Thursday, May 13, 2010
America Is Accepting Final Solution Tactics! The False "Facade" Has Fallen!
I know many of you would argue with me at this point.. or you simply would not like to sit down and listen. You probably would end up walking away from this argument. I know in your eyes anyone who is not a Christian is a Terrorist. I know, I'm just the crazy man in the back! The one that everyone thinks is a Liberal.
After 9/11 we should not trust any of these Government Officials like former President Bush, John McCain or Sarah Palin. Even though Sarah Palin is very attractive. We should not let that get in the way.
Everyone so easily forgets the Ukrainian Pilots that supposedly lost Control of Their planes in 2002 at an Air show in the Ukraine. Killing dozens. Of course.. that had nothing to do with 9/11 or Osama Bin laden. America knows that it will not win the war on terror without the support of the Ukraine. It is vital to Americas War Effort. I guess.. its just another Air Show accident to republicans like John McCain.
America must not accept Final Solution Tactics. We should never accept this behavior. Some people think they can do it and not have any thing happen to them in return..but that's not true. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The end result will end up being the destruction of America. The liberation front will be devastating to the American people. We are already seeing some of this in America right now. All that's next is a nuclear bomb, to prove that I'm right about America being Nazi! This is it folks! Its starting. This is why I think we need to do away with some of these Isolationists on TV. They are doing nothing but just teaching our kids to just go run and hide. They are literally poisoning our youth.
Then when it comes to actually fighting we end up being stuck like stool pigeons! Catering to the upper class on the battle field. Oh and think you can trust the General for Ammo if you are black, or Jewish! Think you can do what you want in this military? You wanna be a fighter jet pilot. hum? Think again! America's Army, is not a pick and choose military! The US military is filled with rogue generals that are Nazi to the T. For Christ sake they even make everyone shave their heads totally bald before joining.
We do not need more Polarization and/or divisions in America when America still has not won the Korean wars! Sign the peace treaty! Some of these ultra conservatives go around acting as if all is OK in the world, The Korean war has not been put in the bag yet. In fact there was only an armistice signed in 1953 although there was no peace treaty. However America accepting Nazism might have changed this pact.
Because just recently there was a South Korean Military ship that was sunk in the disputed boarder zone between North and South Korea.
America has lost the Korean War, The Vietnam war and now.. the Iraq war is becoming a huge mess. Why cant they get it right? Its because, its becoming American culture to be divisive and arrogant.
How much more proof do people need on some of these Ultra Nationalists in America. They worship a blinded flag of hate and Idolatry! America's military is one of the worst Military Powers in the world because of their behavior! They want to put a bullet through the head of people who are even a bit anti war! So greedy they don't even want their own slaves to solve their problems for them! They just want people like you and me to do the back breaking work.
Its time we refuse their orders even if its the General himself! Whats the point of freeing a slave if you are not going to help them after! You are "free" to up the national debt at the bread line!
Oh and do not get me started on "Predator Missile Loving" Generals! What cowards! Sex wars at its finest hour I'm sure! Of course a Normal black man would go to jail for using one of those let alone trying to defend himself with a gun! Look at what happened to Rapper T.I. who actually was put in jail for just trying to defend himself.
The false facade has been knocked down!! America can no longer hide this intolerance from the world. This is the aftermath. Although, of course, blacks, and some Latinos can't use the "I pads" to figure it all out. Of course Ultra conservatives want Normal people like you and me to get out of that newly created private sector. Or what I like to call the New Divide! This is solely based on racial factors alone! What are they afraid of? Its time to make a change!
Anyway.. Thanks for reading my blog!
Samuel J Desantos!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Republicans Attempt To Block Learning While Having Fun!
Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia on the meaning of The Right To Education.
The right to education is recognized as a human right by the United Nations[1] and is understood to establish an entitlement to free, compulsory primary education for all children, an obligation to develop secondary education, higher education, and a responsibility to provide basic education for individuals who have not completed primary education. In addition to these access to education provisions the right to education encompasses also the obligation to eliminate discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards and to improve quality.[2] accessible to all children, as well as equitable access to
The right to education is enshrined in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 14 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.[3][4]
- Article 26
- Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
- Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
- Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
The right to education has also been reaffirmed in the 1960 UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education, 1st Protocol of ECHR and the 1981 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.[5]
The right to education may also include the right to freedom of education.Republicans and some Democrats like to make Education Compulsory and they seem to forget that there needs to be a balance if they are going to make it that way. Like for instance Under the Right To Education. Compulsory learning should be without any form of discrimination. If not then you end up breaking a lot of Civil Liberties for everyone.
A lot of America's Civil Liberties were broken when George W. Bush Left the U.N. and, Invaded Iraq. Our Right to education is still under Constant attack. The no child left behind act was a Sham. So, that means anyone can steal away our right to learn in America.. A.K.A. Sarah Palin pulling a book about "gays" from the library right when you are trying to read it for the first time. Unfortunately for America This plan has backfired on them big time.. They are only Just Now Realizing it. You can pull only so many books before the entire stack falls down! Its time to take care of your China Doll America!!
George Bush is A Nazi.. and anyone that supported him is now also considered a Nazi At Large, I don't see any other way around it. Even if you think he is cool think about what he has done! Its still working for these guys in some parts of America.. They love passing these laws that are not legit and have double meanings.
Like This new Illegal Alien law in Arizona that is being rushed past the president, do they not know that some parts of Mexico are now considered a war zone. So Its very hard to get illegals to want to even go back if they have to go back home. I don't really like using the word Illegal..because I think that's a huge Smoke Screen, for the Undocumented worker/ Modern Slave trade. I.E. The people who are hiring these guys are slave holders and mostly republican Tea Partiers that are too gone to realize it!
Some websites like Ann Coulter Chat and You Tube are even going as far as to ban people from responding to these pressing issues. To make matters worst this is even all during war time! So.. wow..That's really Amazing Freedom Of Speech! Sounds more like Nazi Germany before they were going to be bombed!
The Republican Echo Machine Continues, I'm starting to think we actually have a real case against these guys ..they are passing laws that are confusing, Causing panic and terror.. blocking me from reading! All while banning me from sharing my thoughts. When I was a Registered Republican.. they literally banned me from Every single online forum that I tried to register at.. I could not talk to anyone about any real subject matters.. because they always thought.. I was talking Crazy.. or making things.. up.. I'm still banned from just trying to expand my form of expression.
The only problem they have now is that other people are watching and they are just as angry as I am. They better watch their Ass! Why is it ok for Former President Bush to get a bag of money..but.. if a black man gets it.. then its a huge crime! Obama is just as fake.. Because he has not yet arrested Former President Bush for War Crimes.. He Can Do it.. YES HE CAN!!
I feel that there is going to be another Civil War in this country because of all the Corruption and lies. Not only is Former president bush to blame.. but now we have Generals that are going rogue as well. Our Job in Iraq as of now should be to win over the peoples hearts and minds. Although from the looks of it.. that is not happening if I cant read a simple book here in America! The Land Of The Free!! Bush and Clinton knew about 9/11 and Nazism and did nothing.
Anyway.. Thanks for reading my blog.. Later!!