Fresno county ranks number 3 in the nation when it comes to unhealthy air standards. Madera & Fresno Counties have been found to have unusually high levels of Smog. Fresno Fails Air Quality standards with unhealthy..and Madera comes in right behind Fresno with moderate Air Quality. The population of Fresno has been exposed to high levels of Ozone (03), PM-10 and PM-25 pollutants.
Ozone (03) is the major component of smog. Although 03 in the upper atmosphere is beneficial because it shields the earth from the sun's harmful Ultraviolet radiation, high concentrations of 03 at ground level are a major health and environmental concern. The reactivity of O3 causes health problems because it damages lung tissue, reduces lung functions and sensitizes the lungs to other irritants. Scientific evidence indicates that ambient levels of O3 not only affect people with impaired respiratory systems, such as asthmatics, but healthy adults and children as well.
PM Particulate matter is a mixture of particles that can adversely effect human health, damage materials and form atmospheric haze that degrades visibility. PM is usually divided up into different classes based on size, ranging from total suspended matter (TSP) to PM-10 (Particles less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter) to PM-2.5 (particles less then 2.5 microns) In general the smallest particles pose the highest human health risk. PM exposure can effect breathing, aggravate existing respiratory and cardiovascular disease, alter the body's defense systems against foreign materials, and damage lung tissue, contributing to cancer and premature death. Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary or cardiovascular disease, asthmatics, the elderly and children are most sensitive to the effects of PM.
The percentage of days with unhealthy air for sensitive individuals was a whopping 36 days. That is enough to increase the number of asthmatics in the Central valley by %24 with each passing year of exposure. Especially with these days being in the summer time when the Air Quality is already effected by the heat!
Air Quality is not the only concern.. Drinking water in Madera & Fresno is being polluted each year.. and the water source in the central valley is sacred and is on sacred grounds! As you may already know..Fresno and Madera County receives a majority of its drinking water from rivers which originates from run off from the mountains and higher elevations. We must protect the water sources that come from the higher elevations. This means reducing our carbon footprints and trying out green energy plans for the city we live in.
Madera County's water is still sub par despite its new waste water treatment facility. With one of its wells containing high levels of Uranium. A dangerous mineral if ingested, which over time can cause death. Some Madera County residents are being forced to use water filtration systems to filter out some of these dangerous particulates out of their drinking water.
Fresno County as already taken steps in 2004 to install a new waste water treatment facility. This facility is still not enough and is only the first step to having pure clean drinking water. I am appalled by the water standards in the Central Valley! Things need to change! The people want change!
Peace Out
Samuel J De Santos