My latest affliction with the Republican party is with Republicans that like to take advantage of conservatism for profit! This type of insider trading needs to stop. Now this type of practice has landed many republicans in the big house! This kind of concept will ruin a company from the ground up! Usually its Republicans that are to blame for this kind of insider trading.
Biding on someones money is one thing.. but then trying to devalue that same amount of money is another thing all together! This is why china is dumping the USA dollar. The illegal buying and selling of securities by people acting on information. Reminds me of the time when a little child stole my stuff and never gave it back! That's how I learned about the dangers of insider trading 101. Should We As Americans forgive that little child? I would say yes.. but what if he continues to do it!! This is the Republican Party! God will take care of everything! Or is it Allah?
The ultimate sin is when republicans start taking advantage of conservatism for profit. That means blocking promotions! This is exactly what I'm against! This has started to show up more and more in today's modern companies. Companies like White Westing House, Apetek, Sony, Apple, and Verizon Wireless.
Not only are the products at fault but so are the practices by the Ceo's, Who are apparently non existent. White Westing House has lost major respect with me Recently for selling LCD's that are broken in 1 year. My money is not going to bail them out from China dumping the dollar! Verizon Wireless has lost respect from not answering my questions about my free phone service. In fact they totally disrespected me as a costumer! I hope they know their service can be shut down! I still Don't get why my phone says free on it and neither does Verizon Wireless apparently!
Apetek's name basically says it all and so does their shoddy products that don't work!!! Sony is notorious for shipping thousands of PS2's to America that were rushed out and defective.. lucky I won a case against Sony entertainment of America and got them to fix my item By threatening to contact the BBB. Same with Apple and their new IPhone.. that has a short battery life!
I get frustrated especially with my republican colleagues. They tend to think they are always right. Even when it comes to shooting down my ideals and then stealing it for themselves later! Which usually happens after I write something really smart down on paper! Or when I try to affirm a really good idea out loud!
You can even forget about starting a small business within America now that republicans have started using the patriot act to snoop on small businesses! This type of thing should be considered insider trading and fraud.
Who is to stop some Racist Republican from using the protection of the patriot act to steal someones work for themselves! Like what Edison did to Tesla (This Is Personal)! Ultra American Nationalists are still using this as an excuse for all kinds of things. Well.. two can play at that game! Sony should have "Mod chipped" my Play Station 2!
Some republicans find that even 911 treatment is a privilege and not a right! I wonder what they have learned after the events of 9/11. I bet it was nothing! One real big slave trade case still in the works with no free consultations for miles!! Sounds like the next lynching Capital AKA America!
Another Ache I have with the republican party is that they have become supporters of don't ask don't tell! Does that mean they are the "Rape" Party As well! YES I SAID IT! "Rape" Party! Cause its "Forget About it" with the Republicans! Forget about it.. until you give your last heart to Christ! This is the republican party!
Another complaint I have with Republicans is they just don't like to listen (that is when they are not busy snooping on you)! Name one Republican that will actually sit down and listen to your hardcore nail down points. They wont.. They all just walk away.. This is because they don't have any counter argument. Usually when I nail down my republican colleagues with a really good debate they get mad and walk away. As if I'm some brute who just yelled at them or is not making any sense logically.
Republicans use this tactic called "Wait it Out And Strike" Or "Bait and Switch". Or they like to continue to talk when you have a really good point you want to make. Almost like a really stuck up teacher that needs to be brought down a notch!
That brings me to rapper Eminem, Who is a Racist Republican Rapper, Sexist, and homo phobe. His latest racist rant goes on to talk about world domination and how he will commit genocide on all his enemies. If you don't believe me listen to his rap (foolish pride). He is in fact a racist, I cant believe I was duped all this time! Still duped by his name! I was told by my republican colleagues that this does not sound like the company M&M.. Although it sounds very similar.
The republican party cant help but continue to make oxymoron's like Eminem. Its just a bad habit to break for them. Like trying to block media while at the same time advocating freedom of speech! This is something the republican party does often and its really pissing me off!
Another pang I have with the republican party is that they seem to not really understand the meaning of "Free Love"! My Colleagues especially, automatically assume Free Love is a bunch of gays having promiscuous Anal sex.. and giving each other HIV AIDS! That's not what Free Love means!
Free Love has always been about not letting Government regulate love! Its All about free love! It has nothing to do with multiple sex partners! Relationships entered freely should not be regulated by law! This is the Free Love Movement and I agree with it! The government should not tell us what we can and cant do in our homes!!!
There is no romance in the Christian Conservative Movement today as we know it.
These Christian Conservative Republicans really bother me! Especially the ones that like to clock you when you are trying to be christian, Being christian is not just a job you sign up for! It takes faith and dedication.
Its almost like the vibe I get from most republicans is to just live! Although what comes after that or who is in a superior position god will handle! So what is a young kid to do when he is dealing with these issues.. well.. Just remember that, the republican party right now is pretty much dead! At least that's what the preacher told me about Jesus! There is no real clear leader in the party right now.. Who is a good choice for president in 2012! No one knows!
Thanks for reading my blog guys
Samuel J Desantos