Thursday, January 29, 2009

The American government soon to collapse

As I stated in my previous article. The American government is soon to collapse by its own sin. While the "white" celebs drink their nice clear bottled water the residents of madera CA, Fresno CA, and San Francisco CA, continue to suffer from black drinking water. The subsentce in this water could be anything. In fact this journalist thinks its some kind of radio active waste from one of the old refinery's in town. The black water comes and the wind and my X girl friends. Yes America is getting 3rd world status drinking water in their pipes! Faster then a woman can get a date at the so hoe bar!

Like I said in my previous articles. Say a prayer for California, they need it. Madera CA is moving toward being a ghost town, if they are not careful. The residents in Madera CA are not going to tolerate this kind of down right neglect by the city officials. Madera CA needs to hire more water treatment officials, maybe someone who isn't drinking clear bottled water everyday while the common folk suffer.

The public roads department in Madera is even worse then most cities. They have yet to install a decent side walk on Sherwood ave. A memorial lays on the ground. My expectations for The water quality to get better is going to be a key factor on if I should invite my friends to move to town. Of Course Madera City Officials wouldn't like that!

As home owners know, with poor drinking water, the property value goes down. If Madera doesn't improve the drinking water situation. I foresee Madera's life span shortening drastically.

San Francisco continues to sell out. While at the same time not updating their water treatment plants. The public schools in SF have some of the uncleanliest water ever recorded! This could make any republican walk off a neural surgery. The lead poisoning cases in SF is off the charts. They need to update their water treatment by 2010 or I see San Francisco's life span shortening dramatically as well.

Also the mutants need to be free. In San Francisco, I feel this is very important. Hopefully Obama will address something about the special people. Everyone needs to be cared for extra special if you really say you are christian. You know, like giving neural surgery at the local hospital. Also given jobs. Just like everyone else. Mutants are people too you know.

Fresno's Water is as old and dirty as the dinosaur show at the save mart center! Can save mart save the water for their momma! No stomach bug please!! You feel like an old man has farted next to you and is putting it in your water. Which reminds me of smell-a-vision when I first tried it! Ill save that for another journal entry.

Anyway thanks for reading my blog guys

Peace out!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rod Blagojevich still being challenged?

The "Reform" Governor from Illinois, Rod Blagojevich was in an on going scandal that revolved around trying to sell, Barack Hussein Obama's senate seat, Obama's senate seat was in Ohio. If I'm not mistaken. Maybe the water is polluted over here in sunny Madera CA, or maybe its just the media! It seems like magically Obama was beamed to Illinois, and now the presidency of the united states.

Blagojevich hired Mr Ronald Burris to replace Barack Hussein Obama in the senate. This action was done as a necessity to fill the remaining 2 years of Obama's senate seat. The political scene in that part of the country is very corrupt. The illinois legislator needs to let Blagojevich bring his witnesses to trial. Otherwise I feel this is a political lynch mob run by the media and talk radio.

Both Ohio, and Illinois have the most nuclear dumping sites with high level uranium. It is unheard of! No one talks about it until its in a "white" child's mouth, or someone dies. Illinois spreads about 1,000 tons of high level nuclear waste alone into the ground. Ohio has about 800 High Level Dumping sites. There is even more low level amounts that enter the atmosphere each day.

In 2006, Exelon was sued by the state of Illinois (Blagojevich's Reform party) for failing to report that its Brainwood nuclear plant had been releasing waste water containing traces of Radioactive tritium into the ground water surrounding the plant since 1996.

Acid rain continues to be a huge problem in America and in Illinois. Acid Rain has filled many lakes and has caused ecological death, and destruction. Can someone tell, the people, the bears, and the raccoons to not eat the dead fish if you happen to find them there in a lake belly up! It has happened more then once in Illinois, and Ohio.

Blagojevich is still being challenged. He is set to be impeached for doing his Job. Hopefully this will come to an end soon. Our planet needs less nuclear waste production.

Thanks for reading my Blog

Samuel J Desantos

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I Can't Be A Man In America? Only A Whining Blind fool?

Well Apparently Its true. The USA Military, Officially one of the Militaries in last Place in the world, Does Not Know how to use the Internet! When you try to volunteer in the Army Corps Of Engineers, you never get a phone call back by an actual army person. I guess they all were taken out By a Hurricane of biblical proportions!

Thank "Jesus Christ The Lord" for that one!

Ill tell you guys and gals what I received. All You get is the same application you applied with online as a paper saying for you to apply again by sending your application to an application coordinator. Well I'm telling you this is a huge military catastrophe and oversight. Especially after Katrina. What a dead military!! You Don't feel The love Cup cakes!

President Elect Obama, is too busy, and slow worried about the next terrorist attack. Which will most likely happen in San Francisco, CA, Or Fresno CA, USA. Purely because of the lack of ability to powder your child. This kind of event will wake the liberals up yet again. I didn't want to say it.. But you are gonna hear me say it..cup cakes... I think America is Almost no more.. Say a prayer for California and NY! Which this journalist feels is already headed down the narrow path to hell.

Apparently This Journalist is not welcome as a humble, park ranger. A whole year and not one phone call, from the parks service. Wow.. the arrogance! My application said I was going to get a call.. Not one call came for me. What a country this is. What a country! I'm being Sarcastic in case you didn't notice.

