Not only can't Obama keep the White House dinning guest list secure but he is also blind to the Problems Americans like himself are facing today. This man is a drunk! He needs to see his notes! He drinks too much beer..Nuclear cool aid filled beer! This is a second rate administration for sure. Obama is losing major points at the polls. His Numbers are dwindling!
According to CNN, currently Obama has a 48% Approval rating. This is in contrast to his over 70%+ approval rating when he entered the white house. Obama has failed this country and himself. Of course Obama is following the footsteps of the bush Administration. This is because he has no other choice. He might be a free man but he is not a well informed man! They know what he needs but they don't want to give it to him. The President Bush Remnents that is.
This is because they the people in this government are racist! The racists that think this would mean the destabilization of America as we know it. Heaven forbid Obama actually Free's some black people. In America blacks are free to do what they want but no one cares. This is called Isolationism and its still racist! This is America's problem and this is America's new war! Not some stupid war in Iraq!
The Racist Generals in Iraq and Afghanistan are struggling to survive. The only way these generals were able to get support for the war was to use racist propaganda. Including recruiting users in video games with a KKK backing using the "Steam client" to get clan members to join the military. Former Nazi killers and drug dealers! Activision is known for making games that allow users to use discriminating words like the N word. Activision has no comment on this matter. They are also "All That Is Wrong With The Republican Party"!
Currently there is a BBB injunction put into place to stop the steam client from running. This is a breach of contract between the costumers and the company. No where on the front or the back of the box cover does it state that you need the Internet to play single player mode and no where on the front of the box cover does it state that it uses the Steam client! Owned by "Valve" a Racist (Nazi) company. Activision is suffering from lack of sales because of the video game bust. Yet the General See's this as a huge opening to get many young people to go to war. Of course all brainwashed to be racists in the name of America's blinded flag.
OK.. so you say steam has nothing to do with Obama....well what if the people that voted for Obama are STEAMED and they want their MONEY BACK!!! Not the same STEAM is it?
Obama is having problems truly expressing his goals and ambitions to the and I quote "officials" in the oval office. Most of these guys are the ones responsible for the Treason that happened on 9/11. The Sleeper Nazi Cell penetrated the Pentagon and now the white house . Apparently they are still there and given plenty of room to navigate.
Come on, Stop pulling my chain, I know Obama is just there to drive the Bushes Around if he is not going to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm not that blind. Dick Cheney is! Also known as the "church hill" ghost!
Of Course Obama has inherited the bush policy of stupidity. This policy of following the lemmings over a cliff has molded this country into the current state of unrest. This campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan is going to require allies that the US Government does not have. Of course except for some Nazi remnents that are still out there in Berlin. These are the men that are still fighting for the German Capital! They vow to spill their blood if anyone touches that German capital again. Luckily for us we have "Joseph Stalin" to thank for bombing the German capital along with the allied forces when they were fighting Hitler to take back control of Poland and France. Thank God For Stalin! Anyone who Says they are against Stalin is a "Nazi collaborator" and should be arrested! Joseph Stalin was a good man.
Of course the bush Administration made many mistakes like, the bush administration had many wonderful ideas down pact on paper, These ideas then didn't really work out when they tried to complete them in larger scale. My Assumption is that they just didn't care enough. Of course also because of internal forces pulling down on such a huge Nazi scheme. There might not have been enough people actually backing them up!
The proof was when hurricane Katrina hit and no one was there to save the black people on the roof tops! They looked like plucked turkeys sitting there waiting for Gods Slaughter!
The proof was when hurricane Katrina hit and no one was there to save the black people on the roof tops! They looked like plucked turkeys sitting there waiting for Gods Slaughter!
The Gears of war are set! Now its who is going to actually win the battle. Obama has sent an additional 100,000 troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. Its not a question of loss of life. Its more of a question about what our troops are fighting for. Do you really want to have your son or daughter fight for a Nazi Collaborator? I mean the proof is in the pudding here folks, or Obama beer if you will!
Does This Country need Another Nuclear fly over? I hope not! Cause I'm A Free Bitch BABY!!! Not Some blind Dick Cheney. Your messiah was never mine! Maybe They missed a sock Drawer or twenty in the oval office? They Should have seen that one coming a billion miles away!! Racism will bury this country! Gods Mighty Hand has Already given this Country A huge sucker Punch! The Bush administrations response to Katrina was slow because "God Hates The Bush Administration"!! Genocide and all!
Whats funny about "The Obama Administration" is that even though supposedly he is the president.. there is a substantial number of jurystrictions that he doesn't really control. Even though he is supposedly the president of the United states!! There must be Nazi Bush remnents still trying to snuff out the last remaining flames of their own demise. Sounds like Another brewing war from inside!! Like Madera CA a city with no free Consultations from a lawyer for miles!! What a disaster waiting to happen!!!
This all stems from the bush administrations ban on all law suits! looks like its BABABABA BAR FOR OBAMA! Why Should we the people have to contact the BAR , WE HAVE RIGHTS, AND WE CAN USE THEM!!!!!!
Obama's push to Give out Stimulus money has made many people on the Right upset, This Would be free government bail outs from the over $878 billion dollars of stimulus money available in the first round of bail outs. This would go toward creating new green jobs, and helping the environment, also promoting retail sales from all the happy people using the cash that they have. The only problem is that president bush tried the very same thing! The only difference is that we didn't get the stimulus check. At least I didn't get mine in the mail yet. It went to all those rich white people!
Yes Ashton Kutcher wants 2 checks!!
As you can see this war is costing us!! sooner or later these gears of war are going to bring this country to a screeching halt. This stimulus money can all go to waste if we are not careful. This stimulus money Shouldn't be spent in the first place.. its coming out of thin air. If we borrow more money from china and we don't create any new real jobs.. I'm talking about hardcore industrial jobs then we have just shot ourselves in the foot as a nation.
Anyway.. Thanks for reading my blog everyone.
Peace out..
Samuel J Desantos