Again we are seeing a cry for freedom and a sign that peace has been ignored with the latest spat of riots in London. People are fed up with "Martial Law" and "Nazi Style Imperialism" in the UK! Imperialism that killed Mark Dugan an innocent unarmed man. Now is the time for change! As you can see the people have taken back the streets in response. We at De Santos Blog do not condone the killing, rioting, and looting of innocent people.. however.. sometimes when push comes to shove.. you have to take actions into your own hands! Even if it means using your very own two fists to knock down the establishment!
If you take a look at the incident I had with "Kings Motors" you will realize how this kind of Neocolonialism has spread to the USA. Basically I was not given the ability to order Items from Kings Motors, even living in California, even though I had a fair amount of money roughly around $4,000. I wanted to start a small business. This kind of Fascism must end immediately! It's a plague upon all of mother earth. Unfortunately the UK had to bare the brunt of this mob of violence. In my opinion I hope this happens in Fresno-Madera California as well!! I hope the fascists burn here as well!
I disagree with the mind set that everyone that was looting were bums or people of lower class. That is the first thing that a delusional person would say in this situation. How come no one ever sees these people as freedom fighters taking their streets back. Taking back what is rightfully theirs! Has that ever crossed your mind? Maybe they were "Wronged" for years.. maybe they had head phones with 3 feet long cords that broke easy on the left side. A sign of the times and a sign of the collapse of the U.S. dollar.
These people are sick of being second class citizens working the daily grind. All to be left with a knock off at the end of the day! Do you know in a normal society that is being run perfectly.. Even at war time...you are not supposed to be paid every 2 weeks, you are supposed to be paid every week! Yet these huge companies take in billions from the tax payers every month! Are they out of their freaking minds! This article alone makes me furious at "British Neocolonialism"! This cant be said enough.
Now was Mark Dugan an innocent man.. who knows... I think if he was unarmed they shouldn't have opened fire. For this, they all deserve another one of those flying Merkel's I say! Right up their bum! Did they all forget about the autocrat "Angela Merkel"... Their neighbor? The witch with the flying Merkels!! That didn't slip the rioters minds but it sure fooled the visible police?
I guess we have all witnessed in the last week or so what the real "Tea Party" can do in the UK! Protectionism must end. It does nobody any good! The British citizens should realize everyone is fed up with their failed policies! Including policies still being run in other parts of the world. Like, India, China, and of course our little Kings Motors here in America. What A Slave Trade Con Job!
David Cameron is now the British prime minister, he is a Conservative to boot!! No wonder this is happening! Let me guess he needs another vacation on tax payers money before he can make up his mind on a simple bill.
Anyway.. Thank you for reading my blog.
Samuel J De Santos.