The U.S. Military Is hiding the real U. S. Soldier casualties & death toll from the American people! The Baghdad juba sniper really did some damage on the US Coalition Soldiers. The gun man killed 29 US Soldiers. This was just one sniper! Imagine 50 snipers on average having 29 kills each. That's about 1400 kills for just 50 snipers. Yet none of these stats were reported on the US Media airwaves. As of right now year 2010 according to most Media outlets the total US Coalition Military Casualties in Iraq are 4,698. This number is way off!!! It just doesn't add up!
Will America be able to win this Holy War? I have my doubts. This is because they are already losing it here at home. If you can't win in America, why wage a holy war in another country? It just doesn't make sense! Its like going into your neighbors house to tell them to clean, before you clean your house yourself. Even though you yourself stole the only vacuum attachment piece in your own house and the neighbors house. That's what the U.S. coalition soldiers are doing by staying in Iraq and Afghanistan!
America's war effort is turning out to have a racist agenda! It's about who is superior and being impenitent. Even the top commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan are racist! Did Timmy run out of ammo? Or did black Timmy Steal it? It all emanates from whats happening here in this U.S. government of ours.
This alone should be enough proof to pull all US soldiers out of these wars you would think? But.. Apparently not good enough for President Obama which has sent in 30,000 more troops to the region. This is after a new statistic showed that there were more then 41,000 troops injured in Iraq and Afghanistan. Again these numbers are off...way off!
If you were to multiply my earlier calculations of the death toll. Say add 350 snipers getting on average 29 kills each. That's around 10,150 U.S. coalition fatalities. These numbers should never be classified. The American people have a right to know! This is our tax money going out the proverbial window!
Will America's and N.A.T.O.'s alliance with Russia fail in Iraq and Afghanistan? It has already begun to show some wear and tear. This is all besides the missing vacuum attachment! In fact according to Russia Today, Russia has introduced a counter measure to black water in Iraq. Black water as you know is the failed US securities program. This has left a huge gap in security. Russia has Interests in Iraq and Afghanistan and intends to keep them.
As you know the Soviets fought a battle with the Taliban in the 1980's before pulling all of its forces out. The US media wants us to believe that the Soviets Lost this war. Yet the Soviets still have a base of operation. So it has a vested interest in the outcome of these two wars. Now is it just me or does it seem like America is hiding something here from the American People?
Again this is the media fudging the facts and making us Beg for more!
How will America deal with the insurgents getting military arms from Iran? According to Russia today Hilary Clinton has said she would not attack Iran. However the US military has a huge military presence in the Persian Gulf. America's military has already been stretched too thin.
How will we deal with this crisis? How about we deal with it like how miss Ohio deals with her hair.. you have to give it a shower once in a while, and not just a perfunctory bath. You see its so simple......
According to sources from Russia Today the Russian military has interests in Iran and has sold Iran s-300 defence Missiles. Will these missiles be used to Attack Coalition forces in Iraq? This is the boiling point! Of course there is a media black out on subject matters like this in America. Hell, Most people don't even know there is a war going on in Georgia, Between Russian and Georgian forces. These Georgian troops were trained by US soldiers. Tensions, causing cover ups, and lies! This is the "holy war"!
Nothing can be more sinful then this battle between Georgia and Russia. Where the president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili committed ethnic cleansing. These acts of violence were carried out on regular people going to church in Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the break away region of Georgia. Killing more then 2,000+ residents over night. This man is a monster and needs to be stopped. How can you put a hit out on church goers? That is the ultimate sin!
According to http://war.georgia.su/ . Saakashvili had no mercy for anyone, killing women, children and elderly. The wounded were beaten with bayonets and shot. Some were burnt alive in their homes. About 34,000 of Ossetians from Tskhinvali and local villages, had to run for their lives from Georgian tanks, bombers and snipers. The whole population of South Ossetia is about 70,000 people.
Both Russia and Georgia have tried to make an attempt to block any reporting of the Genocide and war crimes going on inside of Georgia since 2008. Georgia is just now a small portion of what it once was. America has failed in its attempt at foreign policy with this matter. What happened to freedom of speech?
America has always had a flawed foreign policy. This has been the American way since George Washington. Isolation and nonintervention, has been America's foreign policy. Just like the genocide in Rwanda was not on the agenda. America didn't really expect the genocide to happen in Georgia but it did. America usually is to busy with its own genocide to worry about others.
America in fact donated 100 million dollars worth of Arms to Saakashvili's regime. This goes to show you how America is still making bad foreign policy moves. Taking one dictator out and replacing them with another equally as bad dictator or in this case sponsoring a hitler like dictator such as Saakashvili.
My colleagues have said why would I support taking down a man like Saakashvili. What they fail to comprehend is that Saakashvili would easily kill older church goers like themselves. I have seen the intelligence photos. They are not pretty! These are innocent church members that just wanted to break away from the confinement of a government such as Saakashvili's regime in south Georgia.
Thanks for reading my blog everyone.
Samuel J Desantos