the guilt of freedom of speech. When a person like Obama can talk about murdering babies openly in public. Even passing a bill as if it was nothing!

So you mean to tell me.. I cant speak about Isolationism and protectionism and Obama can close down Gitmo, and Ally with Viktor Yushchenko a racist from the Ukraine and no one says anything about it in the media? Yes!

Obama should be fired for not Arresting former American Presidents Bush Senior and Junior for war crimes! Also for closing Gitmo in the same turn coat. We all know what the real Bath Party is! Any Americans that voted for these Goons should be Ashamed of themselves!

Not that there is anything wrong with perfection. Although Obama wants to manipulate media so he can gear up his teleprompters on time! Heaven forbid that everyone know about Americas shady alliance with the Ukraine for oil and money and dead Ukrainian babies.

He is doing this all while stopping you from having an education. Is it a sin.... to want freedom of speech! Is it a crime.... to have freedom of expression! Well I think being president is not a joke!

Closing gitmo was like closing down the ghost buster ghost chamber! Obama Needs to wake up!!! He is a in a dream world of fantasy and he is losing by the minute!

Samuel J DeSantos