Monday, March 22, 2010

Historic Health Care Bill Passed!

President Obama has got what he wished for and the most historic health care reform bill has passed the senate. The $871 billion bill passed by a very narrow margin on Thursday morning, 219-212 votes. This is very good news for average Americans who are in need of health care. Not to mention the nearly 41,000+ US Soldiers coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan who are injured or wounded.

Health care reform means the health care system as we know it will be systematically changed. Its time that we make them pay or Strike! We are no longer going to put up with health care the way its run right now! No more hospital cover ups, reform is here!

Republicans argue that this health care bill will be used to kill babies and commit abortion. Their slogan leading up to all of this was to kill the bill! I'm sorry republicans you cant have it both ways! That's like talking out the side of your neck! To many young people are dying in wars for Republicans to use the Abortion argument here! Even though I agree most of the time that Abortion is not right.

According to CBS, The health care bill in the first six months covers you from the following

  • Insurance companies cannot drop you if you become sick.
  • There is no life time coverage cap
  • Children are covered under the plan until age 26
  • The bill also contains coverage of uninsured with pre-existing conditions
Now lets take a look at what republicans find repulsive about this bill. Republicans don't want to give full coverage to people who are uninsured and have pre existing conditions. That basically means that they don't want to pay for little Timmy's $5 generic cotton arm brace. These Republicans need to listen and start paying for their damage on society. We don't need another "Instyler" Emergency! Especially after 9/11. These types of Accidents will not continue to go on unnoticed.

These Conservatives love kids so much, but, how about they man up and support kids that need medical treatment! I mean come on! Stop Neglecting kids!

Republicans like John boehner make absolutely no sense when they say that there is no transparency in this bill. In fact its republicans who are against transparency. In fact Ever since president bush took office we as citizens have lost so many civil liberties its laughable for him to say this. Former President Bush has ruined America!

Look at the whole swine flu out break! Could it be another reason to hate bush? There are a more then a few people in the blog-o-sphere who think its depopulation. Remember President Obama has only been in office for 2 years now! While bush had plenty of time to clean up health care! They didn't want to even pay Americans for the clean up of the bio hazard in hospitals! That's how lazy republicans are! Look at the mess it has caused! The CDC said there are more then 21,400 cases and 87 deaths nationwide. These numbers are off as well. The statistics could be even higher as of 2010!

If you didn't already know Just like toxic waste from a nuclear power plant, hospitals also have to clean up and get rid of all kinds of bio hazards. From fecal matter, needles, blood, urine, etc. This is a dirty job and can cause infection and even death if you are not care full enough.

Could this have all been from the bush administrations lack of effort and focus on America? Unfortunately, Americans got stiffed with the high health care bill and also got swine flu at the same time. This could all be prevented by teaching people how to wash their hands and teaching them how to remove Bio hazards carefully.

Mean while Republican Law makers in 16 states have sent in affidavits to try to repeal this health care bill. These republicans basically all think they are still in control of their offices? They know better then to try to repeal this bill. Just give it up, This bill will be moved forward if they like it or not. They are going to have to pay! Timmy needs new glasses to see the building! I'm sorry! Wake Up!!

Besides there is no way the chamber of commerce will repeal this bill that was just now passed. This is a historical event! Never in America's history have we seen this kind of out pouring of support for health care reform! This is a major defeat for republicans.

Here are some republicans by name that have come out against Obama's Health Care Reform bill! They must be stopped at all cost! They are all Radical loons! Lets Vote them out of their respected positions and march against their rallies!

John McCain (AKA McRock) (AKA Sticks In Shoes)

Mitt Romney

The Tea Party (AKA the Skull Cap Party)

John Boehner

Michele Bachmann ( AKA Ms. No)

Jim Demint

Ann Coulter (AKA The Jesus Cop)

Steve King

Newt Gingrich (AKA The Political Mummy)
Glenn Beck (AKA The Nazi Loon)
Rush Limbaugh (AKA "The Self Professed Child Of God")
Judd Gregg
Kay Bailey
Ken Buck
Jerry Moran
Phil Troyer

This is just a small number of people that are against the bill. Even the Tea Party is going to end up losing momentum once people realize that this health care bill is going to work! Of course republicans just might try to sabotage this bill. They have done it before with overwhelming negligence alone. I urge health care professionals to watch for this type of movement by republicans! Its a very sneaky trick!

Later guys!

Samuel J Desantos

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Have Had Enough With The Republican Party!

I am no longer a member of the Republican Party. To my colleagues, and my friends that I will leave behind.. I will only say that I have cried for you and I wish that you would change your ways of Greed, Negligence, Lies, Corruption, and Hate! To my dear friends in the Republican party. Keep fighting for Freedom of speech even though I know you just want me to shut up. Who knows maybe we will see eye to eye in the near future!

What hurts the most is the lies about 9/11 propagated by Christian Conservatives. Never even getting the proper Emergency 911 Treatment as a kid makes this hurt even worst for me. That's what amazes me the most to this day. Just tell the truth to the American people. Think About the kids! What if America was Nuked tomorrow cause of Gods False teaching? Would you want 1 million kids dying cause of a false god and your Human Trafficking? Show some Class!!

We don't need more Southern Baptist Churches on my block bring in more human trafficking victims here to America! I'm sorry Its time for that church to move! I guess you missed that Nuclear fly over by President Bush?

The Republican Party has gotten away with killing education as much as the democrats. Even going as far as to take away a kids right to learn. Calling it a privilege and not a right. This has been the well repeated Straw on the camels back for me. You have to go to school to go to school, that was really stupid! I'm Really disgusted by it and now we are getting back at them for it!

What the Republican party needs to do to be more effective is to start talking more and listening more! It seems only one sided from this party! Its like, not ever being able to get your point across and having them even make fun of you for not getting your train of thought ready. Its like they are shooting you while you are talking or trying to make your point! That's the republican party!

The one concern that really changed my view of the Republican party is this need to stay celibate and Isolated! That's just so disgusting It makes me sick every time! Not to mention not being able to look at women on TV. I mean.. I just wanted to record a few videos of Ann Coulter from the TV Tunner I own. You would think I would have every right to do this in my own home? My rights have been trampled on here!

I am an Entity! AKA, I have a Real existence here in this town! I'M REAL AND I'M FOR REAL!! They better believe it! Some people say you are not viewed as being human until you are labeled an entity. Even though the Madera P.D. would like to say otherwise I am an entity. I have every right to look at women on TV. Also, I have a right to have my mom teach me how to spell my last name and my dads last name. Poor Teachers couldn't do it!

Another element of the republican party that ticks me off is that most republicans think they are officials placed to a higher office! AKA the Jesus Cops! Like Ann Coulter who thinks she should do away with all the Officials in the USA!

The Republicans think they are all cops! That means that some Republican cops can end up arresting you because they think you are not having sex with your girl friend fast enough! Or they might think you are raping your own girl friend! This could include your own mom! This is how sick the republican party is!

Also they can try to arrest you or stop you from driving your own car cause they think you stole it! This is called "Grand Theft Auto"! Cops do it too! Its happening more then you think!

This need to impersonate officials or cops has gotten republicans into trouble before in the past. Entire Police offices could be shut down! No need to check on me when I'm making love, or whoopy! Sorry officer, I think I'll pass!

They need to go somewhere else with that mess! I thought Jesus was, supposed to save you and make all your troubles go away! Lets be fat and marry they said! Just not when there is Uranium in the waters in Madera CA ! Not to mention the poisoned food! That's when Jesus says bye bye!

Move away you dumb Church! Anyway.. I think I have had enough with this article today!

Thanks for reading my blog guys!