Wednesday, January 18, 2012
SOPA Is Actually Stop Online Sharing Act!
The U.S. has been known for championing freedom and freedom of speech. However in recent weeks there has been a push to pass SOPA which stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. This bill if passed will open up the gates for all kinds of debate as to what exactly is piracy. Which might be what America needs.. However.. I am uncertain as to who exactly is running the show in this country. So any bill like this passed will only be detrimental to all Americans.
This bill is basically a sneaky way to try to put a stop to online file sharing! I think there needs to be more debate to mention the fact that Capitalism has infact died in some areas of the country. The truth is what has taken over is a new breed of Socialism not cronyism!
I believe in actually doing something called "Downloading". Lets not mention the Get right days. This bill will stop all downloading. Forget downloading a simple web page!! Forget Downloading movies, games, or a simple documentary..or shit even making a fan video..This bill is going to bury the web in all kinds of paperwork!
Lets put it in layman's terms ..A guy has some friends.. he goes and rents some movies.. and all his friends come and watch it with him, because he said he was going to rent them...Same guy.. says he is going to go to the library to get his movies.. None of this friends want to watch the movies with him after words. Even though they are the very same quality movies but just checked out at the library! This guy is not only suffering from discrimination he is also suffering from capitalism's downfall! His friends were obviously paid fakers! A new growing trend in America!
Some people believe SOPA is actually stop online socialism act, however there needs to be clarity between "Capitalist Fascism" and "Free Socialism" if you were to make that reference. This is because some people think Nazi Germany won the war.. and they will go on and on and say the war is not over.. but in fact it is.
That's pretty much all I have to say about SOPA.
Samuel J De Santos
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