America of New Orleans is Garbage town now. As Far as I'm concerned, If I wanted to join the military that is! Still no phone call! Oh Wow, They really want me..!! Oh Cupcakes!! Oh cup cakes! I can't even go and chop down trees for free.. or go help out the hurricane relief effort! Or work at See's candy powdering! Amazing. This is great! This makes me feel like less of a victim right!!

America is officially Raccoon city. If you ever played the video game resident evil you will know what I'm talking about. This is exactly what America has turned into in the last 8 years and what Obama will be faced with in his Presidency. Especially after the black out of 2003. Your Skull cap cup cakes are running out "General". Their selling like hot cakes! Although Of course I just can't possibly volunteer.. Oh... yes.. Of course.

Yes We must Shut down the illegals coming into this country.. Although going after the companies that bring them here and then employ them is out of the question! Including The DMV, and the libraries.. Of course the Libraries and the DMV are not a business. Come on Cup cakes.. I got some muffins for you to butter!!

R.I.P. America

Samuel J Desantos

Friday, January 2, 2009

Someone Free The American Women!

America Still struggles in the 21st century with its modern woman image. Sadly the American woman is still "enslaved". They are literally not allowed to do the common things that you or I would do. Like be a head pastor in a church of god! It is like watching one of those horror movies where an animal is trapped in a cage and then eventually dies helplessly trying to escape! American women are not given proper medical treatment at hospitals. Proper wages, love, and the same respect as men in the office! In fact some are even treated like slaves, sex slaves and sub human. No longer can a woman be gentile on TV!

If you flip the TV dial, you will notice that women's TV shows are non existent. Even women's sports is not enough! Women's sports should be an all women's event but for men to watch! America is in fact denying women the same equal treatment as men. Just as much or even more then blacks. It is to a point where I feel like if any woman should be saved from Iraq it should be an American woman!

This becomes even more apparent when, you look at christian pastors on TV. I took a look at pastors that were reading the bible for more then 20 minutes. Males outnumber women 5 to 1. You just don't see female head pastors. Its a shame. Shows where America is headed! Down the narrow path to hell!

I feel the root of this problem of course can be found in how we teach women sexual education, Love, self esteem, and confidence at a very young age! A lot of women these days are taught to hate themselves. I feel if we teach women how to love themselves and others more, the world would be a better place.

This problem also stems from women not feeling like they own their own bodies and the babies that they make! Its funny how American men & the government think they own our bodies. I don't think the war in Iraq saved the American woman! I don't think America wants to see the liberation front to save the American woman. It will be devastating! Unfortunately the war to shatter America will be only over powder and the ability to powder your child in your own cage, and I'm not talking about a white terrorist. America can no longer neglect its children and its women!

These kinds of Assaults on the American Woman, like the ones mentioned above, makes me sick to my stomach. How can the American government be sanctioning this kind of act. Well, Besides the fact that Americans are OK with this genocidal waste land. Selling 100% natural poison at every health store to babies and kids a like..Besides the fact that Christians think its OK to shoot each other instead of planting Stevia and Hemp to bake brownies...Well by keeping women down, they produce more dumb Americans. The US government then uses them for the green peace movement insurgency in the GOP. This is what was seen during the hippie era and caused so many problems for America. This ended up replicating the enslaving machine we see now.

Hopefully the only good thing to come from President elect Obama is that he can finally free the slaves that remain! Including the female slaves. Although some of these guys are hard core slaves and they don't want to be saved! It might take an O~bamb`ing or 2. To wake them up. I'm personally still waiting for my 50 acres and a mule. I mean where is it now. Seriously!

A lot of the jobs that women normally would get are going overseas, we need to start a movement to sanction the USA and complain against illegals at the same time. Sanction the USA & fuck illegals!! Sound like a plan! Get it? Good. Is it that hard for the liberal media to do this?

I guess we can come to the conclusion that women in America are not happy being trapped but want to get in a cage of their own choosing! Also that white women get out of the proverbial cage more often then blacks and Hispanic women. This however is very short lived. Since a lot of white women don't know how to lead other women, as well as men!

This comes from years of oppression. Seeing as the first female voter was back in 1869 in the slave era! Luckily the ban on female voters was lifted in the 1920s. However female slaves were not freed and allowed to vote until 1948, More then 28 years later. Black female rights are still challenged today on a constant basis. Black women are still enslaved in my opinion.

How can it be that American women are still oppressed today? I just don't get it. I took a class on advanced psychology and the studying of women. To find out more! This class was also about relationships. This was not a feminist class in anyway, this class didn't require notes and was a field course. We got to talk to women and meet up with them.

I did a controlled test! I asked several hundred women on the Internet different questions! What is it that women want? What do you want! Etc..They all pretty much gave me the lame duck answer of how they wanted a knight in shining armor.. also how they wanted a man to take care of them and secure them in every way shape and form. Also, that they wanted a confident guy. Needless to say no woman I meet said they wanted a guy that they could control or that they wanted to wear the pants in the relationship.

This is amazing because this rides against all the things that feminist are about. It doesn't make sense. They want to be feminists and princesses also? Could this be ruining America??

Thanks for reading my blog guys.

Samuel J Desantos