I have learned now to try not to think like a hater and think more positive about life. It has opened many doors for me. A lot of people get mad at one person or one type of person, when they don't realize people are influenced by their culture and surroundings. I noticed by just telling people not to hate it really makes a difference. Next time you are in a jam... let them know.. DON'T HATE!
This usually ends the conflict right there..Think positive. If someone is bothering you, find a way to get away from that person. Even if its the smallest avenue. What I like to think about, When someone is really hating on me, is how the German Capital got bombed to ruin. I Envision myself as a pilot Dropping the bomb on the German capital. Watching as the Nazi's were destroyed in WW2 By Stalin and the allied forces. This type of positive thinking will move mountains.
I feel like telling Rush Limbaugh, don't hate! Don't hate the people in Haiti! Why should we the people Not Donate to "Haiti" right now when they are in need? OK.. Think positive... In my mind, I'm dropping the bomb on the Nazi's right now, again dropping the bomb on the Nazi's, ahhhhhhh. No more haters! Oh.. and no more Salvation Army In Madera CA? (DON'T FREAKING HATE!!) OK.. But.. we still have Rush Limbaugh.. "The child of god", a man who has said.. Don't Donate to "Haiti" right now.
As you may or may not know the small Nation of Haiti was Rocked with a 7.0 earth quake in the town of Port Au Prince on the 12th of January 2010. Many After Shocks were reported which were very damaging to the already Annihilated Town of Port Au Prince Haiti. Even the Port Where shipments of goods are stored have had container crates knocked over by the earths deadly Rattle. If you can imagine, these crates weigh over 1,000 lbs. Geologists say this earth quake was the deadliest because it was very close to the earths surface, so the ground was able to move more freely.
Anyway, Rush Limbaugh is trying to say that we should not donate to Haiti right now after the quake...cause we would be helping Obama to and I quote "burnish his credibility with the black and light skinned community. Wow Is this the party I signed up for?? Whats next a drunk Ann Coulter chiming in saying that the Haitian Earth Quake was actually a Russian Made weapon and we shouldn't be so quick to move in to save everyone?? Stealing my stuff again! I didn't Know the Dark Skinned Haitian people were the enemy!!
Unfortunately 100,000 are feared dead. Usually this total is over estimated. The total Could rise to this number. CNN is reporting that its even more something like 150,000 people feared dead.
America is the only Country in the world that would try to come into Haiti with weapons drawn to give aid! Yeah, hit them while they are down.. What a low blow. This is why America is dying by its own sin! America can not hide from the shame of their evil tricks!! Even God gave CNN Another After shock!
Thank god for the celebs for coming out in full force to donate to Haiti.. Everyone from John Travolta, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie. John Travolta actually flew in his own plane to donate much needed supplies. Which is a much faster way of getting the aid to the right places.
Also some countries that are still on the United States list of countries that sponsor terror have donated to the relief efforts in Haiti. Such as Iran who Donated 100,000 dollars, and 616 tons of supplies and reconstruction materials! Although Saudi Arabia has not donated a penny or a band aid yet. However you can not always trust the US Media for it is filled with propaganda about oil rich nations!
President Lula Of Brazil has demanded that the United States Do more for the rescue efforts. 13 Brazilian troops are trapped in the rubble and feared dead. Brazil has troops on the ground that were helping maintain control of the Government after thugs and rebels tried to over take over the Haitian government in 1996. This is a Brazil and U.N. Lead Effort to maintain stability in the country! Backed by China and France among other nations. This is astounding for the US to come in with Arm's! Amazing.. They go to war after 9/11 and they come in with their guns drawn here? This is America's Image around the world still! Pigs At war After 9/11.
The up side and the positive side is that America will now be forced to help Haiti Rebuild. The bad part is that most likely they will just be taking credit for what the U.N. and Brazil have already done. This is America's Policy Isolate, Take over, and use as a tool. I'm very ashamed at this country at the foreign policy we have.
In my quest to think positive I got to thinking why would a person like Rush Limbaugh say such negative things about donation when people were in need. I thought OK.. Maybe he is in my Shoes. Maybe he..really has had someone messing with him his whole life.. Maybe he has had people stealing from him too and no one did anything about it. Maybe someone did try to kill his post office that was right next door! Maybe he never got 911 treatment ever! Maybe he doesn't like giving his money away! Ok These are all things that I would agree that might make him say those things. Although, 100,000 people died man. That's Not Right! Don't you care?
What I have learned about these political pundits is that the best thing to do sometimes is to just turn them off! They end up going away when you just hit the off button on your TV. This is the best thing since slice bread I hear. Boom, no more negative thoughts!
Anyway.. Thanks for reading my blog everyone.
Samuel J Desantos