America's Imperialism, Fascism, and Nazism is creating such a divide, such a massive rift that the stock market is collapsing and the national debt is at an all time high. Rogue creditors are practicing predatory lending unchecked by the Federal Government. America has so many people all pushing and pulling for a piece of the "American Dream"! We are at a time in history when most Americans are paying 54% of their taxes to either the Military or Police Force. Should we be paying for bombs to kill more innocent people. Or paying for more tickets!
Good Luck upgrading your car... you are actually upgrading the Imperialist Fascist Military instead and not knowing it! It's hard to believe, but, it is the Truth! Watch the documentary Roger & Me by Micheal Moore. The car companies are taking in billions from the Tax payers every year.
Although, are we seeing the death of Capitalism. It's hard to believe that a country such as America would stop it's production in such a way that would make anyone think Capitalism is failing. However I have come to the realization that most "Americans", dare I say it, dislike the Free Market System.
The flea Market is a prime example of how Americans dislike the free market system. Go to any of your modern day local flea markets and the price to sell usually is $20 bucks. Do they need more of my cash to pay the flea bill? Does that mean Capitalism is dead? Yes.. if you consider the Risk involved in selling anything at a Flea Market to begin with.
I think I will take my chances in Dubai..might be a nice place to raise a family. At least you can sell things there and they have plenty of gas to go around.
A little history on the flea Market.. The origins of the flea market are still disputed till this day. However, I believe, the flea Market got it's name when a Very Poor Russian Business man came to America and trained some fleas and decided to make a show of them at a Market Place in America. Hence the name the flea Market took shape.
Where is the Free Market Economy? Where is it at dude! Where is it!! A Free Market Economy is an Economy where "All Markets" within it are "Unregulated". Lets All Imagine...a flea market.. at ground Zero... now imagine if someone started charging $20 bucks to get in to this GROUND ZERO FLEA MARKET! That person would be rich in no time! Although is it right? This is just creating more of a "Social Economic Divide" in America.
This is what we are seeing in America right now. A total mockery of what America should be. People who are poor can not afford this fee just to start their small businesses. This is all off the backs of just the potential of Free Enterprise and betting against the dollar! Wouldn't that be a terrorist act? If you said yes you are 100% right!
This Pay to sell style Capitalism needs to stop!!! I challenge the fact that Capitalism is alive because you can not start to charge against capitalism itself. That is like trying to charge against the Potential Of Business and free enterprise in America. That is like me putting all of china's money right now against the dollar! That would bring down the stock market instantly.
This is why George Bush was an Awful president! Eventually the death of Capitalism will be caused by Greed, Culture Clash, and Sin! What we are going to see in the near future...is everyone having to pay a mini fee for everything we do and say..Prices for average goods are going to go through the roof. The Cost to drive your car is going to go up because of Over regulation in the Auto Industry. We are already seeing this with Over Regulation at the DMV to pay the Police, Fire Department, and to swiftly pay taxes to supply the Military with more bombs.
Hopefully We will get a break.. with a Democratically lead economy.. which I believe will lead to the proper Nationalization of all the Banking systems in America. Once this is done. You will see a rebound in the US economy. With the redistribution of wealth. However.. we can not Nationalize the Banking systems and at the same time allow "Predatory Lenders" to continue to take advantage of hard working Americans. For any of the Democrats right now this is called Treason.. and is partly the reason why in November 2010 most Republicans took back control of the house.
Luckily they didn't get the senate.
Anyway.. I have come to the conclusion that it is actually Free Market Capitalism that has died in many states, Instead of Capitalism as a whole. Capitalism as a whole is still alive. Although it is run by the very rich elites at the top. Many of my Democratic Colleagues have stated this fact.. and that it all depends now on what type of Socialism is going to be administered to the American People. However what they fail to mention is that it is Greed, Sin, and Culture Clash that will eventually bring down America and Capitalism Around the world.
Right now we are getting a lot of flack from the Republicans, and the Ultra Nationalist Conservatives. They are calling us Communists whenever they get a chance. I guess the only people that are helping America's sick, disabled, and hungry are Democrats Right now. I think that is a Cop Out on their part! Also a very Cheap "Cop Out" To Boot!
The US Dollar Failing is not helping their cause as well. Republican Parents can't afford the basic needs for their kids. Like such things that would provide...a proper education. The republican party right now is filled with some of the most Ignorant people in the world. The Irony is that these people are for Freedom ..but yet against "Free Love".. The Basic necessity in life..that every human needs to continue.
Is love also playing a part in the collapse of Capitalism? It seems a lot of countries hate America right now.. Lets think about it..
America went to war after 9/11 and then left no one there to fix the aftermath.. There is still a rupture in America's Social Economy greater then anything we have ever seen in this countries history. The proof was after hurricane Katrina. When No One Was There. That was the best God impersonation fail I have ever seen.
(It should be noted that everyone on the right is complaining about the Government bailing out the Katrina Victims right now. This was the worse national disaster in American history.. and at the worst possible time when America was at war. That was a huge flood that did lots of damage and that insurance money has to come from somewhere! Like AIG one of the biggest Insurance companies in America)
Moreover.. Was the War in Iraq really worth it? All the lives lost for nothing. All the alliances broken? America reinstating itself as an Imperialist nation. Still on a quest to stop the average person from learning. It's really shameful to see American UN Officials opposed to something as simple as learning and furthering our citizens education. Proof of America's arrogance and fascism. Of Course this all ties into the end of capitalism as we know it.
An average person would have to be very skeptical about the futures markets for America as of November 2010. It looks GRIM! Especially with the free markets totally gone! It makes me wonder if America is a good place to have kids. Or even if you had kids in America would they even remain yours. Most likely your kids are being bought and sold like cheap cattle to the highest bidder. The Micro Managers are watching your kids! This is a very testing time in history as we know it.
Anyway Thanks for reading my blog everyone
Thank you
Samuel J De Santos