This comes as news of U.S. State officials Denying the Holocaust and even

In my mind this is why the BRIC Nations are courting South Africa. The US has Neglected its "Brothers In Arms". America needs to help its allies and not give in to Final Solution tactics. Technology transfers are needed to help America Acquire more allies! Without this America will Fail.
I think besides technology transfers there needs to be a Real Time Counter Measure to the BRIC Economy. One that is not xenophobic! A nation that is mentally Trapped in the stone ages is not going to be able to fight a Nation that is as advanced as the BRIC Nations are.
I am Just as surprised by the U.S. EU Stance on the UN Anti-Nazi Resolution As Russian Officials are. Apparently the US does not recognize the heroic soldiers who fought in WW2 Against the Nazi's. In the tiny country of Georgia there was a World War 2 memorial demolished recently as of 2010. The memorial that was demolished killed 2 people as the blast went off!
An Upsurge in Nazism has gripped America Recently After 9/11 with the popularity of Nazi video games, Cable TV shows and even Nazi Magazines! Now its becoming cool to even trump up charges on normal Citizen's. Yes, I Too Am a Victim Of Nazism. On to the next Perp They Go!!
When Will Our President actually address these issues. I thought president Obama was going to address these issues by talking to German chancellor Angela Merkel. The visit ended up being just formalities and a make up session, How about the Real things that are on Obama's mind. Has he forgotten Where he came from??
Ms. Merkel is not to be trusted, As far as I'm concerned She is becoming Ms. Kill Joy! Like "WE" are required to bail out Europe right when "WE" trying to clock a grip! When is enough...enough!! As much as she wants to blame it on Islam.. I do not buy it at all!! You can stiff the blame on someone else dear! Maybe her Nazi friends In America! Yeah, that would help! This is why I did not vote for Obama.
Why is this bad for Americans? Well its going to require Normal Americans to Bail out the EU. When their Tech jobs are down, we are going to have to flip the bill for their industry! That's billions of US Tax dollars going to bailout Europe. This is the new Obama plan!
South Africa Joining BRIC is not good for America right now! Americans must have more foresight and join South African friends and help them to become successful in their lives. Unfortunately It is becoming more lucrative to be part of the BRIC Nations for South Africa. BRIC has what it takes to make the world more advanced and Richer! This is in part because they are a very democratic Union. The new BRIC World Order is here and already at America's Door step! What will America's future be like in 30 years time?
Oil Rich Nations will hold the cards in the future! Is it worth Always bailing out Europe? Post your comments below and let me know what your thoughts are!
Samuel J Desantos